The Christian Plow
What does it mean to be a Christian? What is my personal responsibility in the great commission? Have I fulfilled my responsibility if I support the ministry through my money and my prayers? What is God's ideal for my involvement in church ministry?
Elisha’s Calling
Your Calling
Status Quo Christianity
He Gave Himself
What’s Missing?
Sacrificial Service
What is missing
Let us arouse! The battle is waging. Truth and error are nearing their final conflict. Let us march under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, and fight the good fight of faith, and win eternal honors; for the truth will triumph, and we may be more than conquerors through Him who has loved us. The precious hours of probation are closing. Let us make sure work for eternal life, that we may glorify our heavenly Father, and be the means of saving souls for whom Christ died.—
Eternity stretches before us. The curtain is about to be lifted. What are we thinking of, that we cling to our selfish love of ease, while all around us souls are perishing?
Have our hearts become utterly callous?
Can we not see and understand that we have a work to do in behalf of others?
My brethren and sisters, are you among those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not?
Is it in vain that God has given you a knowledge of His will?
Is it in vain that He has sent you warning after warning of the nearness of the end?
Do you believe the declarations of His word concerning what is coming upon the world?
Do you believe that God’s judgments are hanging over the inhabitants of the earth?
How, then, can you sit at ease, careless and indifferent?
“Let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow you.”
“Go back again, for what have I done to you?”
This was not a repulse, but a test of faith. Elisha must count the cost—decide for himself to accept or reject the call. If his desires clung to his home and its advantages, he was at liberty to remain there. But Elisha understood the meaning of the call.