Setting Biblical Goals
come to God's word this morning.
Heavenly Father Lord Jesus spirit of God. We're so grateful that through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. We who were a far off have been brought near and have been reconciled and we have been made members the body of Christ and members of one another. We cherish these times that we can gather together as your people whether it's in person or via Zoom to be able to look into your word together. Holy Spirit, I just pray that you would wreck my words and that you would apply your word to each person involved in this service in the way that they need and that they will hear what they need to hear. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Very much appreciated Dave's message last week on the topic of God's design and purpose for our lives. When Dave told me last Saturday what he was going to be preaching on. I was particularly interested in what he was going to say because the Lord had already begun to impress upon me that my message today. What's going to be on the same topic? on the topic of purpose The purpose is a very appropriate topic for the beginning of the new year. But When The War Began putting this message on my heart several weeks ago. It didn't even occur to me that this would be my first message of the new year. It's widely accepted in the field of psychology that one of the deepest to most basic needs of the human heart is the need for significance of purpose. I need to believe that our lives have meaning our lives have purpose. But in order to understand what the Bible teaches about the concept of purpose we don't start with man we start with God. If we look into the holy scriptures we discovered that our God is a god of purpose. The Dave said in his message last week God's plan for my life for your life is not just some kind of Rod haphazard plan, but that God has every part of our Lives intricately designed and planned. And this is true of everything that God does according to Ephesians 1:11. He works out everything in Conformity with the purpose of his will. And Isaiah 25:1 declares. Oh Lord, you have worked wonders plans for him long ago with perfect faithfulness.
In chapter 14 of Isaiah 24, the Lord of hosts has sworn saying surely just as I have intended so it has happened. I just as I have planned so it will stand. Inverse 27 of the same chapter Isaiah 14 for the Lord of hosts has planned and who can frustrate it. And as for his outstretched hand who can turn it back.
Isaiah 46 vs 9 and 10 games. I am God, there is no other. I am God, there is no one like me. I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times things, which have not been done saying my purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.
Jesus was crucified The Book of John tells us that his disciples were meeting behind locked doors. Because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders who adjust crucified their lord. But after Jesus rose again, they understood. So that when Peter preached the sermon on the day of Pentecost, he declared in Acts 2:23 Jesus the Nazarene was delivered over by the Destin the plan and foreknowledge of God. And by the time we get to Acts chapter 4 after persecution of the Christians had actually begun. We read that the whole church gather together in Worship in Acts 2:47. I'm sorry. I asked for 27 to 28 and listing their voices to God with one Accord. They said oh Lord truly in this city. There were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus whom you both Herod Pontius Pilate along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel to do whatever your hand and your purpose predestined to occur. Pilate and Herod the Romans and the Jewish leaders. They were only doing what God's purpose at predestined to take place. wondrous Works plans for him long ago with perfect faithfulness I am God, there is no other. My purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.
In 2nd, Timothy chapter 1 verse 9. We read he's saved us and called us with a holy calling according to his own purpose and Grace which was granted to us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.
According to Ephesians 1 9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ. What's 11 of Ephesians 1 tells us that we were chosen to beat his very own since the beginning according to his purpose. Any patients 3 10 and 11 reveals that the multi-faceted wisdom of God is now being worked out through the church. Entrance for Midi to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our lord our God is a god of purpose. He worked out everything in Conformity with the purpose of his will. Genesis chapter 1 tells us that when God determined it to create mankind he chose to make us in his own image and after his own likeness. Genesis 1:27 says God created man in his own image. In the image of God, he created him male and female he created them. And what aspect of God's image that he imparted to us is that we are created to be purpose focused be just like he is. The way that God has designed us. we achieve our greatest potential of flourish a when we identified Godly goals and purposes in our lives and actively Endeavor to attain those goals and purposes. The weather we realized it or not. We are all working to achieve certain goals in our lives. Several years ago. There was a book. That was hugely popular in Christian circles entitled The Purpose Driven Life. And I think that's what kind of a lot of good things to say and I'm certain I know of numerous people who benefited from that book. The one thing about the book is that it gives the impression that living a Purpose Driven Life is an option.
It's like you have a choice.
