Pandemic and Pandemonium
As the body of Christ, how do we handle ourselves being the people of God? How do we had a lot of sales being the people of God and moving forward with how to conduct ourselves in a way that God would be pleased but then also being responsible with how we handle ourselves and how do we handle what's happening around us? And so I really just want to pray and then we're going to jump in to the word of the lord your precious father love. We just thank you for your grace for your mercy Lord. We praise you Lord because you are still in control. We thank you Lord that when it seems like a systems are out of control when people don't know what to do and when things are beyond our Reese's we thank you that you are still sitting on the throne that you still have a plan and you have a purpose Lord things can things can catch up without without us being prepared. Oh God the Lord nothing ever surprises you So we thank you. We asking you for wisdom for ourselves as individuals. We ask you for wisdom as members of the body of Christ. We asked you for wisdom of for our leadership Sybil leadership for those who are in power those who are in Authority Lord. We're praying Lord even as your word says to pray for all who are in Authority as long as they are in authority to pray for them Lord that we would live Godly and peaceful lives of God's Lord, and so we thank you Lord that you raise up one and you'll put down another Lord that is in your power and in your hand got in. So we put all things into your hands Lord that we may walk in. Peace of God. So we thank you Lord speak now where it got word of clarity that we would know how to move forward in transition. So we bless you and we thank you in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. And amen. We need to definitely I pray for our Current Administration that's going out as well as praying for those that are coming in those that are transitional guy that God would allow his glory his glory to be seen his glory to be seen that his glory would be revealed. And so let us look a Joshua chapter 5 Joshua chapter 5 starting at verse 13 Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 through I think about 15 through 15 or 16. We're going to see see you see how far the Lord would take us through this but starting at verse 15 of Joshua chapter 5 and it says and it came to pass when Joshua was at was by Jericho that he lifted his eyes and looked and behold a man stood opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went to him and said to him Are You full us or for our enemies? Verse 14. So he said no, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come and Joshua fell on his face to to the Earth and worship and said to him. What does my Lord saved to his servant? I just want to just want to end it there just 13 and 14 just 13 and 14 cuz there's going to be a lot here. There's a lot here. I like to say this a preacher used to say there's a lot of meat on the bone. I even though it's only two verses. I just want you to really think about this. We're still looking at church in transition was still at church in transition, but I really want us to focus. How do we transition as the church? How do we properly transition as the church in a pandemic and now in a state of pandemonium UB social pandemonium, how do we transition correctly? How do we transition correctly transition meaning to move from one place to another right? How do we move even if it's for not just a big move even if it's a small move but it looks like by all about all the things that we're looking around. It is a big transition. We're in transition in a in many different ways. We're in transition politically were in transition medically. There's certain things that are going on. We got the we got the virus is still out here. The cold virus is still out here. We now have a vaccines that are out and some don't know what to do how to take it. Should they take it out of pasta. Are you going to take it? What do you think about this somewhere in medical transition? Also, we're in economic transition because of all of the other things that have happened. It's a domino effect. And so now we're it also in economic transition. There's a lot of people that are still without jobs. They are people that have lost their job or bit off of their jobs because of the shutdown because of everything else is happening now now we have more people that are unemployed because of what happened some of what happened and then some who have participated and what happened on this past Wednesday of the storming the Insurrection the a treasonous really treasonous actions of of those who thought that they were doing something right but yet it is unconstitutional and we find out that some people have lost their jobs because of that. So now we have all of that and of course being that really really brings to mind that we're really in a social transition this not just because of what happened on Wednesday, but where we've been Can a social transition and so it is interesting is interesting that that that really 20/20. Is it really this is still the the aftermath of all that has been going on in 2020. But what is happening 2020 has been that God has allowed people to see okay. I don't want to belabor that 20/20, you know perfect vision and all the rest of that but a lot of things that people were in denial about a lot of things that people that it wasn't on people's radar. They wouldn't pay any attention to it things that we who are of another ethnic and the historical background a new long time ago. A lot of stuff is now as some people saying interned in current terminology. It's a lot of people who are now becoming woke understanding what is going on it. So we're in also social change social transition and so I'm here to tell you that that that nothing Will ever be as it used to be nothing will be as it used to be. You know, we say we want the things we want really things to become stable. But many times we've said what I want things to just get back to normal, but nothing will ever be as it used to be because we're in a time of transition and if you do not know history some things will