Exposing False Teachers
John believes theology matters and so should we. Our joy—which is made complete in fellowship with the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and one another—is grounded in a shared theology. To enjoy this life we must believe the theology about this Word of life. There can be no cafeteria approach to Jesus Christ, where we pick what we like and leave what we don’t. John had no interest in a “Jesus minus theology” or a “Jesus plus theology.” Thabiti Anyabwile says it like this:
To receive the Word of life is to embrace Jesus as He offers Himself in the gospel. That phrase—“as He offers himself in the gospel”—is very important. We must receive Jesus—the Word of life, the eternal life, the Son of God—not as we imagine Him to be, or as we like to think of Him, or as someone else believes Him to be. We do not truly receive Jesus if we do not accept Him as He defines Himself.
We know that we are Christians and have received God’s salvation when we humbly accept the Word of life, which means to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who appeared in our flesh, was crucified to take our punishment for our sin, was raised from the grave three days later for our justification with God, and is coming again to bring the fullness of God’s kingdom. Is that the Jesus you have received? (unpublished sermon manuscript)