Christ in the Parables 2
Life Of Christ Teachers Guide 6
Last week we talked about salt and light we covered some of what salt and light does and how we are supposed to do that. Tonight we are going to cover probably some of the more popular ones.
31. Lost Things (Matt 18:12-14/ Luke 15:3-32
1. Christ used parables to
A. Convey truth in a more interesting way
B. Teach a spiritual truth
C. Convey some offensive truth or pointed personal rebuke, in a way to bring it home to the conscience.
D. To conceal from part of his congregation truths which he wanted others to understand
2. Christ is beginning to do this again to this vast audience.
A. Lets set the background -
1. Jesus was at a feast of the one of the chief Pharisees. They were having quite a theological debate, the Pharisees were loosing quickly.
A. They discussed
* healing on the Sabbath
* Humility and preferring one another
* Divine love
* The Great supper
* Counting the cost and bearing the cross
2. The more Jesus spoke it seemed the angrier the Pharisees became until they all turned away and maybe even walked out of the room.
A. But the publicans and sinners turned and wanted to hear him.
1. He had a change in audiences.
B. Jesus begins to teach something that would resonate with these poor dejected people. Lost things.
1. He starts with a lost sheep - I preached a message on this some time ago
A. Intro- Paint picture of the shepherd facing cliffs , beasts, wolves and bears. Could have been storming dark thundering lightning. David cared for his sheep so much he fought a bear and a Lion to get them back.
I. One Sheep Matters
A. Shepherd leaves the ninety and nine to go after ONE sheep
1. He knew exactly which one
B. Grandma Lockhart’s song - “The One Lost Sheep”
“Safe were the ninety and nine in the fold,
Safe though the night was stormy and cold;
But said the shepherd when counting them ore,
One sheep is missing there should be one more.
So the shepherd went out to look for his sheep
And all through the night on the rocky steep
He searched till he found him with love bands he bound him
And I was that one lost sheep.”
C. Why does one sheep matter? Because John says, “ The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” they are paid for they are His.
II. Searches until He finds
A. The shepherd doesn’t go home in this parable until he has found his sheep.
1. If you are not where you should be he’s looking for you untill.
2. You Don’t just slip through God’s hands.
III. Layeth it on His shoulders
A. Probably around his neck and held the poor animals hooves so that it couldn’t move to rest it and comfort it.
B. “ Give unto my sheep eternal life and they shall never perish; neither shall any pluck them out of my hand.”
2. Then Jesus goes on to the parable of the Lost Coin -
A. We find in this story a lady with some money. (ten pieces of silver about $1.50) She loses some of it notice what she does.
1. Lights a candle (put some light on the situation)
2. Swept the house - maybe it was hiding under something
3. Sought diligently- pulling cushions off the chairs and couches, looking under the rugs etc. She had to find it.
3. The third parable is just a little different- a man had two sons one wanted his inheritance he took it and left spending it on riotous living. Went and sowed his wild oats. (You don’t have to do that)
A. Wound up in the pig pen (Sin always catches up to you)
B. Came to himself leaves and goes home. (Bro. Bob Batton Jackie Phillips father wrote a song that says
I’ve been living in this country So destitute and hungry
I fain would feed on corn husk my strength is almost gone
My father’s house has many and everyone has plenty
I think that I’ll arise and go back home
It’s been a long long journey My worn feet are weary
I wonder if the homefolk will understand and care
Oh look I see the home now, I’ve got to make it somehow
That looks like my Father standing there
I wonder why he’s running He’s waving and He’s shouting
He’s telling all the servants “My Child, My child is home”
Oh the kisses that we’re sharing He’s loving and He’s caring
Oh Father it’s so good to be back home.
Are there any questions or comments?
Some end notes- These three parables belong together, I and other have preached on one or two at a time to make a certain point, however each of these parables teach a different truth that is made plainer when viewed together. -
1. The first parable teaches us of course that Jesus is the Great shepherd, that all we like sheep have gone astray and he is searching for us and refuses to go home until he has the sheep and layeth it upon his shoulders.
2. The next parable shows us the church - The church is often referred to as a female, “The Bride of Christ,” and so on. This is obviously a good woman beings she is keeping the home, she is taking care of her treasures, and when she loses one she does all she can to retrieve it and is not content until she has. The first parable shows us we need a shepherd, this parable shows us that Christ wants to work thru us as well. The coin is dead and in trespasses yet this good woman cleans house, till she is able to put it with the rest.
3. The third parable shows us that even when we have a place in Fathers house and are in good standing with him, we can still go our own way and leave it all behind, However the father will not let us go without watching for our return. He will bring us back to our senses if we will let him.
Wonderful pictures of Grace forgiveness, redemption.