catch you off-guard and if you do not know history, if you are not familiar with history Beyond just your your small light time no matter how old we are is still small umbrella pin in be relative to all of history that throughout history. There's been these types of changes do we're looking at this and we do we're looking and said, oh my God catching us up from garden we're saying this is unprecedented in one sense. It is only in a small sense, but this is not something that has not happened. All that's going on is not necessarily something. Has not happened before in history. And so throughout change throughout history. There's always been that there have been times where this was this type of changes happen and watch this church Big C church, not just your congregation not just you or your group, but the church has had to navigate through Transit since the time of Jesus inaugurating and I use that term on purpose an operating the church in the book of Acts and end the end the end the members of the body of Christ going out that hundred and twenty coming out of the upper room and and and preaching the gospel was mainly by by Peter but they were others and that the church Gathering and gaining 3000 on one date and all the rest of that the church from that point until now the church has always had to navigate through transition the church The church Universal Church. Okay, those who are apart of those who are living now as well as those who are with the Lord right now. They're all part of the church. We are all part of the church that church has had the navigate always through transition, but cervix and I need Anna and so this is part of what even though the Lord has through the event kind of Taylor me to go a different way. I'm still talking about the church. I remember I said on last week. I was going to share a really what does the Bible talk about so we can be clear on what the church is who the church is. What is God said the church is not what we've seen that what we thought but what is the church is so I need to let you know scripture the principles of the scripture where the scripture teaches the church is not ization. The church is not an organization. Yes, the church needs to be organized. Yes. There is a certain sense of organization with the church because if you're going to do anything if you're How to be successful if you're going to accomplish you have to have them level of organization to do to be able to do it so that things have got to work of it as organization but the church adding big seats, but in Oregon it is a spiritual organist. Let me say that again the church is not an organization only is not an organization in its route or in its foundation or in its Essence. It's not organism and any or is that is flexible it can react to and it has to relate to outside forces and it needs to move and it and it has two sometimes even morphed in certain ways. But yet still keep is core is not an organization. It's a spiritual organism to understand a organization becomes fixed and organization becomes fixed because once you once you only look at an organization, it becomes fixed it becomes Set in a specific way and it has certain parameters in which it much outside of it. Less it be destroyed any time a organization that does not look like what it used to be. The original organization becomes dead. It becomes destroyed and it becomes a new organization and sold. It shirts cannot be in organizations the church cannot be an organization because through transition it the church would not have been able to At Last this long and that's why Jesus says, this is Upon This Rock meaning not a pain pill upon his confession that Jesus is the Christ Upon This Rock. I will build my church not building organization. Now it needs to be organized to be organized their needs to be organization. But why is he says I'm building my church a spiritual organism. I've been in my church and the Very Gates of Hell will not share. Not ever be able to overtake destroyed Throwdown totally eliminate his organism called the body of Christ Church because the church all those what's and blood wash believe in the Lord not just because you put a name on the role of a church that had a 501 c 3 because they are not at all. Not that we called the church. But when you have accepted the Lord you are a body of Christ. That is the church and that is the spiritual Swaggart Church. We've always been able to navigate through dishes because we are organ espiritual organism. And so and so understanding this with will the church we have the church and that's I specifically want to speak to the church the church those who are blood but not just because you may have even Still be sad if you weren't going to church. I'm still talking to the church. But as we as the church, we need to now have spiritual Insight. We need to have spiritual insight to be able to successfully there's a keyword successfully prepare and to navigate the next. What you next next what whatever the next is that God has for us. We're in transition, but we don't really know what the next is that God intends but nothing is catching God by surprise. We're trying to figure out how to put things together. We're trying to figure out how to navigate to pool themes from over this together with the nexius. God is not sitting in heaven trying to like he's a cobbler or trying to put together some shoes out of some bits and pieces or or or as an engineer trying to working and pulling some things to get that is not trying to put together something to know that I got it already knows what the next step is. We just need to be clear the head where the body the church where the body we need to navigate with God and but we need to have spiritual Insight If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God. That's what James says to us in the word of God. He's talking to those who are the believer we I believe it and that while the world doesn't really know what's going on. They're trying to just they're just spinning their wheels. They're just going and so it needs to be that we need to understand as the church. We need to help the world to see how to successfully navigate