An Active Role in God's Work - Ephesians 4:17-25
Ephesians 4:17-25
The christian plays an active role in God’s work of grace in them.
I want to draw your attention to an observation of mine from the text to kick
us off this morning in the study of God’s word. The opening verse (verse 17) of
our passage in chapter 4 reads. “Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you
must no longer walk as the Gentiles do,..”…and we’ll hold up there. Does this
sound vaguely familiar at all? If you’ve been traveling along with us through
Paul’s letter to the Gentile church in Ephesus, perhaps you are looking back to
the beginning of this chapter. (Chapter 4 - verse 1)
Which starts off saying…. “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk
in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,…”. Very
similar language. Why would Paul start off with the one and then bring in the
other a fair distance down in his letter written? The picture that comes to mind
for me as I consider why is a bit like the difference between being an active
contributing part of a road trip,…verses just being along for the ride.
Sort of like when my parents took us camping as children. Their
experience in the cab of the truck was completely different than my brother’s
and mine who rode in the upper bunk of the camper positioned above the cab
of the truck. Totally illegal today, but in the 80’s…the best way to travel as a kid
in my opinion. We were totally along for the ride. Careless viewing of the on
coming scenery and vehicles, playing the car games such as ‘dib’ or ‘slug bug’,
…wrestling with each other which often resulted in mild scuffles we never let
our parents know about and then usually, of course, a bulk portion of the travel
was spent (what do you think??) - sleeping. Just, lights out, drooling, heavy
sleep. In a nutshell, we were totally along for the ride. NO contribution
whatsoever on our part to the travel. Not participating in the journey to our
destination at all. Asleep for most of it.
While on the other hand, my father and mother each played there active
contributing roles during the road trip. From start to finish, working together to
safely arrive at the intended destination. They were not just along for the ride.
Well, what I believe Paul is leading his audience to arrive at this morning, is that:
The christian plays an active role in God’s work of grace in them.
They, christians are not merely along for the ride.
What he (Paul) began at the start of chapter 4 as urging the believers whom he
is writing to, in light of the glory of God’s grace revealed to them through the
gospel, in light of the spiritual blessings they (the christian…you and I) have
because of the gospel of the grace of God, how we ought to walk in a manner
worthy of the calling to which we have been called. Paul now moves from what
virtuous attributes of the heart he describes a saved sinner ought to have in the
opening verses of chapter 4 in light of God’s calling on their lives, NOW
putting some details as to what should not be present and what should be
present. The active role the christian has in God’s work of grace in them. He
continues this through the rest of the epistle….all the way to the end. Our focus
this morning, is to get on board with Paul and take hold of this truth together.
That the — The christian plays an active role in God’s work of grace in them.
FIRST POINT - (Ephesians 4:17-19).
The Life of One without Jesus
We begin doing so by looking at the life of one without Jesus. That which
everyone once lived and that which we are no longer to be like. The life of one
without Jesus. Let’s go ahead and read (verses 17-19) to see this.
A uniform description of one without Jesus. JESUS,.. “The Light of the World”
as He spoke repeatedly of himself in the gospels as well as who his followers
are to be. (Matthew 5:14, John 8:12,9:5). Perhaps you are familiar with the
song that sings…. “Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, opened
my eyes let me see. Beauty that made, this heart adore you, hope of a life spent
with you.”…yeah… How accurate that depicts what Jesus did and needed to
do to deliver us from this state described by Paul here in these 3 verses.
(Psalm 36:9) says, “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see
And that is just it,..right? Only with the Light of world, only with Jesus do we
see things rightly as in the brightness of day and not as in the darkness of night.
With JESUS, one’s outlook on life becomes completely transformed from what it
was in their life without JESUS. They have a different mind set now. All has
shifted. But until one comes to JESUS, until their life is in the light of His
presence, they remain in darkness as depicted concisely here by the Apostle
Paul. Blindly under the rule and reign of the god of this world,…under satan.
The Apostle John states it this way. (1 John 5:19) “We know that we (the born
again christian) we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the
evil one.” The whole world which included every christian prior to their
conversion. Prior to the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ setting them free
they were in darkness with the rest of mankind as described here by Paul.
