Why Fast?

People fast for different reasons
What is a fast?
What types of fast are found in the Bible?
1. Moses’ 40-day fast as he prayed concerning Israel’s sin
Deut. 9:9, 18, 25–29; 10:10
2. David’s fast as he lamented over Saul’s death
2 Sam. 1:12
3. David’s fast as he lamented over Abner’s death
2 Sam. 3:35
4. David’s fast as he lamented over his child’s sickness
2 Sam. 12:16
5. Elijah’s 40-day fast after he fled from Jezebel
1 Kings 19:7–18
6. Ahab’s fast as he humbled himself before God
1 Kings 21:27–29
7. Darius’s fast as he worried over Daniel’s fate
Dan. 6:18–24
8. Daniel’s fast as he read Jeremiah’s prophecy and prayed for Judah’s sins
Dan. 9:1–19
9. Daniel’s fast as he prayed over a mysterious vision God had given him
Dan. 10:3–13
10. Esther’s fast as she sorrowed over Haman’s wicked plot to destroy her people
Esther 4:13–16
11. Ezra’s fast as he wept over the sins of the returning remnant
Ezra 10:6–17
12. Nehemiah’s fast as he wept over the broken-down walls of Jerusalem
Neh. 1:4–2:10
13. The Ninevites’ fast after they heard the preaching of Jonah
Jon. 3
14. Anna’s fast as she awaited the Messiah
Luke 2:37
15. Jesus’ 40-day fast before the temptation
Matt. 4:1–11
16. John’s disciples’ fast
Matt. 9:14–15
17. The elders’ fast in Antioch, prior to the sending out of Paul and Barnabas
Acts 13:1–5
18. Cornelius’s fast as he sought out God’s plan of salvation
Acts 10:30
19. Paul’s three-day fast after his experience on the Damascus Road
Acts 9:9
20. Paul’s 14-day fast while on a sinking ship
Acts 27:33–34