the next but we need to have spiritual Insight. We need to have spiritual Insight now. I need you here this careful. I need you here this clearly especially. Church pixie church. The church is not affiliated. The church is not affiliated with any group. The Earth is not we attached to or affiliated with any group. What do I mean that whether democrat or republican or independent now individual it was we may be an aunt that I'm not saying that you can't be a believer and be a Democrat or identify with being a Republican or independent. Watch what I'm saying here is that God is trying to say to watch as the church our identity as the church our responsibility to God in his Heavenly mandate is that we are not affiliated or we got to go with the whole kit and caboodle of any Affiliated group. We're not affiliated in that way with any group so that watch this you need to understand that it's no group that speaks for the church is no group weather is Democrat Republican or Independent look look look at what the scripture let's go back to the scripture. Let's go back to the scripture Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went up to you and said unto him. Are you for us or for our adversary? Listen to what he says Joshua said, are you for us or for our adversaries. That's why I said before that the church as a spiritual message in its don't miss it. Don't miss it. The church is not affiliated. The church is not I know historically we've heard I know we've heard over and over again and when you've been preached to sometimes sometimes and it's almost made it to seem as if some Is what God is it is is approving of which group which political party which which state and this isn't just something that's happening just now but this has happened historically that that the church sometimes even posts and even a bishops and Papas and religious leaders have now have now from their Pulpit or from their place of authority have now linked watch this linked some civil or natural party or group or ideology with the kingdom. And so now what happens is people then start associating the kingdom of God with the king of a man as if the two are this God is not God is not going to co-sign for man's actions as if a man in his Radiology Lena not lean not to your own understanding, right and so he's not going to let our understanding become the definition of what the kingdom is. Do a lot of people have fallen in this in this message in this message verse 13 and verse 14, that's really two messages or two things that I want you to pull out of this verse 13 part there. That's two messages right sheet that that that when Joshua is getting ready. He's he's he's right engage with Jericho and he meets a man a man appears man appear with a drawn sword. And so there's two things to messages that I'm going to bring out of this that the man here that Joshua encounters represents God. But the activity okay, that's what that's a theological word. Theophany. Just means an appearance how God who is the spirit in the Old Testament? We have different times where we believe that these are appearances where God made himself appear either as a man or as angel angel of the Lord is calling theophany when God Appears or is able to be seen by man the Old Testament this man that appears here also represents represented. The believer also asked if there's a two-fold thing that God wants to really share with us is that that that this that this man that appears represents God. Okay, that's easy that's easy to candidacy. But I also want you to see if you forward this message is all I want to show you how the message of this the message that we're supposed to get out of here in represents the believer as the Believers what we need to see how do we try? position How do we transition in a pandemic and in pandemonium correctly we know what can do all things in transition. He's seamlessly, but the question is how can we who are human beings but yet inhabited by the spirit of God we are we are we are now God's children. How do we know that? We know God can do all things but now we got to walk this thing out. How do we know how to walk this thing out with God. How do we now walk in transition, take you up a little further in Joshua chapter 5. Let me take you up a little bit further to show you how all this fits together. This is not just pulling some scripture out just the bill filler to to just say something about current events. But how do we have begun when we are when we have been now hit with a double hit of a patent endemic and panda. What would you don't know? What did what you got an almost look at people with the with a slant-eye and look at them sideways as who are you? Who are you are you far? I do you for the other side and in the art and if you are for the other side do I need to get a sword for you week? We don't see something say something here and let me jump up the first 10 Joshua chapter 5 verse 10 verse 10 transitioning in a pandemic and in pandemonium. God wants to let you know. I just want to encourage those that may have just come on God wants to let you know that you can walk in peace because God is the one who's in in authority and in control and so God wants to know if he wants us to know that we need to successfully in transition in a pandemic and in pandemonium book purse first 10 March 10th through 13th take connected all and it says verse 10 now the children of Israel camped in gilgal Keith Gill Gap and kept the Passover on the 14th day of the month lights in the plains of Jericho. That means outbreak bright outside Jericho and the eighth of the produce of the land on the day after the Passover unleavened bread unleavened bread and Parks grave on the very same day. Betty says did man has ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land then the man has a seat on the date after eating the produce of the light and the children of Israel no longer had manner but they ate the food of the land of Cana that and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold the master. Was it him with his sword drawn in his hands and Joshua went to him and said to him are you for us or our adversaries? What's going on here?
