Feast of Nativity 2021
Encouragement and Hope in the incarnation
Encouragement and Hope in the incarnation
Tonight we celebrate hope hope for humanity.
We were stuck as a race, with no destination other than eternal separation from God.
Through the incarnation of the Son of God, humanity received hope for a different ending....eternal ending....Salvation
While we have been given hope for salvation, it was not forced upon us…it was offered to us
But it requires a choice on our end
Big choices are often tough to make, especially alone, and God knew this…He knew we needed encouragement to make the decision.
Christ, walking among us would serve as a source of encouragement to follow him
As He chose out of those who followed them, some to be disciples He taught them and encouraged them to live differently by walking with them.
His healing and miracles would encourage others to break stride with society and walk differently
He lifted up the weak, strengthened the legs of lame and open the eyes of the blind which in a way encouraged them
SBSS a community of Hope and encouragement
SBSS a community of Hope and encouragement