Christian Courage

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Unprecedented Times

1 Peter 1:3 NLT
3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation,
Good morning brothers and sisters. We all know that we are living in unprecedented times. Never have we, as a modern society, experienced what we are experiencing now. It is hard to distinguish up from down at times.
I stand before you this morning with a heavy heart. We see chaos and despair all around us. I am going to talk about some things this morning that are not comfortable to talk about.
As those who follow Christ, we must know what is going on with our fellow human beings. Now what I am going to share is going on right here in America, in our backyard, in our neighborhoods, and in some of our homes.
31% of Americans have reported anxiety/depression symptoms this past year. 26% of our neighbors have reported trauma related disorder symptoms, 13% started or increased substance abuse. 11% seriously considered suicide.
Domestic violence increased 75% in one year. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been physically abused by an intimate partner.
There exists a great fear of the future. 74% of people fear that the worst is yet to come. 79% fear that the pandemic will trigger a recession, and 82% fear that the nations healthcare system will be overrun.
I share these statistics to make a point this morning. 2020 may be gone, we are looking forward as we should. It remains incumbent on God’s chosen people, you and I, to stand firm on the Word of God. To come up beside those struggling. To be a light in the darkness regardless of the day, time, or year. God does not wear a watch nor does He use a calendar.
Brothers and sisters, the harvest is plentiful, will you be counted as one of the workers in God’s kingdom?
There is a common thread in all of these statistics. Fear.

Unprecedented Fear

Fear is a primary response in human beings. The fight or flight mechanism that God built into us.
Fear is a natural emotion designed by God. However, fearfulness is not designed by God, for fearfulness suggests living in a state of fear.
Imagine driving down a one-way street and a car is coming head on towards you. The fear response causes you to act in a protective way.
Now, imagine living in fear of driving because you may go down a one-way street.
As a primary emotion, fear can quickly lead to what we call secondary emotions such as: anger, guilt, frustration, overwhelm, worry, irritability, anxiety. We see all of these emotions running rampant in our society today.
The word “fear” appears approximately 400 times in the Bible. There are roughly twenty different ways the word fear is used throughout scripture. I want to look at one way it is used today. In his letter to the church at Rome, Paul said:
Romans 8:15 NLT
15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”
Phobos, in the Greek, refers to the emotion of fear. Paul is talking about living in fear. Many people do not like to admit being afraid, but we all have been and will be afraid at times. If you have children, you know fear. If you love someone, you know fear. We are not to live in fear.
We have received the very spirit of God! Abba Daddy! We live and walk by faith in Jesus Christ. It is okay to be afraid at times, we cannot live in fear of what we think may happen. We know what is going to happen. The Living Word of God tells us!

Unprecedented Courage

Joshua 1:9 NLT
9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
One of my favorite verses! Joshua 1:9. Joshua was Moses’ general. He started out with Moses when he was around twelve years old and became the general of Israel’s armies.
Moses died, never entering Canaan. God appointed Joshua to finish the conquest of Canaan as promised to the descendants of Abraham.
You are called, you are chosen to carry the message of the cross. To lead others to the cross. In the name of Jesus Christ you have been commissioned by YHVH, the one true and living God this morning!
Three times God had to tell Joshua to be strong and of a good courage! Being a general is one thing, leading a nation is another. Three times!
Joshua feared failure, he was discouraged by the death of Moses, he felt weak at times, he got angry at times, and even anxious.
Joshua experienced fear, but he did not live in fear. Again, it is normal to experience fear, we must not live in fear!We are called to be leaders in our homes and to our neighbors.
Ready to learn a little Hebrew?
Rak Chazak Amats! An ancient battle cry! See the Rak Chazak alone means “just be strong.” But when you add the “amats,” it means “be strong and courageous!
We are to be strong and courageous! We may fear, we may be discouraged at times, we may get angry, we may experience some anxiety and even depression. We have been promised the almighty presence of God!
I know that I am among warriors here and online today! say it with me: “RAK CHAZAK AMATS!”
Joshua 6:20 NLT
20 When the people heard the sound of the rams’ horns, they shouted as loud as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites charged straight into the town and captured it.
Joshua did not conquer the land through military strength or his own power. The walls of Jericho fell through His obedience to God!
Not hoping that God would prevail, but knowing that God would prevail. We are to do what we can do, everything we can, and then let God do His job! He will not do your job, and you can not do His job!God delivered on His promise to Joshua, and He delivered on His promise to us in Jesus Christ!
Under the authority of Jesus Christ, we overcome fear knowing that He has promised His presence with us, in us, and through us!
Through Jesus Christ, you have overcome tremendous odds! We have the heavenly audacity, yes the HEAVENLY AUDACITY to conquer that which seems impossible, that which the world says can not be done, the fears in our own lives that may hold us captive! We have been called to be strong, to be courageous, to be bold.
Ephesians 3:12 NLT
12 Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.
Worship band to stage
Because we have full confidence in Jesus Christ, because we fully trust in God, we are able to stand in the presence of God.
If we can stand boldly in the presence of God, I assure you that we can stand in full confidence before this world. This world is hurting, there is a darkness.
Be His light! Be strong! Be courageous! Be bold for Jesus! Rak Chazak Amats! Be strong and of a good courage! Do so to the Glory of God!
For those willing, I am going to ask that you join me this morning in making a New Years resolution worth making.
Who will stand for Jesus in the new year? I will. Who will make a resolution to bring the light of Christ first into their own home and then to a darkened world? I will. Who will vow this day to not live in fear, but to bring the hope of the risen Christ to their family and beyond? I will.
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