Acts 4:13-33 | Called to Boldness
Acts: Jesus Advances His Church • Sermon • Submitted
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· 24 viewsJesus emboldens His followers by His Spirit to witness amidst opposition. Pray Jesus gives you boldness to be His witness today.
We tend to think of the apostles and other historic Christians as oddities and spectacular.
We think: “There’s no way I can live out their Christianity!”
They have strange paintings with halos around their head—I could never have one of those! (laughs)
Seriously, God accomplished amazing things through faithful Christians in our history.
Though the truth is, we wouldn’t recognize much of they way they lived. Clothing. Language. Songs. Music. Time. Eastern. Church Disciplines. Etc.
Yet, we have been given the same commission by Christ—to be bold witnesses empowered by the Holy Spirit. (Remember Acts 1:8?)
So, let’s look at this account of the bold apostles with this lens on—with our calling to boldness.
ACTS 4:13-33
ACTS 4:13-33
How did the apostles get such boldness?
1) Being with Jesus (vs. 13)
1) Being with Jesus (vs. 13)
Untrained for teaching, yet they spoke with authority—like Someone else they heard teach.
Walked with Jesus and learned from him for three years!
2) Knowing the Truth (vs. 14-20)
2) Knowing the Truth (vs. 14-20)
Experienced undeniable miracles.
Spoke the message of Christ to non-Christians.
Taught God’s Word to Christians.
Threatened not to speak or teach.
Couldn’t not speak what they had seen and heard—truth!
3) Assembling with Christians (vs. 23)
3) Assembling with Christians (vs. 23)
they went to their own . . . and reported . . .
It’s important to have your own to which to go.
It is important that we have in RHBC “our own” to which we go.
4) Praise and Prayer to God (vs. 24-31)
4) Praise and Prayer to God (vs. 24-31)
A) Confession of God’s Sovereignty (vs. 24-28; Psalm 2)
A) Confession of God’s Sovereignty (vs. 24-28; Psalm 2)
Lord, thou art GOD . . .
1 Why do the heathen rage, And the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
The Holy Spirit, through Peter & John, applies Psalm 2 to the current rejection of David’s perfect heir—Jesus.
Psalm 2 is not fully fulfilled here, because there are still more kings to gather and rage against the Christ.
Vs. 28—Jesus’ enemies fulfilled what God had determined to be done, yet they were responsible for their rebellion. God knew and chose rebellious vessels to accomplish Christ’s work.
B) Prayer for Boldness to Speak God’s Word (vs. 29)
B) Prayer for Boldness to Speak God’s Word (vs. 29)
threatenings . . . grant . . . speak thy word.
C) Prayer for Authentication of God’s Message Through Them (vs. 30)
C) Prayer for Authentication of God’s Message Through Them (vs. 30)
Boldness to speak God’s Word
Sings to authenticate God’s Word
All Scripture has been authenticated by God. This was part of that process.
Answered prayer still affirms as we live and preach Christ.
D) Answers to Their Prayer (vs. 31)
D) Answers to Their Prayer (vs. 31)
Note: they were assembled together in prayer.
Sign of God’s Presence
Spirit-filling Again
Speaking God’s Word with Boldness
Notice they didn’t pray for judgment fire or a Roman upheaval here.
They also did not pray for their opposition to be removed.
They prayed for boldness and help through it!
5) Fullness of the Spirit (vs. 31 & 33)
5) Fullness of the Spirit (vs. 31 & 33)
The influence and control of the Holy Spirit is how Jesus makes His followers bold witnesses.
May we pray and yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit.
Pray for boldness!
Why do Christians need boldness today?
Because Jesus is counter cultural & structural to our world as we saw the last two weeks.
Pray for strength & boldness.
@Parents & Grandparents—don’t yield to the “new” ideologies that may be influencing your children.
@Workplace—respect the workplace and people, but don’t be ashamed of Jesus there.
@Youth—This is the time to study and learn Jesus and develop boldness.
Why do you need boldness as a Christian? Can you think of times and reasons you were afraid or ashamed to speak God’s Word and Gospel?
@Non-Christians—The message of Christ may sound offensive to you. Sinner. Judgment. Savior. Eternity. Hear it!
What actions did the apostles do that you might need to either begin doing or do with more consistency. Write them here and discuss them with another Christian in the church.
Be with Jesus!
Know the truth.
Assemble with Christians.
Praise and pray.
Find your own Gethsemane, and be with Jesus! Learn to pray!
@Life—these are lifelines!
@Christians—these are expected!
@Experienced—these are your offensive weapons.
@Youth—now is the time to devote to these.
How does assembling with other Christians help you live boldly and faithfully to Christ?
@All—being a faithful church is as important now as it ever has been. It’s not a time to cut back!
@Retired/Experienced—we need you to be there for the church. Consistency. Support. Teaching.
@Adults—life gets busy. Don’t let it take control and pull you out! Keep church central to your life decisions.
@Youth—there’s no better time to learn to love Christ’s church.
How might the way the apostles prayed influence your prayer life? Consider gathering with us tonight to pray through the same topics together. Is there someone in the church you could begin praying with on a more regular basis?
“Do not pray for easy lives,” wrote Phillips Brooks. “Pray to be stronger men and women. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.” That is the way the early Christians prayed, and that is the way God’s people should pray today.”
It will help you to pray with other Christians. I hope you will take advantage of our Sunday nights to pray together—prayer is a vital function of the church.
The only way our world will be made right is through Christ. He hears and answers when we come together and pray. Let’s pray for power!
How did the apostles pray regarding opposition they faced? How might that shape the way you face opposition?
They prayed very differently than we often pray. Missional!
More like a solider in battle than an American building their dream.
Jesus advances His church by giving Spirit-filled boldness to His faithful followers.
There will be opposition in a world in which God still allows rebellion and requires responsibility.
We need to rely upon being with Jesus, knowing the truth, assembling with believers, praise and prayer to God, and Spirit-fullness.
We are called to live boldly, the same as the apostles.