It says that now Israel all of his were the people about the people that God had brought out of Egypt 40 years. They have been in the desert going through different things Disobedience. God forgive them. Taking them on another path and all the rest of this. So now they're at the border of the promised land there in a place of transition there in a in a place of transition and they're in a place and they're camped in gilgal whenever I see a name given of a specific place. It really tells me theologically hermeneutically all the rest that it tells me that that there is some significance with the name of that place with the name of that place why God gave that name is significant also to the storage and so the name gilgal means guilt but it's not just a real sitting on the ground, but if it is represents a wheel or a rolling wheel a wheel that is moving and if you know anyting a wheel that is Holy is in transition is moving from one place to another by virtue of its moving. Right and so is interesting. It's a day camp in gilgal. They can't do it in a place where it represented transition and it says watch this that Mana the Mana ceased to those who may not nobody but you may not know what about it is that all of the 40 is that Israel was in the desert? God gave them manna bread from Heaven every day because they're in the wilderness. They don't have a a Mariano's they don't have a juul to go to they don't have a saying for Less. They don't have any of those things for them to run to so God gave them Manna From Heaven. That was the primary thing that he kept and sustain them with Skeeter Davis. They didn't have to work for it. They have to do anything. All they had to do is obey God go out every day except for the Sabbath day go out everyday and pick. Go out everyday. God was the first Uber driver. I know that may be too much for you. And that made you Mason. Oh my God, what really is nothing new Under the Sun God was the first one to give pills? Hello. Somebody lol somebody I'm not trying to be sacrilegious, but I'm trying to just let you understand that you that that we not we're not coming up with anything new. Hello somebody that that God gave bread from heaven, but now watch this at the moment of transition. the things that God did for people Easily and without them doing anything for Celeste and by that it seeks Mana cease and so God. I was really trying to let them know that Israel you need to prepare for your transition because once you get into the promised land, you're going to be responsible for some things. I'm going to do the work but you're going to have to put in the effort. You're going to have to put in the effort. You're going to have to really hear me. You're going to have to do what I say. You're going to have to hear what I'm saying to you because I'm going to do the work. But the faith part is you got a position yourself correctly and sold the manor cease and I don't have to I want to deal with that. I may come back at another time season and watch this the next place up the next place that they have to go to the car. But the the leader jobs now in a place where he's preparing to take the people into the pro. Does Landwehr got it already promised do but now he needs to have a full understanding given to you. He has to have a final lesson that's given before he leaves the people into their transition. This is where we are. God is really saying we're in transition transmission is happening. You can't stop and you can't go back. It's happening is going to happen. You just need to be in the right place and the right understanding in the right mindset to be able to navigate transition correctly talk about the church and we as the church needs need to be able to help the world to see how to transition into God's next watch this and so here's the thing the next place won't be about aligning with the right group. Hello preacher uses a sale. I think about that the next bring us into the next this place won't be about aligning with the right group. As I said when we looked at that leading into I text. Okay so that we will have a contact but is already said, okay, you're in the you're in the land of order in the place of giving up my place right outside of Jericho and so is his okay. I need you to celebrate the Passover celebrate the Passover. What is this past? The Passover was celebrating and remembering how God delivered the people pose together and come together. The Passover is always referring to reminding the people to remember that it is God that brought you out once you get your freedom once you get what you think you Want to get done what you what God has promised to give to you. Don't forget the god that brought you and even in the church that we get to a place where we pray for God to do we get it God by God because then we take the spiritual organism and make it out and then we start then to doing our own things and we forget about God and so God is about to take him into their transition take them into Jericho and now and Gerald the promised land but that he's about to bring them into their promised land and he has them to a party and celebrate up for us. It would be communion. Don't forget every Sunday or wherever communion it is remembering how God brought us out by way of the cross at the cross. We cannot forget Jesus while we are moving forward with our life. We can't forget that we only have what we have because of him. Until the next place the nice won't be about a lining but let me say this. Let me see. Let me see the problem now why some people cannot now it in official positions in in Washington and other places around the country can't make the right decisions because they're too busy worrying about him to align with the right group. Is this right group that I think is going to be the group that's going to help me stay in power or the next group that don't help me keep a job and all the rest of this is this group going to approve of what I am doing. It's not about doing the right thing is about trying to align with the right group. What's the problem? What's this? We got to see that God by 13 by Joshua says because he's about to go in. He's about to transition into Jericho transition in Jericho. Give me if I go a little bit over forgive me for I need to really get this whole message out but Just wouldn't he's about to be in for fighting it and he knows what he keeps this place watch this watch this and watch the principal up and so he looks up and he's on that house of