Now, to examine this passage together more closely and see how all the
descriptions given relate to one another regarding LIFE of ONE without
JESUS….I call your attention to the end of (verse 18). “….due to their hardness
of heart.”
“….due to their hardness of heart.”
Futility of their minds,…darkened in
their understanding,….alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance
that is in them….ALL…DUE to their hardness of heart.”…and therefore have
become…it results in a callousness and a giving of self over to sensuality and
greediness to practice every kind of impurity.” All due to hardness of heart.
Hardness of heart.
You know, Hardness of Heart is not something
necessarily easy to discern. It may very well be quite evident in how they carry
themselves outwardly,…sure…. but One who is very hard of heart may be quite
- JOVIAL ….and even bear a soft countenance about them while remaining
obstinate in unbelief.
As goes the saying, “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.” The outer shell of
one who is hard hearted can be many different flavors or textures, figuratively
speaking, while in their heart they remain obstinate in unbelief. Because
that’s the essence of being hard hearted isn’t it? - unbelief. (Mark 16:14) Jesus
who was grieved over hardness of heart of the Pharisees,…even “…. rebuked
his disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not
believed those who saw him (him Jesus) after he had risen.” UNBELIEF,…which
can be present even in a christian at various times but most assuredly in one
who’s life is without Jesus. Regardless of outward appearance and perceived
persona…. Life of One without Jesus is one who is in unbelief, one who is hard
hearted and fits into Paul’s concise yet complete description of them. We see
this in nonbelievers and many here are able to remember back to life without
Jesus and attest to it. Starting with. “…walking in the futility of their minds…”.
You know, not many years ago this may have proven difficult to present
a convincing argument…. TODAY,….simply go to the latest headlines, see what
is happening in our culture, in our government. Take for instance our cultures
thinking on gender. It’s ludicrous. MINDS considered to be of great intellect
are not just accepting the perversion of gender identity but advancing the
distortion of what ought to be considered truth.
Born a male….they are male…all the way into manhood to the point of death.
Born female… ‘she’…not them..they or ‘it’ but ‘she’…’she’ will grow to be a
woman. Likely give birth to another male or female as women made by God
are designed to do. Futility in their mind…darkness in understanding…yeah…
slam dunk! NOT a tough argument to make these days. You don’t need to be a
christian to ask the question… “What has happened? Where is common sense
these days?”
Let’s press this a bit further though, shall we. We can do a lot of thinking can’t
we? I mean, consider the minds ability to be able to think and ponder. It’s truly
amazing. There’s a type of power to it if you will, a power that can prevent you
from falling asleep or cause illnesses. Anyone attest to this? Up all night
fretting….unable to turn your own mind off. Being sick with worry….literally
sick to the stomach, migraine headaches, nausea, muscle spasms, chest pain,
heart palpitations and the like. Literally sick with worry.
Think also about the volumes of books written by great thinkers over the
ages…huge buildings required to contain them and now data files and archives
of which volumes of information contained in them are beyond figures I could
offer to measure …but,…if you ‘think’ about it….if tremendous thinking is done
not in accordance to truth…to who God is and understanding the framework of
the purpose of life…is not all this thinking futile….ultimately useless in the end.
I don’t care if you have Tony Stark’s mind, to use a make believe example of a
monumental mind, an intellectual giant far beyond all others, holding great
fame both in the movie world and in our world alike. Regardless of unthinkable
breakthroughs and extravagant, mesmerizing inventions,…if darkened in your
understanding, being alienated from the life of God then it all results in a
pointless, futile, and useless end to your life. You go to your grave an
condemned sinner. Guilty of every act and/or thought of sensuality and
impurity your unbelieving hard heart without hesitation gave itself over to.
The christian’s life should not resemble this…should not resemble a Life of
One without Jesus,…Paul is saying. It simply should not. “You must no longer
walk as they do…”…says Paul. Must not. Non optional. A sharp distinct
contrast to that sort of life resulting from a hardened heart of which Christians
may be guilty of. WHAT adult here doesn’t know of a believer, a pastor, who has
succumbed to some sexually sin? Whether personally or in the news. SADLY,
We know of them. Perhaps you are one of them. Paul commonly puts this (sensuality/sexual immorality, lasciviousness as the King James translation
states it)…Paul puts this particular class or type of sin upfront when describing
life without Jesus ,… I believe because it is so pervasive throughout all time
and culture. Read your Bibles…it is full of scandal and brute honesty of sexual
immorality in all it’s perverted forms…from cover to cover and Oh how many
godly men have fallen prey to the deadly Viper of Lust.
