Sermon Tone Analysis
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Please remain standing with me and honor of God's word as we have our scripture reading Iberian.
Come get it.
Scripture reading today is in 1st Corinthians Chapter 4 verses 6 and 7. 1st Corinthians 4 verse 6 transferred to myself and a Polish for your sake that you may learning us not to think beyond.
What is written that none of you may be puffed up on the half one against the other.
Who makes you different from another and what do you have that you did not receive now why if you did indeed receive it?
Why do we?
Why why do you boast as if you had not received it?
It already blessed by the reading and hearing of his word this morning.
Please be seated.
how to be humble
That's our title today.
And as you saw in the singing.
I've had ample opportunity to be humble today.
Thank you Lord.
How to be humble let's begin with prayer father.
This is a topic that none of us.
and yet it is biblical and it is necessary until I asked Lord that as we Look into scripture.
And find within these words.
This idea of humility.
That we would come to have a proper understanding of what it means and what it doesn't mean.
I don't know how we as Believers in Jesus Christ can display a proper level of humility in our lives.
I ask that you would speak through your word to your people today, but I would be your tool and instrument to communicate truth to those you have brought here and we asked that when all is said and done Christ weapon Gora 5 and his Saints equipped to do the work that you have called them to do.
We thank you and We Praise You In Jesus precious name.
There were two men who arrived at a wedding at about the same time.
Both men were well-dressed.
But one of them obviously had a far more expensive suit on they sit together at the wedding and when it is over, they naturally move over virtue in the reception together.
And so they come into the reception and the better dressed man.
Let's let's call him Freddy is telling his companion who will kill Donald all about how well he knows this family friend is bragging about all the things he has done for this family and how she is pretty much the reason why the bride and groom are together until they arrive at the reception hall in the section near the head table.
There is a sign that says reserved for close family and friends Freddy and his fancy suit turns to his new friend Donald and he says well, this is where we part ways because I'm sure that they would want me to sit in the reserved seating.
Donald knows and he makes his way to the back what he's not sitting there for very long before the best man comes up and he says hey Donald the bride and groom would like you to come and sit up in this section in the front and they approach the section and all the seats are taken.
And so the best man says they're Freddy.
Hey it sure can you please go to the back because this man is going to need your seat.
Couch, right.
You see it turned out with Freddy was just an acquaintance.
He didn't know them.
Well at all Donald on the other hand had went to school with the couple that knew them very well.
How offer how embarrassing to be moved from a position of honor and have to sit in a seat in the back how much better it would have been to sit in the more humble seat and be asked to move up now if this story sounds somewhat familiar to you it is because I have just paraphrased a parable of Jesus.
Jesus told this Parable in Luke chapter 14 and at the end.
He said these words Luke 14 verse 11 for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Pride is a problem.
We all face.
It may manifest in vastly different ways and yet in almost all of our faults and failures and sins Pride plays its part.
Because pride is such a presence in our lives scripture addresses it on a number of occasions and has Paul continues to address the problems within the Corinthian Church videos with this topic of Pride as a core issue Paul introduced one of the major issues in the Corinthian Church all the way back in chapter 1, would you turn their squeeze the 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verses 10 to 13.
This is where Paul introduces the conflict that was going on in the Corinthian Church chapter 1 verses 10 to 13.
1st Corinthians chapter 1 beginning their inverse 10.
Now I plead with you by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you but that you beats perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment has been declared to me concerning you my brother wease household been there are contentions among you now I say this but each of you says I am appalled or I am of Apollo's or I am of cephas where I am of Christ is Christ invited was Paul crucified for you or you baptize in the name of Paul.
Cvsu in the Corinthian Church was the elevation of leaders who unhealthy positions of Honor in chapter 3, we learned that the Corinthian Church was dealing with what is called that sectarianism now, that's a big word of all it means is they were putting themselves into groups.
We would call them clicks today, right?
They were making these little clicks around which teacher they like best that that is what they were dealing with they were separating and into these groups and we're causing problems and it shirt and then our passage today Paul's going to call out one of the attitudes behind this Behavior.
What would motivate people to do this?
That is what Paul is going to deal with here?
So to become humble their two lessons, we must learn and it is only through a proper understanding of ourselves that we can truly be humble.
When we are humble, we are peaceful useful and whines.
So number one the source of authority learn the source of authority.
Where does Authority come from?
Does it come from power right?
The one who has the biggest dick makes the rules, right?
The problem here is what power corrupts.
What is the saying absolute power corrupts absolutely power corrupts.
So we can't say that might makes right that argument breaks down.
So it doesn't come from Power will maybe it comes from knowledge.
If you know the most then you should be the one to make the rules for the problem is that there are different sources of knowledge that sometimes do not agree.
So it cannot come from knowledge Power Authority cannot come from maybe it comes from experience, right everyone must bow before the weight of your experience.
If you have the most experience or you've experienced the most things you must therefore be the Authority for the problem here is that Everyone has a different level of experience, right and everyone has experience in different things.
So I can't come from power at can't come from the logic can't coming from experience influence.
Maybe power comes from people on social media.
There has become a group of people called influencers.
And what day is the influencers do is they go on to social media and give their opinions and people believe them simply because they're popular.
The more followers you have the more Authority you have write.
The problem is followers can disappear overnight.
So Authority cannot come from Power come from experience or influence as Believers in Jesus Christ.
We need to know where does Authority come from and where does it not and so in the top and Paul reveal to his two sources of authority Source number one.
Authority resides in leadership Authority resigns in leadership 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6.
Now these things brother and I are figuratively transferred to myself and Apollo's for your sakes that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written but none of you may become puffed up on behalf of one against the other.
So we're going to focus just on the first part of the verse for now.
But before we do that, I want to talk a little bit about Authority and Leadership because when we say that Authority resides in leadership, I want to understand the distinction between leadership and power.
Okay. a leader
Is not simply someone who is in charge.
OK we need to make this really clear a leader is not simply someone who is in charge of biblically speaking a reader is someone who is taking you closer to Christ?
Okay, Elite or is someone who has been called and placed by God and a specific position a leader is someone whose character and lifestyle are worthy of imitation.
This is what scripture review that isn't leader.
So just having a position of authority Doesn't necessarily give you Authority or power, right?
It's being an actual Weider a Biblical e defined leader Philippians, 3:17 brother and join in following my example and note those who so walk as you have us for a pattern even though Paul told them to follow him.
He was quick to clarify that there were conditions that our leader had to meet in order to be followed.
turned over to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 Turbo says follow me, but it doesn't say just follow me because I'm in charge.
Give the importation that there are times when you shouldn't follow him and 1st Corinthians 11 verse 1. Paul does imitate me just as I also imitate Christ.
What's the implication if I'm not following Christ stop following me?
It is only as a leader is following Christ that we should follow that leader.
Now turn over to 2nd Thessalonians 3 verses 6 through 9. Hear pulse yet to speak directly to what we were discussing that there's a difference between power and Leadership.
Okay, and when we say that his authority resides in leadership, we're not saying anyone who has power were saying someone who is an actual leader 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 beginning and verse 6
Are we command you brother in in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition.
Would you receive from us or you yourselves know how you ought to follow us when we were not disorderly among you nor did we eat anyone's bread for your charge but worked with labor and toil night and day that we might not be a burden you any of you not because we do not have authority but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us to do what we did because we we did it because we wanted to be examples to follow so Authority it does not mean command that means leadership in the church contacts God places people in positions of authority not to command but you lead What is this have to do with humility?
We're getting their bare with me.
We're laying some groundwork here, but he is brother that they are Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
And this is a pattern that we see in 1st Corinthians every time.
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