Jericho. He knows already that they are forces in there that don't want to let him in. He already knows what Goddess said. He knows. He's ready for a fight right? I'm talking about the text now and he sees a man standing out against them get over against them. I mean not against him but opposite of him standing over anybody's close enough to see that he has a sword in his hand. Common sense that wait a minute. Okay. I know I'm in a position now the enemy is on the other side and we got to go in and now I see a man standing there with a sword. Okay. I just encounter encounter somebody from the city, you know coming out to see who's here. Am I coming out at you know, is this an advance force? Is he, you know, the advanced forces. Is he the head of another me that somewhere near about and so it is interesting. The Joshua before you find out who he is Joshua ask him a question to walk towards them and you need to really see this to walk towards Joshua because Joshua is a fighter, but but we got to interpret this correct. Joshua is a fighter so I don't think you need to look at this Joshua 9 says, okay. I'm not running back to try to get some more people behind you. Got you got out of stored. Okay? Yeah. Hey, I'm a leader. I'm a real leader. I'm going to I'm going to be the first one in I'm not going to tell you to go and then I'm going to hide by tied back and look at a TV screen. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let me get back into the text. But Joshua said I'm not going to get him by myself. He said okay, he asked he does not assume. He does not assume. He doesn't started packing. He doesn't go back what he just thinks. He's not meaning to his own understanding, but now he asked him a question to him. Skip said are you for us or are you for our enemies? He in essence says what group are you for? Are you red or are you blue? Are you the Green Party? If I would put this in today's terminology or current events. Are you Catholic or are you pressed are you Muslim are you you know, who are you? Who are you? Who are you I see you got the sort out here was or are you born there? Okay, and so here's what I want you to see before I move forward with that. I painted that picture long and well enough. I think it's soon as he approaches him. I just want you to pull a I want to pull a principal out of that because we know who this is this a theophany that this is God showing up because I asked and he says that he says I am really I'm the Prince of the host of the Lord, you know, Angel of the Lord. You do some people may say this is, you know, preincarnate appearance of Christ never feel God. But I want you to see something before we get to what he says I want to pull this picture out cuz we know who he is. But I want you to understand this that God I believe God is saying that in this transition into us going into our next even as Israel was about to go into Jericho the promised land God is not going to show up like he did before. That what do I mean by that not he's not going to come through for you like you did before no button. God is now not necessarily going to operate they did before he got still has the same power. But why I said, I love God because God can show up blazing and fire on the top of a mountain with a whole mountain is consumed and the people can't even touch the mountain he can show up like that and this God that we serve can also show up like you did for Elijah and feel Small Voice. It's the same. It's the same God that that that operates in transition. It's the same. He has the same picture. But why Steve doesn't always have to show up the same way. It doesn't always have to operate the same way. He is the same he is in there since and by his Essence and by his power he is still the same yesterday today and forever. He's not going to change up. He's not going to change up his messages. He's not going to say he's he's against you and then when he finds out you empowered he's going to be for you by then when he finds out you you not have been labor the food now he's going to turn on you again. No, that's what people do. God is the same yesterday today and forever according to the scriptures. What's this? I believe this whole picture here of of God showing up just as a man. Not big. Joshua at first when you looked at him he thought he would take him until he approached him watch this. You could tell Joshua did not know that this was God at first because every time people knew it was God, they they just thought they were going to die. Because no man can see the face of God and Leah. Nobody can come into His full Holiness and live right? And so he approaches. And if he starts but God ready for fight cuz he didn't know he was God before us why you bought it at me. What is that sword really for? Pencil Joshua just saw a man. Been with me a little bit. Been with me. I hope you're being blessed by this. Here's the principal here man, but it was God Joshua's just saw with his eyes. We can't walk by date. We had to walk by faith and trusting and die, right because God can do some stuff that will look ordinary. It's so it was an ordinary man with an ordinary sword, but he didn't know it was God is the principal he has his the next principal must prepare for the ordinary and the extraordinary. Let me say that again, but the first must prepare in this transition Church in transit, I didn't and Panda boat that the church must prepare for the ordinary and extraordinary. Imma. Imma. Imma try this together. How how this works? How old is this works together? Because God is trying to give up our marching orders, but the proper marching orders to have the proper effect and end result if you understand what I'm saying? You can't just say something and just let the chips fall where they may The church must prepare for the ordinary and extraordinary for us in America. According to what we think going to call Janelle. Mary know what the ordinary ordinary is. Nothing. We can't have ordinary and the church hot here how to prepare for the transit to the church must prepare for the ordinary and the extraordinary extraordinary or Extraordinary People in the church. I've been in the church really all my life. I've been in church all my life. I've not saved all my life, but you been in the church all my life and I've seen some things in the church like a picture when I mean I've been in church. I haven't been once that that that left for a little while and came back. I've been in church, so I didn't seem transition