Good Neighbors: Part 2
Good Neighbors • Sermon • Submitted
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Good Neighbors: Part 2
Luke 10:10-16
1/03/21 am
Intro: In this message, I’m relating a good neighbor as a disciple of Christ who shares the kingdom, shares good works, and shares Jesus Christ. We will face rejection as Christians but winning a soul to Christ is worth it all. Good neighbors will develop friendships and build community. In doing so, healthy relationships and secure communities are developed.
1. Good Neighbors Share the Kingdom (Lk 10:10-12)
2. Good Neighbors Share Good Works (Lk 10:13-15)
3. Good Neighbors Share Jesus Christ (Luke 10:16)
A. Good neighbors go to neighbors
1 We are called to be witnesses
a. Acts 1:8
b. Isaiah 43:10, 12, 44:8
c. We have a mandate to go and make disciples (Matt 28:18-20)
2 Preach the gospel, and use words also
a. Be a good neighbor, build relationships
b. We live in a disconnected world
3 We share the kingdom
a. Luke 17:21
b. The kingdom is here and near – Luke 10:11
B. Good neighbors at times face rejection
1 Some are not open to the kingdom
2 Part of being a disciple and messenger of God, or a good neighbor, will involve the reality of rejection. It is important to prepare disciples with an honest look at what they'll face and not just sweep the harsh realities under the rug.
3 Jesus is sending the 70 disciples out to minister the kingdom of God and He prepares them by forewarning them of potential rejection. Jesus doesn't avoid the possibility of persecution or rejection; He doesn't present a fantasy idea that all will go well and there will be no problems. He speaks honestly of rejection. What is interesting about this passage is that in Luke 10:17, the disciples came back rejoicing about the victories they had won and not complaining about the rejection.
C. Rejection of the kingdom comes with accountability
1 The city of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum are accountable to God because they did not repent at the ministry of Jesus. Jesus is saying that Tyre and Sidon, wicked cities that were judged by God, would have repented and turned to God had they been exposed to the ministry of Jesus. Tyre and Sidon didn’t have the opportunity to have the Son of God preach and minister to their lives. Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum had powerful miracles and preaching, but did not repent and believe in Jesus. Luke 12:48
2 Knowing this accountability before God, we persuade men
a. 2 Cor. 5:10-11
D. There is only ONE WAY TO HEAVEN
1 John 14:6
2 Acts 4:12
E. We must speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15)
1 Repentance is part of the kingdom
A. We are created for good works (Eph 2:10)
1 The goal is to build bridges of friendship
2 You can share your talents
3 You can share your concern
4 Titus 3:14
B. We are created for mighty works
1 John 14:12, 14
2 Mighty works = δύναμις
a. strength power, ability
b. inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
c. power for performing miracles
1) Acts 1:8 we have the power
3 This is where it is important to offer prayer for others and step out in faith
a. We won’t see miracles if we don’t take a chance
C. Sometimes even good works don’t persuade people to believe in Jesus
1 The Amplified uses the words "slights and rejects."
2 You can’t control others, you can only control you
3 When you’ve done all you can, leave it with God
a. No matter how difficult life is, no matter where God calls us to serve, we must be faithful.
b. After the tragic bombing of a marine base in Beirut in October 1983, the steadfastness of one young soldier moved and heartened the American people back home. He had been critically wounded in the explosion of the revamped hotel where he and his fellow marines had been staying. Many of his buddies had been killed. He was covered with bandages and a jungle of tubes was attached to his body. He could not speak. Yet when he was visited by General Paul X. Kelly, Commandant of the Marine Corps, he indicated he wanted to write something. Painfully he wrote the words “semper fi,” a shortened form of the U.S. Marine Corps motto, Semper Fidelis. It means, “Always faithful.”
c. Every believer is a soldier of the cross. We may be only human, but we must be determined in our service to the Lord—and always faithful.
A. Are We Representing the Kingdom Well?
1 Do not take it personally when rejection takes place
2 Luke 10:10-16 deals with rejection. Being a good neighbor means we will endure rejection at times and not be deterred by it. The good neighbor (the servant of the Lord that is reaching out to others with the love and truth of God) will not want to allow the spirit of rejection affect him/her and therefore the action of Luke 10:11 is required. Knowing our identity in Christ is important. We can’t be so insecure that the rejection of men is taken personally. We know who we are in Christ. We are loved by God and live as royalty in Christ, therefore, the rejection of men is viewed as rejecting God and not us.
3 Know your identity in Christ
a. You are loved – 1 John 3:1
b. You are sent – John 17:18
c. You have authority in Christ – Luke 10:19
d. You are blessed and not cursed – Gal 3:13-14
e. You are blessed with all spiritual blessings – Eph 1:3
4 The disciple brings the kingdom of God. When people reject what we offer them, they are rejecting God and not us. Therefore, we must present the kingdom and not ourselves. Jesus said in John 12:32-33, 47 that He is to be the One lifted up. Let us make sure that we are not getting in the way of that important element of the kingdom. We must point people to Jesus and not ourselves.
5 It is important to remember though that we must represent the kingdom well, we don’t want to become a stumbling block for potential believers because of sin or corruption in our lives.
B. This Requires a Intimate Relationship with Jesus Christ
1 Spend time in prayer each day
2 Spend time in your Bible each day
3 “Let the people renew their strength.” Isaiah 41:1
4 All things on earth need to be renewed. No created thing continues by itself. “Thou renewest the face of the year,” was the Psalmist’s utterance. Even the trees, which wear not themselves with care, nor shorten their lives with labour, must drink of the rain of heaven and suck from the hidden treasures of the soil. The cedars of Lebanon, which God has planted, only live because day by day they are full of sap fresh drawn from the earth. Neither can man’s life be sustained without renewal from God. As it is necessary to repair the waste of the body by the frequent meal, so we must repair the waste of the soul by feeding upon the Book of God, or by listening to the preached Word, or by the soul-fattening table of the ordinances. How depressed are our graces when means are neglected! What poor starvelings some saints are who live without the diligent use of the Word of God and secret prayer! If our piety can live without God it is not of divine creating; it is but a dream; for if God had begotten it, it would wait upon him as the flowers wait upon the dew. Without constant restoration we are not ready for the perpetual assaults of hell, or the stern afflictions of heaven, or even for the strifes within. When the whirlwind shall be loosed, woe to the tree that hath not sucked up fresh sap and grasped the rock with many intertwisted roots. When tempests arise, woe to the mariners that have not strengthened their mast, nor cast their anchor, nor sought the haven. If we suffer the good to grow weaker, the evil will surely gather strength and struggle desperately for the mastery over us; and so, perhaps, a painful desolation, and a lamentable disgrace may follow. Let us draw near to the footstool of divine mercy in humble entreaty, and we shall realize the fulfilment of the promise, “They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.”
5 Spurgeon, C. H. (1896). Morning and evening: Daily readings. London: Passmore & Alabaster.
A. Part of being a disciple and messenger of God, or a good neighbor, will involve the reality of rejection. It is important to prepare disciples with an honest look at what they'll face and not just sweep the harsh realities under the rug.
B. We are called to be GOOD NEIGHBORS