Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Not Ashamed Of The Gospel
Intro - The Bible has life, and power because it is the Word of God, it is powerful sharper than a two edged sword peircing even the dividing of the joints and marrow. And is a disciner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart.
* D. L. Moody tells An infidel had come the other day, to one of our meetings, and when I talked with him, he replied that he didn't believe one-twelfth part of the Bible, but I kept on quoting Scripture, feeling that if the man didn't believe, God could do what He chose with His word, and make it quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword. The man kept saying that he did not believe what the Bible said, and I kept on quoting passage after passage of Scripture, and the man, who, two hours before, had entered the hall an infidel, went out of it a converted man, and a short time after his conversion he left the city for Boston, a Christian, to join his family in Europe. Before this gentleman went away, I asked him if he believed the Bible, and his reply was:
"From back to back, every word of it,
"Deluged with Blood."
The Gospel or "Good News" is contained in the Bible. Paul may have been speaking primiarly of the story of Christ's birth, death , and resurection. however it includes the entire scriptures from In the Beginning God to even so come Lord Jesus. In fact the first part of this chapter is packed with truth about the Gospel (1:1) it is the gospel "of God" It was Promised before in the Holy Scriptures (1:2) Concernes Jesus Christ (1:3) and was preached by Paul (1:1,15) Outside of Romans there are other scriptures giving us more information about the Gospel. Matt 24:1 calls it the "gospel of the Kingdom" When one truly believes the Gospel and leaves everything else he is added to the kingdom according to Acts 8:12 and Col 1:13. We find in Acts 20:24 shows us it is the gospel "of the grace of God" showing it is not a Do IT YOurself kit, but a full reliance upon what Christ did for us on the Cross and trusting his grace. A full and complete submisson to the Gospel and complete obedience to Christ.
One has defined it this was, "The message of salvation in Christ - as set forth in the New Testament - is the Gospel."
Paul tells us it is more than just words or ink on paper, "It is the power of God unto salvation"
Power - Ability to act or produce a effect. (dunamis) Dynamite
1Co 1:24 " Christ the power of God,"
We can find many examples of this, Perhaps it happened to you, the Word became real and either convicted and or the led you on into salvation. I used to not like people quoting scriptures around an altar let people pray, and I still think we need to be careful about just talking to people, let them get their praying done, but the Word oh there is power in the word, IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION. the story is told
* Many years ago in a Moscow theater, matinee idol Alexander Rostovzev was converted while playing the role of Jesus in a sacrilegious play entitled Christ in a Tuxedo. He was supposed to read two verses from the Sermon on the Mount, remove his gown, and cry out, "Give me my tuxedo and top hat!" But as he read the words, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted," he began to tremble. Instead of following the script, he kept reading from Matthew 5, ignoring the coughs, calls, and foot-stamping of his fellow actors. Finally, recalling a verse he had learned in his childhood in a Russian Orthodox church, he cried, "Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom!" (Luke 23:42). Before the curtain could be lowered, Rostovzev had trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.
*Bob Woods tells the story of a couple who took their son, 11, and daughter, 7, to Carlsbad Caverns. As always, when the tour reached the deepest point in the cavern, the guide turned off all the lights to dramatize how completely dark and silent it is below the earth's surface. The little girl, suddenly enveloped in utter darkness, was frightened and began to cry. Immediately was heard the voice of her brother: "Don't cry. Somebody here knows how to turn on the lights." In a real sense, that is the message of the gospel: light is available, even when darkness seems overwhelming.
*Charles Bradlaugh, an avowed infidel, once challenged the Rev. H.P. Hughes to a debate. The preacher, who was head of a rescue mission in London, England, accepted the challenge with the condition that he could bring with him 100 men and women who would tell what had happened in their lives since trusting Christ as their Savior. They would be people who once lived in deep sin, some having come from poverty-stricken homes caused by the vices of their parents. Hughes said they would not only tell of their conversion, but would submit to cross-examination by any who doubted their stories. Furthermore, the minister invited his opponent to bring a group of non-believers who could tell how they were helped by their lack of faith. When the appointed day arrived, the preacher came, accompanied by 100 transformed persons. But Bradlaugh never showed up. The result? The meeting turned into a testimony time and many sinners who had gathered to hear the scheduled debate were converted.
The Gospel the power of God unto salvation. Paul said I am not ashamed of it. he despised the shame, he was if we can say it Proud of the Gospel. Look what it did for him look at the change in his life. Look what can be accomplished by the WORD. It is alive. "From back to back, every word of it,
"Deluged with Blood."