(Proverbs 7:24-27) “…, O sons, listen to me, and be attentive to the
words of my mouth. Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into
her paths, for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain are a mighty
throng. Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.”
That’s hell.
The warning in God’s Word is clear. When Paul lists the works of the
flesh of those who will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven…both times he leads
out with (Galatians 5:19-20, 1 Corinthians 6:9) “…sexual immorality, impurity,
sensuality,…saying those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom
of God? Do not be deceived,..” Christian, actively guard your heart against
becoming hard hearted and callous - insensitive to it’s encroachment upon your
soul. This is the way the Gentiles live, the way you once lived,…actively take
part in knowing the distinction. Actively Mark this in a sense Paul is saying. Do
your part to mark this christian, mark this believer…know this distinction of a
life without Jesus and that it must-not-be-YOU. IF there is evidence of this
remaining in your life, any remaining element in your thinking…giving yourself
over to sensuality and impurity…unflinching in condoning anything that God
himself would not approve of, unholy conduct of any sort. it shouldn’t! If you
stand in the presence of JESUS - the Light of the shouldn’t. This must
not be the case. Why? Why? For that is not the way you learned Christ! Paul
says in (verse 20)…Moving along with him in how the christian plays an active
role in God’s work of grace in them. It begins in The Life of One having met
Jesus. Our 2nd point drawn from (verses 20-21)
SECOND POINT (Ephesians 4:20-21) - The Life of One having met Jesus
The Life of One having - met Jesus. That’s the turning point right? That’s the
turning point. Not before,…but at the time the Life of One meets Jesus they
begin to actively participate in God’s work of grace in them all the way till they
are with Him in glory.
PAUL is writing to the church in Ephesus, made up mostly of Gentile believers
and he is going to drive hard this point of a changed life, of no longer walking
as hard hearted unbelievers. Why do I say that? (verses 20-21) - read.
Now, I say again….Paul knows to whom he is writing to…the christian church
he planted made up of Gentiles in Ephesus whom he spent nearly three years
with instructing in the ways of Christ. assuming that you have heard about him
and were taught in him. Assuming?? - What is Paul doing here? Paul is
making a point - SORT of like if I were to say to someone I know whom I see
using the Yellow pages to search for a restaurant…….
“I’m assuming you’ve heard of the Internet?” Knowing full well that they have
and therefore that they know then how vast information is a few finger swipes
away,….that is unless you use Siri and then you just ask “Hey Siri - “Pizza
place in Hood River” Siri does the searching for you. Knowing then, that they
have heard about the internet….WHY are you behaving as if you haven’t?
…… “You are searching the Yellow pages when google is at your finger tips.” I
mean Come’n man.
Do you see the arguing logic here?
And Children, your parents can explain to you later about the Yellow pages. I
can hear your thoughts…Yellow pages?? Colored pages? Are we doing crafts
soon?…What on earth is he talking about? Ask your parents later to fill you in
on Yellow pages and phone booths for that matter…Yes phone booths…and
I’ll leave it at that.….have it serve as a helpful conversation piece later to talk
about the sermon.
The point is though, the point is,…with that illustration, that Similarly, Paul is
challenging these believers whom he has taught about Christ,…the ONE whom
they are to live like. The perfect example of living after the likeness of God in
true righteousness and holiness which is what we are created by God for as His
image bearers. True living is living as the author of life lived. Paul is driving
home hard this point. The life of one having met Jesus ‘must’ bear a stark
contrast to one’s life without Jesus.
Then begs the question.
Have you met Jesus? Maybe you think you have but really haven’t.
There is a BIG difference between a concept of JESUS, a knowledge about
JESUS verses actually meeting JESUS, following him…..coming under His rule
and reign over your life. A heaven and hell difference.
Meeting JESUS in this way changes you…fundamentally changes who-you-are.
Which leads us to our travel destination in (verses 22-25).
The Life of one working with Jesus. If you’ve truly met JESUS…from that day
forward your life is one working with Jesus.