in the church. I've been through the 80s or the time of the Quieter than all the rest of that musician in the last seen all that and the rise of where the church what we know now started and when it started to morph it in a scene and we've come through the. Of the American church not everywhere, but the American church, but this phenomenon is hit other places throughout the globe, but we've come to the pier where the church where we where we thought that everything was a larger-than-life. Okay, the. Of the church where everything was locked that if it was God it had to be if you want to be Extraordinary Deed the time. And I'm not believe me when I say it's not because I'm bashing them or those are a problem in and of themselves. I'm trying to I'm trying to get to a mindset about certain things. The things themselves that the church has done because a lot of it if you had said even a but I'm come through the time. Where the big conferences and the mega churches That became the standard being out of church where they was big or small if it was if you considered it to be God, it'll be something flashy you had to have 15 prophetic signs that the nnnn something that the people were supposed. So into in the budget had to be met and over met and overflows and people had that have 15 offer that people had to run down to give money. I thought you was going off and soap it was this whole mindset of it had to be extraordinary or it wasn't God. Don't mind it. I need to go to the bank. I need to go to the place where everybody at the end of the month is what we're seeing is that this mindset of the bigger is better the more extraordinary it is it the more is God that is really the mindset of what our whole culture has become American coach not just America, but other place to eat and Technology since the nineties until now has made it accessible to put on a Persona 4 the really just seeking the face of God and being genuine and being real insults. You can have it in this not just for churches and passes out and I'm not just talk about the people of got bigger is better than now everybody has an Instagram account. Everybody has a Facebook account. Once again, I'm not against these I'm not saying this because I'm against it but I'm talking about we need to really start understanding. Have we fallen into a mindset about some things that God is saying I need to transition you out of that before you get to the next that we're now we can we can look a certain way. We can't we cannot be certain things. But yet by way of our Facebook page face Facebook post and Anna and I are at the way that we put our profiles up and all the rest of this weekend up here to be one thing and would not it. Why because we want to show that the extraordinary is the very thing to be nobody just wants to be order. Thank God it's saying okay, but I can use the ordinary to do extraordinary things. What number was this? What are we saying? What are we see? I believe that what happened on Wednesday was a pathetic picture also of a lot of other things. I believe it was the prophetic picture of a lot of other things that we've come through even as a church in what could this what really should this show us at the church? We've come to the pier where the church let everything larger-than-life everything was watching the lights, but now we're seeing the collapse of that facade. It's not just what happened. We've seen over these last 10 20 years of things that were Larger than Life with that the very thing and so it is preaching Christ. But is at the ministry of the debt was going on with most anality didn't really about the person that would be increased about Christ and now we start to see the collapse of all that this is all going on a million-dollar Minister President. Not just pictures even smaller churches you try to do all the rest of these things trying to compete with the mega Ministries at all the rest of that because sometimes we can get so caught up in trying to be bigger to show that we are the ones who died is using that now the berry infrastructure the very foundations of Holiness now and I'm not talking about Holiness and what you got on or how long you fast and all the rest of that but just being set apart for God what Holiness is being set apart for God. Has God called you to do and now we're starting to see the collapse of all of that where you have all of these things that I thought this was this. I thought that Minister was this and so we're having people in these church because they thought was this persona. And I'm not talking about people just leaving Big charger small church people. See I thought you was a Christian all the rest of this. Why because watch this this transition now that God is trying to tell us to be prepared for this transition will show the ordinary doing the extraordinary ordinary. Don't mean small here doesn't mean small. I'm not talkin about small you come by ugly. God just wants you to be who he called you to be. He just wants you to be you people that got swept up in the dramatic then found themselves devastated by what they have lost phone into so many things from the presidency on down to Big Ministries and some smaller Ministry State they bought into the truck. It's got to be dramatic. Bottom of sometimes in NC I said, I've been in the church off my rocket 51 now. I've been on my life. I'm tired of Secrets Sheen that has more preparations and absolute Nosa. Seems like more opportunities work work work work put together the look of preaching the clothing of preaching and the substance was lacking. The people have been dying for lack of a solid word from God. I said this I said this to my doctoral students I said this and I'm just going to stay this year ahead and plan to but I'm going to say this and I just I just I just forgive me for my frustrations, but but it's a shame if somebody is a minister not just a passive but a minister and their clothing cost more than their library to study a word that they presumably are gift. If they got more if what they're wearing cost more than their library of study. They should be ashamed before God. Because why our current way of thinking about church is the entertainment we don't want to see it that way but God is really saying can somebody just get up and I got. God bless him and I'm just going to use use this one. This one's think that's gone on to be kissed somebody check it up like a like a bishop Iona Locke and just get footage and just give the word of God.
