The Rapture
Predicted Prophecies Cont.
We are going to do something a little confusing tonight if you are following the study guide. We are going to combine two sub-points from two different points. Hopefully I can make it clear as we go along.
I. The Rapture - The saint’s are caught up
A. Where in scripture
1. Out of the 774,747 words in the KJV Bible you will never find the word “rapture”
2. Rapture comes from Latin word rapere found in the expression “caught up”
A. 1 Thess. 4:17
B. Greek word “Harpazo” also means caught up
1. Acts 8:39 Phillip caught away by the Spirit
2. 2. Cor. 12:2,4 Paul caught up into third heaven
3. Can also be taken from “Allaso” changed
A. 1. Cor. 15:51,52
4. First mentioned in Bible found in John 14:1-3
A. OT prophets new of the Messiah’s return or coming for his people but didn’t know in full extent.
5. 1 Thess. 4:13-18
6. 1 Cor. 15:51-53
ILLUSTRATE – Man in wood shop dumps can of nuts and bolts amongs wood shavings. Uses magnet to pick them up. Lady dumps pins and needles allover carpet. Uses magnet to pick them up. Is it possible to miss it then? Angels may clear the sky? Dwight Pentecost.
B. When in time -
1. Like a theif in the night (several instances of night) Does it mean Jesus is coming at night? Well it will be night somewhere but not what is intended.
2. At an hour unknown, least expected time. Watch be ready.
3. Believe it to be immenent, and the next great event in the prophetic time table. Previous to the unveiling of the antichrist or close to it. (unless the man of sin be revealed)
C. Who will go
D. Why.
II. The antichrist rise to power & reign
A. The Ten-toed union
1. Birth & development – Daniel gives the dream of the Mettalic Man who symbolized five great kingdoms, four of them have passed – 1.) Babylon 2.) Medes & Persians 3.) Greek 4.)Roman. The fifth great kingdom will be the feet & toes of this great statue. Iron and clay. Strong as it may be will also be plagued with incredible weakness.
2. Nations recorded in Scripture – Some have claimed them to Be UN some EU one writer even suggested it will be the whole world under the Antichrist who will have ten kings under him, who will have ten kings under them, who will have ten kings under them and so on and so forth.
Let me stop here and ask if you have any suggestions as to who they are in scripture?
A. I tend to lean toward the EU simply because of their old Roman background but we aren’t sure.
3. Nations yet needed to complete prophecy – To fulfill the dreaded ending there will need to be a closer relation between Iran and Russia, as well as a pulling together of some of the other Arab nations.
III. Gog & Magog
A. Who or what is it
B. What starts it
C. How does it end
IV. The Last Great Battle Armageddon