Hollow or Hallow
July 08, 2007
Opening Text: Philippians 2:9-13
Title: Hollow or Hallow (10 Commandments Series)
Text: Exodus 20:7
James 5:16 – Car Crash, Words that I thought and used
Is this sin? Yes, but it is the least of our worries
Name – Is not just what you are called, it is in essence who you are
Patriarchal Practice -
Babylon’ Battleplan – Change their name, change who they are
Promise to Pergamum – Revelation 2:17
Misuse or vain
Hollow, empty
More than our words – Matthew 21:28-31
How do we protect ourselves from treating God so hollowly?
1. Paul’s advice is quite helpful
a. Galatians 2:17-21, Philippians 2:9-13
2. Jesus may have provided us with the discipline
a. Matthew 6:9
i. Our Father v. 3
ii. In Heaven v. 4-6
iii. Hallowed be your name v.7