And so this transition that God is trying to say we need to be prepared for this is really is really say that the ordinary is going to do the extraordinaire meaning just beach in you. That's not small insignificant mean just beat beat beat me genuine because so many people have now at and they may not want to say it but so many people that bought into all of this and I'm just going to use that as an example of trump not everybody will just the whole thing bought into the whole thing because he appeared to be what they were looking for. He appeared to be on what is the results a lot of people are devastated because they are feeling like I lost the whole lot. I heard a lady the radio that you would she come and it really has a a news radio station and she called in and she never really listened to this you was in opposition to it and she was crying and she says it just want to know one thing and she was crying and you can feel the devastation. She says get my president lie to me. Because she said she had been there she wasn't part of the ones that that storm the gates and I'll wrestle but she was there at the at the rally and she and go with her friends with then I go to the capital but what she saw what happened and that's what is happening many times with the church. So many people who are in the church because they bought in the dramatic image of what the church look like and when they found that there was some crack in what was there they've been stopped going and now they have been turned off by church not necessarily turned off my God, but they've been turned off by by church and they're really in a devastated way. They said I bought into all of that but really they bought into the extraordinary that which we have put up but yet They're saying now what God is but I'm looking for sporting. I got it. I got to bring this to a close but then bring it to a close verse 14. So he said after Joshua said are you or beat or for my enemies? I took verse 14, but I got to say this and we all can understand if we cannot move to the place where now we are saying now that the Republican party is the party that God is is is on the side of that that this is the this is the party that the church really the real church is a part of him. Neither. Can we say now that the Democratic party do to people with a party of the people are all the rest of this or that follows. The Democrats is the real church at God is for this side and that side Abraham Lincoln during the time of the Civil War said said, we're headed this way. It's not a cold, but this What he was saying, he said okay there school on both sides by the Confederates as well as the union and both of them are pretty he said well cool. Listening to because one side is saying that God is for my side God is for another side what he is wearing his verse 14. So the man that he came out or two with the San Sebastian. Are you me or you for my kids the answer and this what and I'm and I'm bringing it to close the 14th. So he said so the man said no, so he said no, but as the commander have the mass of people of the Lord I have now come. Joshua fell on his face and said to him what does my Lord say to his servant? this this transition now would not be about
who can speak but who can listen? This transition will not be about who can speak who can deliver a word with cooking while the crowd up Phuket it delivered just like this to get the people moving get the people to do something cuz we see what that can we see. What a mouthpiece. Can do to get people to not moving in the way that God wants anybody can move a crowd if they know how the techniques of speeches for the rest of this and theatrics and all the residents. But God is saying through this. I believe you sent this to the church that he says now this transition needs to be about who can really listen. More than you can speak he says he said, who are you for me or my enemy? He's a no, not you you got I need you to get this right? I'm not for anything. He says I'm four. God's people Not those who are saying. Following this political platform of this way of doing things and if you don't have God did it by myself you're looking at me. You think I'm just an ordinary man, but I need you to understand something Joshua I need because you coming at me cuz you don't know whether you need me or not. He said well, no, I'm not for that party know that party that side door that says I'm not ready for Israel as a group of people just because there is real and I'm not. Just because those in Jericho, I just not Israel or somebody is not a people cuz they not black. God is not a God is not just for white people and not against not for black people because God has for white people think we're getting this all mixed up even if he's to us. He was by way of chapter 14. He's a note I am the leader of those who are according to what God says. His agenda is not what you say garbage in what does real agenda is the next the next remember the next the next won't be predicated upon the dramatic but the Djinn you forgot really wanted me to stress with you. The next won't be predicated upon how well your your your your social message is for your ministry. Your job is for people to really look at you a certain way. It's not going to be part of how it looks how the big the building is for the passes. And for the Menace notes. Khujo how well the laminated
Card that you have how that looks is not about how you are, your persona is while you're preaching or why your teacher what what you doing what you're driving that is safe. It's not going to be predicated upon the dramatic, but the genuine
