Prayer of Adoration
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Lord God of Heaven and Earth,
We have gathered this morning to worship you. We see from this Psalm of David that this is your call to all of your peoples. You have called all generations, all families, and all brothers and sisters in Christ to come together to offer you praise. You have called us to fear you, you have called us to serve you.
For kingship belongs to the LORD, and you rule over all the nations. You have given reign to your Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Father he is your Son, the Second person of the trinity, whom you afflicted for the sake of your people and the sake of your own glory. Father in your all wise, predetermined plan of salvation you sent you Son into the world that whoever might believe in him will not perish but have eternal live.
This sending of your Son as Savior is a sign and seal of your steadfast love, mercy, and grace. Therefore, we seek to offer you genuine praise, worship in spirit and truth this morning. And me we commit to submitting to your sovereign rule this morning and we submit to the lordship, the kingship of our Son. We do believe in our heart that you raised Him from the dead, and we confesses that Jesus is Lord. We ask Lord that you would recieve our praise, worship, and adoration this morning. We plead that you would continue to reveal yourself to us through the preaching of your Word that we might respond in worship and praise through the sacrifice and resurrection of you Son and the illumination of your Spirit.
It is in the powerful and precious name of Jesus we pray this morning,