Experiencing God
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The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him. God favours those who fear him with secret and confidential communion (comp. Prov. 3:32). He “comes unto them, and makes his abode with them” (John 14:23), and “teaches them” (John 14:26), and enlightens them, and leads them in his way, and learns them (ver. 5), and “seals their instruction” (Job 33:16). And he will show them his covenant; i.e. make them see the full force of it, since his “commandment is exceeding broad” (Ps. 119:96).
25:14 Intimate fellowship with The Hebrew noun used here, sod, can mean “council” (Jer 23:18); it refers to a close relationship of confidence (Job 29:4; Prov 3:32). Those who fear Yahweh will enjoy His friendship.
The Holy Spirit must work on the hearts of the teachers of God’s Word, that they may give the truth to the people in the clear, pure way that Christ Himself gave the truth. He revealed it, not only in His words, but in His life.…
Men in this age of the world act as if they were at liberty to question the words of the Infinite, to review His decisions and statutes, endorsing, revising, reshaping, and annulling, at their pleasure. If they cannot misconstrue, misinterpret, or alter God’s plain decision, or bend it to please the multitude and themselves, they break it. We are never safe while we are guided by human opinions; but we are safe when we are guided by a “Thus saith the Lord.” We cannot trust the salvation of our souls to any lower standard than the decision of an infallible Judge. Those who make God their guide, and His Word their counselor, follow the lamp of life. God’s living oracles guide their feet in straight paths.
Those who are thus led do not dare judge the Word of God, but ever hold that His Word judges them. They get their faith and religion from His Word. It is the guide that directs their path. It is a light to their feet, and a lamp to their path. They walk under the direction of the Father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. He whose tender mercies are over all His works, makes the path of the just as a shining light, which shines more and more unto the perfect day.—The Review and Herald, February 21, 1899.