God is Constant
The Immutable Characteristics of God: The One Constant • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 38:26
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How many of like the same routine in our lives;
Kaye and I on Wednesday talked about the sameness of our lives - same restaurants, same stores, same TV shows and on the list could go;
The church is no different - we want the same style, the same rooms, the same approach and again this list could go on and on;
I am always reminded of the movie Rain Man with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman - Hoffman plays Raymond, an autistic savant, who needs an exact routine in his life;
Unfortunately life changes - things mess with our routines and desires which brings up frustration;
But how about if you focused on the only unchangeable factor of your life - God;
As the Psalmist begins, in v. 25, he reminds us that God (Yahweh) has not nor will He ever change;
No because of this we as individuals and the church corporately have an non-shifting foundation;
But why is God unchangeable - because He has that prerogative;
Why does He have that prerogative, good question;
It is expressly said, All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made; and therefore the same was in the beginning from eternity with God, and was God, Jn. 1:1–3; Col. 1:16; Eph. 3:9; Heb. 1:2.
Simply put, He created everything and is above everything and chose to remain the same;
While God is “unchangeable” His creation is changeable in every aspect of life;
Our lives are going to change, the question comes how will you react to the change;
Now before you answer this question I want you to consider the possible cause for such change - yourself;
The Psalmist states that things, yes including the earth will “perish” however God will remain for eternity;
Even in the middle of our changes God will remain the same - He will not leave His children;
“He left us! He left us!” This is what Lex screams in the thriller Jurassic Park (directed by Steven Spielberg [Amblin Entertainment, 1993]). The scene shows two stalled cars in the rain, while the theme park loses power, leading to the release of the dinosaurs. Lex and her brother are in one of the cars with the theme park’s lawyer, Gennaro. As soon as Gennaro sees the T. rex emerge from the night, he leaves the scared children in the car to hide in a nearby bathroom. Dr. Grant runs from the other car to the aid of the terrified children and, hearing Lex’s statement of abandonment, says, “But that’s not what I’m gonna to do!” The knowledge that God is unchanging reveals a steadfastness and consistency in God that we can find nowhere else. When we scream that something has changed or failed us and we feel alone, God comes to us and says, “I’m always here.”
The Psalmist say this v. 28;
Read v.28 again
God’s children will continue to be His;
Why, because He will never leave them;
Do you believe this promise with you whole heart and soul;
Are you looking for the constant in your life;
Can you imagine being lost at sea? The waves are tossing your boat back and forth. As you try to grasp where you are, you realize you cannot find any markers to help you. The water is constantly shifting and changing. However, you remember that sailors for generations have used one of the only constant things you can see: the stars. They would observe the North Star and various constellations. Those constant benchmarks would guide them home—and they can lead you home, too. In an ever-changing world, it’s hard to find something constant, stable, and faithful. But for Christians the one constant thing in our lives is God.