October 7, 2007
Text: II Timothy 3:14-17
Proposition: God has communicated His will to His disciples through His Word.
Application: As disciples we will grow as we come conform to the Word of God.
I. Instruction
A. Source
1. Who you learned it from
a. Paul (II Tim 3:10-11)
b. Mother and Grandmother (II Tim 1:5)
2. God – God breathed
a. This is why it is profitable
i. Thus sayeth the Lord.
II. Rebuke
a. There will be conflict between what the world believes and what God says is true.
i. Intellectual – heresy
ii. Lack of trust – unfaithfulness
III. Correction
a. This is the concept of sin being exposed when placed against God word
i. Behavior – immorality
IV. Training
a. "How to" portion of the message
b. What is the proper behavior?
c. What is the truth?
d. What is the basis of trusting God?