Time is Rewarded
November 18, 2007
Opening Reading: Matthew 5:10-16
Title: Time is Rewarded
Text: II Thessalonians 1:3-10
Propostion: Faithfulness is noticed by God as is opposition to Himself and His people.
CT: We must endure through trials with the knowledge that faithfulness is rewarded.
Joe Nuxhall – I’m just going to sit here and root for us to win. People can call me a homer, I don’t care.
I. The Reality of Persecution
a. Thessalonians experience it (v.3-4)
b. Christianity is explained in it (v.5)
i. John 16:33
ii. Acts 5:41
iii. Types
1. Comparison – Internal Pressure
2. Complaining – Relational Pressure
3. Confrontational – Full Assault Persecution
c. God’s justice is demonstrated by their behavior
i. Matthew 5:38-42
II. The Rewarded Persecuters
Doug Lewellyn – Don’t take matters into your own hands, you take them to court.
a. Repayed – God will settle the debts
b. Romans 12:19-21