Satan A Roaring Lion
The Devil, A Roaring Lion
1Peter 5:8
Intro - The Devil is real, he is strong he is a deceiver. The Bible tells us he is not only a “Liar” but the father of it” the father of lying. He is a deceiver from the beginning he is also known as, tempter, Beelzebub, enemy, Evil one, Belial, Deceiver, dragon, Murderer, sinner. Please understand this is not to lift up the devil, but to show him as he really is. I’ve heard all kinds of stories of people challenging the Devil, and loosing the fight. One was of a man who drew a line in the dirt and told the devil not to cross it. It wasn’t long till he had backslid. Now God can keep us, he can hold us thru whatever may come our way, but we cannot I repeat, WE CANNOT KEEP OURSELVES. WE ARE NOT Stronger THAN THE DEVIL.
I. Peter Clarifies the enemy - Your adversary -- THE DEVIL.
A. We wrestle not with flesh and blood - I am not in a battle with a person. I don’t need to fight against anyone, except the devil.
1. We have to take a stand against sin, never against people.
2. I have seen the church go after the “People” so often it destroys.
3. That is what the Devil would like to do is defeat us by dividing us.
II. Peter Classifies him as the adversary - Peter was not afraid to call him what he is. He had experience. Luke 23:31 Jesus warned Peter that Satan desired him so he might sift him as wheat” Have you ever been sifted? Kind of shaken to see if you will stand? He’s seeking anyone he can devour.
A. The devil is defined as - A CREATED superhuman, personal, evil, world-power, represented in Scripture as the adversary both of God and men.
B. Notice Peter uses the words your adversary- an opponent especially in a lawsuit.
1. Satan is accusing us before God (he is an accuser of the brethren)
2. Sometimes is accusing us before one another. Lets be careful
C. Jesus defines Satan’s moral state as “The Evil One”
1. The Lord’s moral state is defined as the “Holy One”
A. Now let us realize as humans these “The Evil one & The Holy One” are direct opposites
B. But in God’s eyes they are not even close.
1. Satan is Mighty God is ALMIGHTY
2. Satan is Powerful God is ALL POWERFUL
3. Satan is a Tempter God is a Victor
C. It would appear that Satan’s kingdom is founded upon deceit and It is evident that Satan’s power consist primarily in his ability to deceive.
III. Peter then Counsels how deal with the adversary - RESIST STEADFAST. Hold your ground. Don’t give in. Hang on. We are told in another place to “Submit ourselves to God” the first requirement, then to “Resist the Devil, and he WILL FLEE”
Aren’t you thankful that we serve a Mighty Conqueror who has already won the war. No he doesn’t always roar sometimes he is an angel of light trying to deceive us but he is still the enemy and he is already beaten. Uncle Buddy Robinson said - “Today we have to make war with a devil that has been defeated by our Christ.” We are no match for him but he is no match for God Praise the Lord Hallelujah. One has said, “I’ve read the back of the Book and WE WIN”