The Forever Work of Your High Priest: Leviticus 4:13-21, Hebrews 10:1-18

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I don’t know if you have ever noticed in all the sermons you have heard from this pulpit, that there are three arrow heads on it. An arrowhead - push everything else aside to get to the point, to get to that bulls-eye. And so our Confession - says we’ve got a story, its a story that is true and has at its core what the Nicene Creed calls Christ , Christ coming for us and for our salvation! But to witness to this - need to be able to speak of the character and the setting - God and His Word, humanity and our purpose - first arrow need to speak about Creation (providence, election), Then there is a second arrow - what is the root problem - sin - why law of God so needed to be preached pointedly - need to acknowledge of great need , hear and accept God’s judgment, see the wrath and curse upon sin. Kind of like guy designed machinery for factory down in South America. Installed it all, but something not working right, tried everything. Finally got the guy who designed it. Walked in listened, walked over put an x in sharpie on defective assembly job. Took a small little $50 part. Got the bill a week later, he got a phone call - $10,000 !/!?!? 50$ part 9,950 for knowing. We’ve got that all important real and true diagnosis - free in God’s word from the Maker and who is also Judge of the Supreme Court of Living and the Dead.
But I don’t know about you, just read those first 20 out of 37 articles. So about philosophy, theology, history, mortality just pushed to get these first two points out. This is what we need to know, to explain, these issues ought to come up in explaining and defending our faith. And not just because they are true but because we are hastening on to the third arrow that is at the head of it all - I’ve felt we’ve just flown through like a speedy jumbo jet over the landscape. And now we get to the bulls-eye - and it sis God moving toward us, in His incarnate Son - this Christ taking our human nature but then pushing on even beyond who He is as a prophet -teacher, who He has become as the ultimate king - and all his kingdom work - to the office that Christ that God has revealed most to us about. Notice the tip of the point isn’t just Jesus died for my sins and I can go to heaven. Understanding the Person and work of Christ that climaxes on the Cross and the Resurrection. It is as Paul puts it CHRIST & Him CRUCIFIED: 1 Cor 2:2 .
1 Corinthians 2:2 ESV
For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Article 20, if you get who the Son of God Incarnate in your human nature is, if you get that the Cross is about God’s justice - God declaring us - sinful humanity - worthy of damnation - about all the guilt and shame and condemnation in perfect justice being metered, out and it is about at the very same time God’s goodness and mercy poured on us, as through that satisfaction for our sin - Christ is granting us immortality & eternal life, even as he takes on the wrath, the death the hell we deserve. And now Article 21 as the very tip of the point of this third arrow , says don’t just focus on mere event of Cross, or the justice and mercy there, focus on the Person there in his particular job, his office. We all have various titles and offices: I am a son, a brother, father, pastor, citizen, husband, a friend. Christ too, so many titles - but tonight at the heart of it all - what is the title and offices we need to understand that point of God’s Message through. What is it we need to preach to each other in our struggles through this life, what is the good news we must share with our neighbours. Not just Christ or His Cross - but Christ and Him crucified us - Christ as our High Priest - the significance not only of the sacrifices he offered up 200 years ago at the centre of world history, but the effects of what our High Priest can do with that sacrifice in our lives today. He is oni-going and everlasting high priest, uncovered His work.
So interesting even in this tie Christmas, to see how the NT begins. Genealogy , the new genesis the new creation of Jesus Christ… But then the first action is to Joseph, angel appears - first thing says, Yes who is the child in Mary’s womb - conceived by Holy Spirit, that is the who. But the what - hat is He coming for? And it isn’t as is later described in fuller detail - prophetic work or kingly work Jews so focused upon, but what does the angel say: Matthew 1:21
Matthew 1:21 ESV
She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
And then he uses that title Immanuel with Is. prophesy and you can almost them here them saying, what that’s it - not kingly actions - not prophetic Moses - but this priestly work - bearing away sin, righting , reconciling all broken and wrong with a holy God - so a real and bright future. That’s where the x is on the machine of human history and your life and mine. And our Belgic Confession says, we’ve got to be able to testify to our neighbour this is the priest at the centre of world history and your life that you need. Here is his work you must rely upon!
Key Truth:

