Check Your Cheek
May 4, 2008
Title: Check Your Cheek
Text: Matthew 5:38-48
Proposition: We have misunderstood the purpose of confrontation and reconciliation.
Application: Understanding reconciliation to be an expression of God’s love transforms our handling of our enemies in a reflection of Christ.
Question: Is the Father right in Coward of the County? Does turning the other cheek mean running away from trouble when you can?
A. Trusting in the letter of the law
Exodus – 21& 22
Lex talionis – Limits on vengeance given to the government for the protection of the offender.
Example – Lamech – Genesis 4:23-24
Roman Law – A Soldier can draft anyone to walk the mile.
· The teaching indicates as life does that conflict will happen.
· The response is not to flee from conflict, but use this moment to demonstrate love to another person.
B. Why?
A. It places trust in the fact that God is the avenger (Romans 12:17-21)
B. It is a reflection of Christ and his activity of love (Philippians 2:5-11)
The one who created the cheek had both of his struck
His tunic and his Robe were gambled for by his enemies
He gave freely his blood which Peter says is more valuable the silver or gold.
Going beyond what is required is the nature of the gospel itself.