Life of Elijah 2
We learned about Elijah last week. Tonight lets look at some of what he did. We find that Elijah just appears abruptly in the scripture, with no information as to who his parents were or other data. We do know that Elijah had a great relationship with God.
Stories included
· Elijah declaring drought
· Elijah at brook Cherith fed by ravens
· Elijah at the Widow's home God provides thru her
God raises the son of the Widow thru Elijah.
It has been speculated since the scripture is abrupt that possibly Elijah had gone to mourn the death of Hiel's youngest son's death. Ahab may have remarked it odd that Joshua's prophecy should come to pass that who ever would try to rebuild Jericho would lay the foundation in his firstborn and set up the gates in his youngest son. But Moses's prophecy had not happened if you turn and serve other god's I will shut up heaven's and send no rain. That's when Elijah breaks in with his message. As the Lord God of Israel liveth or as the NIRV puts it, 1 You can be sure that he lives. And you can be just as sure that there won't be any dew or rain on the whole land. There won't be any during the next few years. It won't come until I say so." NIRV
This is three years without anything rain or dew. This would shrivel the crops dry out lakes wells and streams, animals suffer and die, fires occur more often. "More weeks and months without sufficient rainfall coupled with wind and sunshine can begin to turn a forest into desert."
Some droughts in the past
· Soviet Union 1921-22 2 yrs about 5 million die
· Northwest China -1928-30 that is only 2 yrs. resulted in over 3 million deaths
What would three years have been like. NO dew or rain whatsoever.
Immediately Elijah was commanded to leave 3 “Get away from here " NKJV
Obedience doesn't always mean things will go well with us.
· Elijah was on the run
· He had to be provided for by others he was dependent on others (That isn't fun, he couldn't do it himself)
· He faced hunger, unbelief and death if caught
Elijah was told to go to the brook Cherith before Jordan. It is described as being “before,” that is “east,” of Jordan. The retreat must be sought in some recess of the Gilead uplands with which doubtless Elijah had been familiar in his earlier days.
There he would be fed by the ravens. I like how God told Elijah, “I have commanded the ravens to feed thee.” Elijah served a God who could do anything. Even have birds feed him.
Bread and meat 2x's a day Perhaps they got it from the king's table
Again GOD WILL PROVIDE if he has to use raven and widows to do it.
Would I have wanted to have eaten from the ravens? What exactly are ravens - common name given to the largest species of passerine birds.
commonly referred to as crows