Syllabus - BI-2207

Acts: Worldwide Church Explosion: BI-2107 • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 2:22:15
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Acts: worldwide church explosion: Acts 1:8
Course Description
Course Description
This course is an expositional study of the Book of Acts, while focusing our study on the ministry of the Early Church, and the ministry of the risen Christ in the world through the Holy Spirit.
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
After completing this course the student will:
Remember the basic content and message of the Book of Acts.
Identify the major themes of the Book of Acts.
Know major problem passages and their possible solutions in the Book of Acts.
Gain a greater appreciation for the canonical contributions of the Book of Acts.
Grow in spiritual maturity through careful and consistent application of the principles found in the Book of Acts.
Course Text Books
Course Text Books
The Bible
Class notes
Baptist New Testament Commentary Acts by Dr. James Floyd
Course Assignment Description
Course Assignment Description
Read the Book of Acts during the length of the course. 50% of Grade
There is no substitute for reading the Scriptures!
2. Outline, Papers and Notebook. 25% of Grade
3. Quizzes and Tests. 25% of Grade
4. Read “Baptist New Testament Commentary - Acts” 10% Bonus
5. Memorize Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
6. Keep a notebook (preferably a 3-ring binder) devoted specifically to the Book of Acts.
The notebook should contain the course handouts, your notes, and any assignments that you do for this course. Organizing these materials now will make them accessible in the future as you continue your studies and as you may have opportunity to teach the book.
2 Tardies equal 1 absence.
2 absences equal 1 letter grade.
You are expected to be in class and to be on time to class.
Course Requirements
Course Requirements
Test will be given during the semester, and a comprehensive final.
Course Grading Scale
Course Grading Scale
A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-70 D = 69-60 F=59-0
Each student must make a 70 or better to pass this course.
All grades will be reported for transcript to CABBI
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
1/13/2025 - Introduction to Syllabus & Acts Introduction
1/20/2025 - Acts 1 - Local Commission - Jerusalem
1/27/2025 - Acts 2a
Have read Leviticus 23
Write Notes on the Feasts giving important facts and distinctions.
2/03/2025 - Acts 2b
2/10/2025 - Acts 3-5
2/17/2025 - Acts 6-7
Last Day to Drop without receiving F
2/24/2025 - Acts 8-9 - Regional Commission - Judea & Samaria
Outline and Test Due
3/03/2025 - No Class - Chapel Day!
3/10/2025 - Acts 10-12 - Worldwide Commission -
3/17/2025 - Acts 13-15 - Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey
Due Notes (Chart) on the places and people with with Paul.
3/13/2025 - Chapel Day!
3/24/2025 - Spring Break!
3/31/2025 - Acts 16-18:22 - Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey
Outline and Test Due
Due Notes (Chart) on the places and people with with Paul.
4/07/2025 - Acts 18:23-21:16 - Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey
Due Notes (Chart) on the places and people with with Paul.
4/14/2025 - Acts 21:17-23 - Paul Stands Trial
4/21/2025 - Acts 24-26 - Paul before Felix and Agrippa
4/28/2025 - Acts 27-28 - Paul’s Final Journey to Rome
5/05/2025 - Final Day! Outline and Exam Due