He's Standing By
He’s Standing By Genesis 6:16 & Gen. 8:1
Introduction: Noah must have been the most trusting man in the Bible. I don’t think I would have wanted to get on a wooden boat in that much water with two termites.
This was a huge construction. A cubit is about 18 inches in length so the ark would be about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. God instructed there to be a window at the top as we read tonight for ventilation and light and I like to think also that those days when Noah was down or discouraged or the animals were so restless that he would look up through that window and he and God would have a talk. The songwriter put it like this “thru the upper window you’ll see me standing by”
I. God Remembers We read in 8:1 God remembered Noah
A. Isn’t it wonderful that God doesn’t forget. This doesn’t mean that he’d forgotten Noah for awhile. It only means he gave him a little more attention. That a wonderful time isn’t it.
B. Some one said “ This statement is like a ray of light in a gloomy scene” Beacon
C. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Turn it anyway you like; thee forsake nor thee leave never will I. Hallelujah. God remembers his own
II. God Sees We read though a little different story in Gen 16:13 About Hagar running away from Sara because of trouble. But the angel found her. And talked to her She called that name of the Lord “Thou God seeth me” or as the Amplified put it “The God that sees”
A. I’m glad sees us tonight
B. A British submarine stranded on the ocean floor. After two days, hope of raising her had been abandoned. The crew upon orders from the commanding officer began singing : Abide with me! Fast falls the even tide. The darkness deepens - Lord with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless oh abide with me.
The officer began to explain they did not have long to live. There was no hope of outside help as the surface searchers did not know their position. Sedative pills were passed out to quiet the men’s nerves. One Sailor affected more quickly than the others swooned and fell against a piece of equipment and set in motion the submarine’s jammed surfacing mechanism. The submarine went to the surface and made port safely. God sees his children and hears them when they pray
III. God hears Hagar named her son Ishmael meaning God hears
A. God hears us when we cry out to him
Conclusion: The Storm will come but fret not Oh Noah I am Nigh and thru the upper window you’ll see me standing by. I faced a trial some time ago I had noone I could go to about it I just simply knelt beside the bed and whispered my way through to
God remembers God sees and God hears aren’t you glad Praise the Lord.