You can either lead a Purpose Driven Life or not. But I don't think that's the case at all. I think we really don't have a choice. I think we are all living Purpose Driven Life. The difference is the difference between us is not that some of us are living goal-directed lives and some of us are living lives without bull. The difference is that some of us have identified. What our goals are? And some of us have not. We are all working to achieve. Certain goals in our lives whether we realize it or not. We don't have a choice cuz Who We Are? It's how we were designed and created. or not defined or not everyone of us have goals that get us out of bed in the morning. That determine how we live our lives. How we spend our time how we spend our money? and what we devote our energy to
We all have such goals. Even though we may not have identified what they are. And we've not identified those and if we have not identified those goals, then we can be almost certain that they are not godly biblical. If we took the time and effort to drill down to identify are undefined goals these goals that direct Our Lives, what would we?
Perhaps the goal of trying to achieve happiness through the pursuit of pleasure and comfort. Or the goal of finding peace through the avoidance of stress and fear.
the goal of gaining security to material things
with the goal of trying to acquire a sense of self-worth through the approval of others.
The problem with these goals is that none of them will ever produce the Fulfillment or satisfaction we speak.
Are goals of happiness or peace or security or self-worth will always fall short leaving us instead frustrated anxious or depressed?
The Greek philosopher Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living.
It's not worth living an unexamined life because such a life will never lead to. flourishing Apple filled existence The God Who created us and designed to be goal focusing purpose directed invites us to confirm to be continually examining Our Lives. in the light of his word We may find it difficult to identify the goals that have been directing Our Lives until now, but that's okay. I don't think it's all that important to do that. But it is of utmost importance that we identify the life goals that are expressed and presented to us in God's word.
In order that we might advise them. In order that we might replace all of our unexamined goals. So what are these life goals the Bible direct us to and hose out to us? Play up first at First Peter Chapter 4 verses 1 and 2. therefore since Christ has suffered In the Flesh arm yourselves also with the same purpose because he who has suffered In the Flesh has ceased from sin. So as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lust of men, but for the will of God.
We are to live the rest of this Earthly life no longer for the passions of The Flash no longer for the pursuit of pleasure and comfort but for the will of God.
We see this goal exemplified most clearly, of course. in the life of Jesus Did the very first words of Jesus recorded in scripture are found in Luke 2:49? Did you not know? That I must be about my father's business.
These words of Jesus reveal how she defined his life purpose. For Jesus life was not to be lived with self at the center. The light key live was not a self-centered life, but a god-centered life. His life was centered on the will of God.
In fact, Luke 2:49 could be considered our Lord's life purpose statement. I must be about my father's business.
In John 4:34, Jesus tells his disciples my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
The new English Bible puts its way it is meat and drink for me to do the will of him who sent me. Jesus found fulfillment and satisfaction not in living a self-centered self-focused life, but in doing the will of the father.
In John 5:30, Jesus declares. I do not but the will of him who sent me. And likewise and John 6:38. I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.
And John 8:29 order firm he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone for I always do the things that are pleasing to him. In John 14:31, Jesus declares that the world may know that I love the father. I do exactly as the father commanded me.
From the time he was 12 years old. Jesus live a life centered in the will of God always and forever about his father's business even up to the very end up his Earthly Life In The Garden of Gethsemane on the night. He was betrayed afraid father. If you are willing remove this cup from me yet not my will. But yours be done.
And we've been called to the same purpose. Jesus has left us an example for us to follow in his staff.
Find another life goal expressed in the teachings of Jesus in Matthew chapter 6. Converse 25 we read I say to you do not be worried about your life as to what you will eat or what you will drink for your body as to what you will put on it's not life more than food and the body more than clothing and then in verse 33 the Lord says but seek first his kingdom. And his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. The word Kingdom in the original Greek could also be translated as kingship or rain or Dominion. Who seek the kingdom by living intentionally under the reign of God? We are to embrace his Rule and use our hearts to his Dominion. Seeking God's kingdom is valuing what God values. It means making his priorities our priorities. When we seek the kingdom of God, we are seeking to further his majesty and His glory in every area of life. We speak to advance the rule of the one true and living God in our own Hearts. First of all. And then also over every sphere of influence we have in this life in our homes in our jobs are occupations in our relationships with one another in the church and in our relationship with those who are outside the house of faith. You know, there's a profound lack. of meaning in people's lives in our modern world.
People are looking to politics and social activism then to empty Hollow spiritualities as a replacement for the realities of biblical faith. At the partial hospitalization program. I work the predominant struggles that we see in these children aged 6 to 15 the predominant struggle with depression. anxiety and lack of self-worth one child after another this week cuz I work on their treatment plans depression anxiety lack of self-worth.
next to Accidental injury suicide Is the leading cause of death? Among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34 in the United States. And it is the third leading cause of death. among individuals between the ages of 35 and 54 Currently there are more than two and a half times as many suicides in the United States as there are homicides.