A. Jesus is a Priest.

Now don’t jump right away to the sacrifices a priest gives or you will miss Jesus office here. What is the job of a priest. Roughly we can say, the prophet's job was to represent God to the people. But a priests job was to what - represent the people to God. Did you see that in Leviticus? You were the characters there?
First: You’ve got a person recognizing sin, defiles whole neighborhood, household, actually whole nation, the people - and so you have the assembly offering a bull, with the elders of the congregation laying hands on the head - representative way - we’re transferring the guilt and stain of this matter to this substitute - this sacrificial bull.
But then secondly, you have the priest doing his office, his job. Watch him now: Lev 4:16-17
Leviticus 4:16–17 ESV
Then the anointed priest shall bring some of the blood of the bull into the tent of meeting, and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before the Lord in front of the veil.
David explained last Sunday night the procedure with blood, and the burning of the rest of it outside the camp. But the point is the priest making atonement before the LORD, appeasing the wrath of God against the sin, that’s what the sacrifice offered does, and the priest through the sacrifice with justice satisfied, real deep and true setting things right with God and the people. That’s the way the priest represented the people and through his work with sacrifice brings the people so close to God. Our last point will be to see all those wonderful effects that the priest leads us into after the sacrifice has been applied to us, but for now - do you see you need to turn to Jesus like this priest?
And most practically in our homes, in friendships here, we can’t witness to this if -we don’t talk with each other and deal with each other without talking about who God is and what sin is.
But the second point this evening is that in terms of representing to God with your sin, no other priest will do! Jesus is now the one and only priest we need to be turning too. And our world, even people in the church, are going to be trying to fix the problem in their life, and get to close to God, even meet him on the last day - with the worst representatives, -some representing themselves, others relying on human inventions and spritualities - oh yah I am good with the Divine Light. But look now at the person and the credentials that Jesus has to be our priest!

B. Jesus is The Priest in the Order of Melchizedek by Divine Oath

You have probably heard the expression of “of the highest order”. You’ve got hockey player hacks, got semi-pro - but hen there are hockey players of the highest order - those NHL’ers inducted who will get inducted in the hall of fame. Got watches - flying commences ask a pilot go to Shanghai markets - get knock off versions of brand name watches fraction of price. Sister gave me one - letters fell off inside. But you put this beside the real McCoy - listen to the tick of the ROLEX. Spark plugs - knock offs but he OEM.
And David last Sunday night so wonderfully explained the authorized priests of the OT Israel - not the real McCoy - couldn’t in themselves by their sacrifices - but could point to ultimate reality of sacrifice God would provide. All the sacrifices foreshadowing, black and white sketches - get and put trust in what symbolized… something like when pictures of LS and Baptism. Pointing back to spiritual reality, the way OT sacrifices pointed forward, but it is faith in the ultimate reality -. Well, this is why Jesus not from the OT order of priests of ritual and symbolic . No, different order all together - Melchizedek - name means KING and RIGHTEOUSNESS, and Abraham with Aaron in his loins - all of Israel, including Israel’s priesthood gave this priest the offering of the tithe - Oh Great High Priest - represent us, do your priestly work on our behalf - reconcile us to God! Symbolical - a picture of Jesus - has no lineage or origin -completely unique one and only and from eternity - priest.
And that is what we must understand about the job Jesus was assigned and volunteered to priestly work of representing you and me! Our Confession says he has made such by an oath. Look at Heb 13:20
Hebrews 13:20 ESV
Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant,
That is the oath, spoken of in our Confession! The eternal covenant, from before the foundation of the earth, eternity past, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, determine to save this world that tragically would freely fall into sin, and the Son steps forward - I will do whatever it takes to provide whatever it takes for justice and mercy to fulfilled with us and them. I will give myself to them, represent the in the closest way, satisfying justice my priesthood will not only forgive but turn them to reconciled life.
This is not part of that priesthood of Mt Sinai rituals, which importantly paint pictures of that ultimate sacrifice, but can’t provide it. This is a King of Righteousness providing the perfect priestly work for us. This is one from the line of David, the tribe of Judah. This is in line with Christ, fulfilling all that Adam was supposed to be. A prophet bringing God’s word and will to the rest of the creation. A king reigning with God’s law and character - extending the kingdom from the garden to the rest of creation. And a priest, Adam before the fall, able to have direct communion with God, to present to God offerings of praise and thanksgiving - with no need of atonement!
Do you get it on oath - the Son of God - says I will become a priest like that - and now after sin - and the fall, and the terrible X on our lives. I will come and I will restore in my life all that’s broken, perfect obedience, I will pay the ultimate price to fix the problem, I will provide the sacrifice and surprise surprise the priest with this perfected life - offers Himself up - he takes on the chastisement, he endures the horrible punishment required by our sins, he becomes the curse lifted up forsaken by God and man.
But lastly,

