Supernatural Week 1 (2)
Supernatural Bible Study • Sermon • Submitted
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Group Gathering
Group Gathering
1. Key Observation:
Unless I miss my guess, most of us in the Western world do not have wide experience with casting out demons and participating in physical healings.
Discussion: As you begin this study how comfortable are you with the idea that following Jesus includes casting out demons, curing disease, proclaiming the kingdom, and healing the sick?
2. Key observation:
To be incarnational means to embody the Spirit of Christ.
Discussion: How does the word “incarnational” help you think about the power and purpose of supernatural ministry?
3. Key Observation:
If we do our part and pray, he’ll do his part and show up.
Discussion: What if it is all much more connected than we realize? Does this thought inspire possible connections in your own life between seemingly unrelated wounds and ailments?
4. Key Observation:
“Aim at Heaven, and you will get earth ‘thrown in’: aim at earth, and you will get neither.” - C.S. Lewis
Discussion: How has the church (not your church specifically, but the broader church) missed its aim for heaven, and how has this impacted our effectiveness as Christians?
5. Key Observation
This invitation to participate with the Holy Spirit in the works he wants to do in the world is an invitation into partnership.
Discussion: How would it change your approach to prayer and ministry if you began to think of yourself in partnership with Jesus for the sake of exposing the kingdom of God on earth?
This study is an invitation to interact with a group inside the Holy Spirit. Think of this group as a crucible or petri dish, and your conversations as an experiment in growing supernatural faith. Begin the experiment here by spending time in listening prayer. Each of you should listen quietly, pen in hand, and write down anything you hear. Trust the Holy Spirit to speak. Have someone close in prayer, then share any key ideas for the edification of the group.