This world is desperate. For the good news of the Kingdom. Which we are called to advance in every sphere of life in which we have influence.
That Majestic model prayer that Jesus gives us in Matthew 6 he exhorts us to pray everyday for the advance of your kingdom. Come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. When we pray your kingdom come we're praying that the love of God would be Advanced vote in our lives and in the lives of others. Lord break the influence of the enemy in this world the influence of the enemy in this community in this neighborhood Destroy those are strongholds. We pray this for ourselves and we praise for all. Jesus commands us to pray this damn really. We're praying that the kingdom of Grace which is Jesus ushered in. May run out into the whole world. HT would establish in advance his glorious reign But God would bring life to people who are now dead in their trespasses and sins. That God would bring those who are now in darkness out into his gracious and glorious light. Susan doors will be opened. That those who are now held captive by the devil to do his will would be set free. And that God would list the joke. On those who are oppressed. This is what happens when the kingdom of God comes.
Philippians chapter 3 we find a record of Paul's life purpose statement to know God
inverse of 7 and 8 ball declares those things I have counted loss for the sake of Christ. Wouldn't that out count all things to be lost? a few of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish that I may gain Christ. In verse 14. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ. Jesus to know Jesus was Paul's Supreme ambition his greatest desire. Nothing compared to that surpasses value of knowing Jesus.
How is teaching Us by example. The one thing that matters in this life is knowing god. And as we spent her on that one thing.
As we pursue that one thing which is of transcended value. It will become for us the all-encompassing truth. Which brings each day into Focus as it did for Paul? And this is really what our Salvation is all about. And John 10:10. Jesus said I have come that you might have life. What is that life that Jesus came to give us? She is. Life. He himself is the life he came to bring. And we received. Life by coming to him continuously by knowing him more and more deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper way and John 17:7 Jesus declares this life. That you may know. the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent eternal life begins now. For those who seek to know him. Who? Press on towards that one surpassing value. Jesus came to give us life, which is knowing god knowing Christ.
The final scriptural life goal. I want to call your attention to this morning is found in Romans 8:28. We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God. To those who are called according to his purpose.
To love God is the purpose to which we have been called.
Convert 4 of Ephesians chapter 1 we read he chose us God the father chose us in Christ. before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before him in love.
That we would live before him in love God chose us before the foundation of the world. That we might live before him in love. And this is the ultimate goal. The God is always working toward in the lies of his people that we might love him.
Is ultimate purpose in our Salvation is to manifest himself. To manifest his love and his goodness and his grace to the whole universe. And that's why loving him is the purpose to which we are called. a boy because the main way in the most fundamental way that we glorify God. Is my loving him? By Saving his goodness and his Beauty. By Saving his goodness and Beauty ourselves in our own Hearts above and before all other things. The mortgage people love him and treasure his fellowship and find their joy and fulfillment in him the more he is exalted to those around us.
The purposes of God in this world are defined in terms of love. And God has shown his love in countless ways is giving us life and breath. He's bestowed his grace and goodness on all of our lives. And of course, he has shown his love most profoundly. And the giving of his son. That we might be reconciled to him. That we might be adopted as his very own sons and daughters. He set his love upon us. He's drawn up to himself with unfailing love. And now having shown us such wondrous love. He commands us to love him in return
Jesus tells us that this is the first and greatest commandment. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind. and with all your strength. Commandment is repeated eight times in the scriptures Old Testament and New
the purpose of God in this world purposes of God in this world are defined in terms of love. When we love God, we are in accord with his purposes for our lives. This is the ultimate goal. The God is always working toward that we might love him.
I came across the book recently by Princeton seminary professor. By the name of Ellen Cherry entitled God and the Art of happiness and then it Professor Jerry Wright's the common notion is of Happiness as self-gratification or is a constant state of mild emotional euphoria. But she points out. It's far more rewarding to think of happiness in theological terms then in emotional terms. God is the key to happiness in this life. Purpose of life is to know God. And the purpose of knowing god better. is to love him and that loving him we may enjoy him. Before the foundation of the world God shows us to be in Christ that we might be before him in love. And the ultimate design of God's choice of us is that we should become people who desire to please him. Who desire to advance his kingdom? Who desire to know him and who desire to serve him out of love? the movie fellowship with him and come to know him the more we will love him and the movie will enjoy him and Delight in his presence.