This is about what God is really saying, how do we get and I'm cold and I'm through I'm through I probably will but but the pandemic and the pandemonium still in his really strip off mini mask and knocked out and knocked facades. That's what he's doing. A lot of people talking Faith Target fake talking real big on trust God the panda pic called the rider show that they did it as a whole lot of passes that there was a houndour. What am I going to do? Wait a minute you preaching this happened on something that hasn't happened it really in my lifetime. But now you falling apart. It's masked unmask those who weren't really we're trying to look like they were at I did a whole lot of Passage thing that will put up this big. This is the greatest thing ever that the Pandemonium the things that were going on now has knocked down and really shown a whole lot of things that a whole lot of people for who they really are. God has amassed a whole lot of stuff. Some people never would have known was racist has been on they were putting themselves on Facebook all the rest of that and I'm not saying that everybody was involved with that is racist. I'm not saying that but what I'm saying in general, is that a that God has now allowed watch this. What does the word? What is the word say? He said that what you've done in the dark will come to the light. Even if it doesn't come on his own. Snots the covers off open up wide the doors that that folks been hiding behind and so all of this has been happening the pandemic and the pandemonium God allows things to happen. For reason. We must just trust him through the process and so many things and people for what and who they are and this is where The Church Must Stand Up This Is Where The Church Must Stand Up not by being an organization taking another or being another party or being another thing that got it that we we think God is just going to choose us because we have crosses on because we have this by our names at that by name as we say, we're for this platform got to say no. No. No, I'm not looking for the dramatic. I'm looking for the ordinary. But I'm going to take the ordinary and do the extraordinary through those that will trust me and that everybody will then see that is not in the power of the purse is not in the power of the personality not in the power of if I can fool enough. Follow behind me. I may not have the money. I may not have the power but if I get enough people behind me boost me up into believe my lies and believe what I'm saying. I can now have power no no. No I said no no, no, no, no. No, I'm transitioning thing so that you can see even at the church of the church be the one who leads people to a place where really God wants to be glorified in is by saying I just want to be Jenny. I just want to let God to be in my life. I just want God to have his way back. That's where we need to be. That's where the anxiety will leave from even Christians hearts. Over what's going on Lord Lead Me Guide Me along the way Lord, if you leave me I won't drain Lord. Let me walk each day with view with the Guess that's really old song from the church. It's an old song from the church. But what is one that has significance even for us now? God wants to be glorified.
Because people will trust him. Not trying to get the Limelight not trying to get the spotlight for putting a spotlight on. God bless you. God bless you. Thank you for sharing with us. I just want you to understand. I just want to understand that God loves you, even in the midst of pandemonium and a pandemic God still has a plan. He still has a purpose. He still going to bring us out. It's not over. It's not over still Truscott because God wants to bless you. And if you don't you don't know it, you know, I was talking about the church. Says. He's for the side of not the organization not who's part of the organization not who has this thing. Who's subscribed to serve Bean? But God is on the side of the one who says I want to that. I want to track the blood of Jesus to cleanse my life. I want to know the Lord. I want to be in in connection with the Lord. the Lord that created heaven and earth the one that sent his only begotten son to die for our sins, but yet was got enough to ride and now he's coming back again and he's coming back. For party. So who's subscribed and who voted one way or another way not for who has this monitor on their lapel who has a certain things and that they are identifying with what God is coming for those who are trusting him his way not their own way but his way Just the gospel is so I just wanted to share that with you that you can accept the Lord. I'm going to be praying for you and I'll ask you to pray for our world pray for our a new president President and Vice President his cabinet that they would do the right thing. We got to pray for everybody. I have not agreed with the last president, but I was paying and I are outgoing president. I got mad. Yes, yes, but I was still praying wife because it's not about a party is not about what other people are doing, but it's about what God says. God says to pray for all who are in Authority for an authority. I must try to discipline myself have I done it right all the time? No, nobody has but I try to discipline myself to do what God has said and so that's what we need to do. God bless you and Pastor Dwayne Cooke House of Refuge and strength Full Gospel assembly. I encourage you to to try to your own understanding but in all it's him and he will direct your path and you want to give you if you want to give you can diffusion strength, not me. My personal Ministry refuge and strength Full Gospel assembly at Cash app dollar sign rasf. GA dollar sign rasf ga. God bless you. God bless you in every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. At 11 a.m. On Sunday mornings and well as well as on Wednesday nights and our Bible study. Where in the Book of John Wednesday nights on a at 7:07 on Wednesdays every Wednesday. God bless you and God be with you. Let's pray. They have a father love. We think you would thank you for all that. You have done Lord speak to our hearts right now in direct. Footsteps in your way Lord, the way that you would have for us to go God. We bless you Lord praying for those that are sicknesses those that are in firm those that have lost his okay. Lord you are the one that can bring comfort you as you are the one that can strengthen Us in all things that we bless you and we thank you in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. And amen. God bless you until we come before you again. God bless you and go with God.