20210105 Prayer Focus
Pray that we live a life of repentance and allow God to take away our stony heart and give us a heart of flesh. Pray that we go beyond the quarries (rough rocky places) of this life and overcome any challenges or crises in our world. “And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries...” (Judges 3:26).
BEYOND the Quarries
There also, Joshua erected stone monuments when the Israelites crossed the Jordan (Josh 4). Might the “carved stones” mentioned here be those monuments? Joshua 4 did not use pesel or pesilim (see note above) and did not refer to the stones as carved or inscribed. Moreover, these terms never denote a legitimate monument to Yahweh. Still, the presence of idols at Gilgal, the very place where stone monuments from Joshua’s time stood, would underscore the depths to which Israel had sunk.