C. Jesus’ Ongoing-Priestly Work is our basis for a New Live with God

This is what makes Christ priestly work both in his sacrifice and his applying the benefits of His sacrifice totally different order of anything else that people are trusting in to be right with God, to have life with God!
It is not only that blood of animal sacrifices, the teachings of Buddha or Gandhi, the rituals of going to church having fellowship, being a decent fellow who lives up to his own standards as best as he can - it is not only that those religious or moral methods of living can’t forgive sin, But what is Hebrews 10:1 so focused on - somehow the priest must PERFECT US SO WE CAN LIVE IN COMMUNION WITH GOD
Hebrews 10:1 ESV
For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near.
And towards the end of our text: Heb 10:14
Hebrews 10:14 ESV
For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.
Actually the same word those perfected, those being sanctified. When you trust in Christ’s sacrifice his blood, when you have Him as the one who represents you - not yourself, religious or moral way of life, but Christ and His work on the Cross for you, then, just like OT priest - after the sacrifice, He comes back out of the inner sanctum - and he says, God didn’t meet out the punishment on you, - you are forgiven - X removed from your life and mine, live a new life - in God’s books - perfect! That’s not on-going slow, bit by bit progressive sanctification - which life slowly conformed, but this is definitive sanctification - Its God declaring because you are united to Christ - He looks at you as perfect in Christ - accepts you and lives with you - with that X-removed,even though still struggle to to put sin to death completely.
And so I hope you see it now. That big deal of the Bible, the heart of our confession, is Christ and this Priestly work on our behalf, not just dying, but sacrificed so that He can as the living and ongoing priest - having us made right with God, intercedes and represents us - so live with all the peace, healing, communion , walk with God! Ongoing work of reconciliation. And that’s why the arrow still flying, all that grace still working in our lives, still flying into this world to be applied through the church to a perishing world!
And just like the book of Hebrews did in its time, our confession does for its time in the 16th century. Hebrews says, look hundreds of people are giving up on ongoing work of Jesus as priest - turning back to ritual sacrifices that can’t in themselves do this work Jesus has done, and must do now as priest in your life. And our confession of faith says:
We find all comforts in his wounds and have no need to seek or invent any other means to reconcile ourselves with God than this one and only sacrifice, once made, which renders believers perfect forever. Belgic Confession: Article 21
Do you see it ? Having offered up the most unique and perfect sacrifice, having as Heb 10:8-9 show -not offered an animal, a life in perect accord with God’s will lived out in human nature
Hebrews 10:8–9 ESV
When he said above, “You have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings” (these are offered according to the law), then he added, “Behold, I have come to do your will.” He does away with the first in order to establish the second.
Well that offering, was offered up by the eternal spirit, the blood still speaks today - it travels through time as it were - and the priest has arisen, takes up his position interceding day by day, hour by hour, so we ought not look anywhere else for healing, comfort, strength - but to Christ and Him Crucified now living and working for us!
For the Hebrew Xns the temptation was to turn back to OT ritual, just as some premillenial dispensationsalist who think earthly Jerusalem to be re-built, with temple, animal sacrifices to be reinstituted. But in Guido DeBres, his neighbour not looking to priestly work of Christ. It was acknowledgement of Christ and Cross, but add to it work of priests through sacraments - the Mass , your original sin only initially forgiven by baptism, faith in Christ can’t make you completely right with God, add your obedience, participation in sacramental system of. But in our day - even in the church, people tip their hat to Christ on the Cross, and then say way to have peace with God - is getting in right worship groove, or living simple moral life, or latest spiritual trend.
And what we got to live and confess is that Christ’s priestly work is not over with the Cross, 200 years ago. We are to look to Him seated in heaven, who through his perfect sacrifice is praying and acting, and ruling for our sanctification. Listen to 1 Peter 2:5, he is at work at our great high priest doing what:
1 Peter 2:5 ESV
you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
This is the living Jesus once sacrificed for us, but now risen - who knows your every weakness, who in every temptation has orchestrated a way of escape, who not only has made us right with God, but is conforming our lives to His image again, who is preparing us as His bride for glory! Who is equipping us, as we bear this gospel these three arrows to fly into our world - until the fourth arrow head is embedded in the bulls-eye, the consummation when the Lion who is the Lamb who was slain - is all and in all. Until then, may we truly be found living like Paul: Philippians 3:8
Philippians 3:8 ESV
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ
Phil 3:9
Philippians 3:9 ESV
and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—
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