Christ in the Parables 1

Life of Christ  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Life Of Christ Teacher’s Guide
Intro - We have perused the Old Testament for prophecies concerning the Messiah, we have glanced into the Tabernacle, worshiped at it’s altar, looked behind the sacred veil into the holy of holies, watched in awe as the High Priest would make his appearance in his glory and splendor. We not long ago looked into the Christmas story so we will skip over that at this time. We want to pick up at the type of teaching Jesus did the majority of the time. Speak in parables. A parable etymologically signifies a placing together two or more objects for the purpose of comparison. fictitious narrative (of common life conveying a moral),
We have recorded in our study guide a total of thirty-seven (37) parables. We probably will not cover all of them but would like to go over some and hopefully whet your appetite to search some out for yourselves. Some are similar in nature, some use same imagery but have different morals. Lets cover at least one tonight and see how far we get. Lets back up to verse 13.
C. Parables - Lamps and Baskets (Matt 5:13-16/ MK 4:21-22/ Lk 8:16-17& 11:33-36)
1. This is the first recorded parable we have in the New Testament. (And we are actually combining several that are close in morals)
A. Jesus has climbed the mountain and begin to preach “The Sermon On The Mount”
B. He had previously given the “Beatitudes” and incorporates this “Parable” into his sermon. Much like a minister today would an illustration.
2. We begin with what we are when we become disciples of Christ’s
A. Salt- A mineral from the earth or more specifically the water. It is used to:
1. Season - Adds taste and flavor to foods. (Illustrate with Sis. Frazier who recently passed away, cook at Troy Camp, Someone was working on mashed potatoes she came over and sniffed at them and told them “This needs more salt” She could tell just by smelling.
A. What do we taste like, what do we smell like to the world, are we seasoned properly, or do we need more?
2. Fertilize - Some types of saline materials are used to make fertilzer (alkali etc. )
A. Do we help others grow, do we fertilize the seed that is planted in them?
3. Preserve - It keeps, it keeps away corruption. Salted beef
A. One has said that “The only thing holding this world together is the saint’s prayers.” I don’t know if that is true, but I tend to think so. We are commanded to pray for our Leaders and government. Why else would God have us do that. To preserve. The British use to sing and probably still do, “God Save The Queen”
4. Heals - Salt has healing power. Bro. Lorton’s Grandmother was working around the house once and cut her hand pretty badly, Instead of running and getting the gauze and antiseptic she grabbed the salt shaker opened the cut and poured it in. It hurt she said but there was hardly a scar when it had healed.
A. Can God use us to heal other’s?
3. Jesus warns us to be careful not to lose our savor-
A. In Eastern countries the salt that was used was not purified and often mixed with vegetable or other earthly substance. It is the kind found underground in veins or layers. When this is exposed to the sun and rain it loses its saltiness.
1. One who had the opportunity to visit an area where this kind of salt was found wrote, “I broke a piece of it, of which that part was exposed to the rain, sun and air, though it had the sparks and particles of salt,, yet it had perfectly lost its savor. The inner part, which was connected to the rock, retained its savor…”
A. The lesson I get from that is to be careful and guard your salt. Don’t expose it to the things of the world or it will lose it’s savor. It won’t be effective. It won’t work. God help us to realize what the world is and to keep our salt away from it.
4. Jesus then goes onto another parable with the same moral behind it.
A. Light - Let me quote good old Webster - 1. That ethereal agent or matter which makes objects perceptible to the sense of seeing, but the particles of which are separately invisible. It is now generally believed that light is a fluid, or real matter, existing independent of other substances, with properties peculiar to itself. Its velocity is astonishing, as it passes through a space of nearly twelve millions of miles in a minute. Light, when decomposed, is found to consist of rays differently colored; as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The sun is the principal source of light in the solar system; but light is also emitted from bodies ignited, or in combustion, and is reflected from enlightened bodies, as the moon. Light is also emitted from certain putrefying substances. It is usually united with heat, but it exists also independent of it.
B. Naturally we don’t turn on a lamp and then put a blanket or a dark shade over it that will block out the light completely.
1. However we do this figuratively when we do things that destroy our influence among those who should be seeing our light.
Mar 4:21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?
Salt and light both also aggravating to the world. Salt irritates their wounds and the light disturbs their sleep.
5. The Parable in Luke is just a little different it is speaking of the Light that we have inside. The Song birds of Joy that we have. It is wonderful to live under a cloudless sky, no guilt no condemnation, nothing between my soul and the Savior. He is talking of a single eye an eye set on one thing then the body is full of light. But if we look at the evil things if we go after the evil things if we are not pure then we are filled with darkness.
A. He goes on to indicate that even though you have light to be careful if not guarded could become darkness.
1. In another place it tells us how great is that darkness. It is a scarry thing to go away from God. To walk away from the light it then becomes darkness. I know of someone I have seen with my own eyes. Was genuinely saved lost all the old appeties of the world, enjoyed salvation but then backslid sometime later, it has been a life of complete saddness ever since. Darkness and blindness. The joy is gone replaced with sadness. Lets keep the light on.
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