No King But Christ
The Righteous Government (Rom. 13:1-7)
Origen asks: ‘Is an authority which persecutes the children of God, which attacks the faith and which undermines our religion, from God? We shall answer this briefly. Nobody will deny that our senses—sight, sound and thought—are given to us by God. But although we get them from God, what we do with them is up to us.… God’s judgment against the authorities will be just, if they have used the powers they have received according to their own ungodliness and not according to the law of God
The Scriptural Revelation our Nation’s Heart (Ex. 20)
The Realization of Revelation 13
When Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill the newborn boys, they refused to obey
When King Nebuchadnezzar issued an edict that all his subjects must fall down and worship his golden image, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to obey. When King Darius made a decree that for thirty days nobody should pray ‘to any god or man’ except himself, Daniel refused to obey.22 And when the Sanhedrin banned preaching in the name of Jesus, the apostles refused to obey