Honorable and Honored
July 22, 2007
Opening Text: I Corinthians 13:11
Title: Honorable and Honored (10 Commandments Series)
Text: Exodus 20:12
Story of the King and the Castle Redecorations for his princess protection
This is the heart of honor
1. Parents is position in itself reason to expect respect
2. Children is there error reason enough for disrespect
a. Sins of society (Gerald Tiffin in the early 80’s)
i. Agrarian Society
1. Work roles were clearly defined and easily achieved, and, in general, the culture offered a harmonious message and instruction to the growing child. Youth viewed parents as appropriate models of their future, since youth expected to inherit a similar world, land, and life, relatively unchanged. Parents raised children anticipating that their children (and grandchildren) would live in a world basically the same as theirs, creating continuity between generations.
2. Non-Western culture rites of passage moved you into adulthood
ii. Industrial Society
1. Industrialism forced youth to spend excessive idle time at home—usually until marriage. This extended time, coupled with frustration regarding work and economic security, tended to heighten generational distance and conflict because intimate daily interactions with parents led to arguments and conflict over freedom, money, and leisure—issues that normally didn’t emerge in rural and earlier in the life cycle.
2. Industrial societies also foster adolescence because they do not provide consistent cultural instruction concerning values and beliefs—a necessary prerequisite to adult identity. Parents in industrial societies compete directly with schools, media, civic leaders, youth peers, and even other families, all or any of which may promote different or contradictory values. These forces confuse the teenager in regard to morality, standards, and values (pp.16-17).
3. The inability to easily achieve a role in the work force, and mixed messages form the larger culture, conspire to induce uncertainty and confusion as to a youth’s identity. Adulthood seems distant and difficult to achieve. Since industrial societies do not provide rites of passage apart from marriage and permanent work roles, youth find themselves rebuffed in their attempts to quickly fit into adult society. At best, they face delays. These delays with their accompanying frustrations are part of adolescence.
iii. Post Industrial Society
1. While youth are physically maturing earlier, suggesting ability to move into adulthood earlier, the specialized social and economic structure requires more education and forces youth to wait longer at the other end of adolescence. These two factors combine to lengthen the period of stress, uncertainty, and discontinuity characteristic of industrial societies.
2. Children rarely follow parental footsteps in occupation in our era. It is not unusual for children to adopt values quite different from those of their parents. This does not mean parents are unneeded, however! They may not be able to provide specific cues to the future, but they are able to provide love, hearing, acceptance, and trust, which greatly aid the uncertain journey into adulthood.
b. Sins of the Father
i. Wounded Heart – The wound inflicted into all children
1. Man – The Question is Am I strong enough? Am I good enough?
a. Longing to hear – Well, done
b. Two extremes – The Bully or the Wimp
2. Woman – Am I Loveable?
a. Long to hear – I love you
3. Wound is found in Genesis 3:16ff
4. Reminder is found in Ephesians 5:21 following