Ephesians 5
Ephesians • Sermon • Submitted
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In chapter 1
We learned
The blessing of God in Christ
He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. 1:3
He chose us. 1:4
We are holy and blameless in Him 1:4b
Before He created the earth and the universe He predestined us for adoption. 1:5
We were part of His plan.
He redeemed us 1:7
Which means He paid the price that we could not pay. He took the punishment we deserved and set us free.
We are forgiven 1:7b
We are one in Him and we are the church.
The Knowledge of God
He’s given us the spirit of wisdom and revelation 1:17
He’s opened our eyes to truth 1:18
He gives us hope and spiritual richness 1:18b
The Power of God: Demonstrated in Christ Lifted Up
The good news is that He offers His power to us believers
The power that lifted him from the grave lives in us. 1:20
The One with all authority, power and dominion is our source of power. 1:21
He is the head and we are the body. We are one with Him. 1:23
In Chapter 2
The Life of the Believer
The believer’s life before knowing Him:Life without Christ 2:1-3
We were dead in sin 2:1
We were disobedient 2:2
We did whatever we wanted without conviction 2:3
We were children of wrath 2:3b
The Life of the Believer with Him as our Savior
The Work of God’s Mercy and Grace
He made us alive by His mercy, love, and grace. 2:4-5
He has raised us up with Christ. 2:6
We were dead but now we sit with Him in heavenly places-In Christ. 2:6b
Why for what purpose?
So we would be saved and given life. 2:8
All the work of God and not us.
He gets all glory and praise. We boast about Him in us. 2:9
His plan for us is good works 2:10
He reconciled us and gave us peace. 2:11-18
We were separated and without hope and without God. 2:11-12
But now we have been brought close and have peace. 2:13-17
Christ gives us access to God 2:18
We are no longer strangers but the church . 2:19-22
In Chapter 3
The Mystery of Christ 3:1-13
Christ the mystery made Himself known to Paul. 3:3-4
Paul told others of this mystery in Christ by the Spirit in him. 3:5
What do we gain in this mystery?
We become heirs. 3:6a
We become one in the body. 3:6b
We share in God’s promise. The new creation. 3:6c
Because of this mystery Paul became a minister, a preacher, and an evangelist by this power in Him. 3:7-9
He shared the good news with Gentiles. We too should be sharing this good news that has been made known to us.
The church will go and tell of this mystery to the world. 3:10-12
Our boldness and confidence comes from faith in Christ.
It’s all part of God’s plan for His church us the body.
We must persevere even when it gets difficult for us or others. 3:13
Our strength will come as we pray in reverence. 3:14-21
A Mature Believer in Christ: The Great Prayer for the Church and the Believer, 3:14-21
Paul bowed before the Father.
He prayed for strength.
He prayed for Christ to be dwelling in the hearts of the church.
He prayed that they would love one another.
He prayed for understanding.
He prayed for the church to know the love of Christ.
The first 3 chapters in this letter points to Christ and the churches need for Jesus. What a gift we have in Jesus. He never leaves us and He gives us strength, hope, life, and the ability to love and pray for others.
Chapters 4, 5, and 6 speak about our responsibilities or what we are to do knowing what we now know. We have a relationship with Christ and He is in us and He has given us understanding.
We are to walk in a way worthy of our calling. 4:1-6
We are to be humble and patient in love. 4:2
We are to be diligent and live in unity. 4:3
In unity with Christ we are one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
This is what we know and believe.
We have all received a gift in Christ. And in Him we have all we need.
This gift cost Christ His life.
This gift is priceless and we cannot buy it or earn it.
The Believer is to Walk by Using His Gifts, 4:7-16
In addition to the gift of Christ we have been given spiritual gifts. These gifts are to be used to unify the church, to build up the church, to equip the church, to grow more mature in His likeness, and we do this in love. Christ is the head and we are the body.
The Believer is to Walk Differently From the way of those who don’t believe, 4:17-24
We are not to go back to our old ways of living being deceived and clinging to worthless things of the world.
We are made new. We have a new way of thinking. We are righteous and holy in jesus Christ. We are to daily take off the old and put on the new.
The Believer is to Walk Putting Off the Garments of the Old Man, 4:25-32
We speak truth and we are members of the body. We can get angry but anger no longer controls us. We don’t give the devil any opportunities. We don’t steal but work for what we need and we share with others. We do not use crude words, but only good words that build up and edify the Lord. We have been sealed with the Spirit and have been redeemed.
We no longer are bitter, angry, gossips. We are kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving because Christ has forgiven us.
I reviewed these because many may have forgotten what we have learned from the 1st 4 chapters of Ephesians.
Next week we will start in chapter 5 of Ephesians which speaks about how we the church are to be imitators of God. We are to be imitators of Him and not imitations. We are to be like Him and not just pretend and be fake Christians or Sunday believers. He makes us all new. We are to walk in light and not darkness. His light exposes the darkness. His light wakes us up. We are to walk carefully and in obedience and we do that by watching our every step. We walk by knowing and understanding the will of God. We walk in light and reject darkness. We walk by the Spirit and not the flesh.
Paul then speaks to wives, and then husbands at the end of 5.
Please read chapter 5 all this week and seek wisdom and understanding of God’s holy and flawless word. Let’s start the new year off right and continue walking with Him and in Him all year long. and when we fall or stunble let us repent and turn back to Him.