THIRD POINT (Ephesians 4:22-25) - The Life of One Working with Jesus
Our third point. Putting this into practice. Placing our feet on the ground if you
will in our role of actively participating with God’s work of grace in us.
Let’s pick up again in (verse 20) and read all the way through to (verse 25)…
When “the Father of lights,…of His own will…brought us forth by the Word of
Truth, that we should be a kind of fruits of His creatures” (James 1:17-18)…Our
life took an about face turn away from the world and towards Him to live life in
the light of His presence actively participating with His work of grace in us.
These closing verses provide clear instruction for us on what that looks like.
There are two key words that provide the framework for this. A little GREEK
lesson for us this morning. The first one is for the word Put off. The GREEK
word for this is - Apotithemi - (Apatithamee) - Say it with me…. (Apatithamee) good. This GREEK word means to put off, cast off, renounce. To deny, to reject
as belonging to, to refuse to own. “renounce the world and it’s cares” (Titus
We are not of this world….Are we not? NOT if you’ve truly met JESUS
and have been brought us forth by the Word of Truth…(James 1:17-18)….“the
gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him” (Ephesians 1:13),..Him JESUS as
Lord and Savior of your soul. No, you are not of this world and therefore…
Nor should you be living as if you are.
JESUS said to “deny yourself” … “to pick up your cross (die to old self) and
follow him.” (Matthew 16:24-26)
Stated elsewhere in scripture… “Your life is
not your own, you’ve been bought with a price.” (1 Corinthians 6:20,7:23). Put
off therefore that old life that has died with Christ and put on the new life in
Christ whom we are alive in. (Romans 6:8, Colossians 3:3) “For you have died,
and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” That old man was crucified with
Christ on Calvary and the life you now live you live by faith in Jesus Christ.
(Galatians 2:20). “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live,
but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the
Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Your life is not your own,…therefore put off that old self and put on the life of
Christ. WE, the christian, play an active role in God’s work of grace in our lives.
It’s not passive, YOU are not just along for the ride. WE are saved by grace
alone…(Titus 3:3-7). “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led
astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice
and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and
loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works
done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of
regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly
through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace (justified by
His grace)..we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
Saved-by-grace…It’s all grace, It’s all God’s power at work in you transforming
you “from one degree of glory to the next” (2 Corinthians 3:18), sanctifying your
life more into the image of Christ of which we work with God in Him doing.
“I am a sojourner with you….” (Psalm 39:12) a guest here” on-this-earth…
….participating in, engaging with His grace, with The Father of Light’s grace
operating in us by the Holy Spirit which bears weight on our eternal inheritance.
Let’s not miss that saints! Our working with God (2 Corinthians 6:1) in which
only He can do by grace alone bears weight on our eternal inheritance.
LET me state it this way. “Our capacity…our capacity to enjoy the glory of God
will vary based on our life lived by faith here and now.” Do you understand
what I am saying? Everyone saved enjoys God’s glory for all eternity, everyone
of us…but the measure we have the capacity to enjoy Him is determined by
our life lived by faith during our earthly pilgrimage.
We, ‘christians’ are judged according to our works…not for salvation,..but
for our heavenly reward. (Matthew 5:12; Luke 6:23,35; Hebrews 10:35; 1
Corinthians 3:12-15). We-get-God - and our life lived by faith now bears weight
on our capacity to enjoy Him for all eternity.
(2 Corinthians 5:10) “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body,
whether good or evil.”
Randy Alcorn, the author of Money Possessions
and Eternity agrees saying “Two jars can both be full, but the one with greater
capacity contains more. Likewise, all of us will be full of joy in heaven, but some
may have more joy because their capacity for joy will be larger, having been
stretched through trusting God in this life.”
Consider also John Bunyan’s thoughts on the topic. John Bunyan…The
author of Pilgrims progress….He says,…“And why shall he that doth most for
God in this world, enjoy most of Him in that which is to come? But because by
doing and acting, the heart, and every faculty of the soul is enlarged, and more
capacitated, whereby more room is made for glory.
Every vessel of glory
shall at that day be full of it; but every one will not be capable to contain a like
measure; and so if they should have it communicated to them, would not be
able to stand under it; for there is… ‘an eternal weight in the glory that saints
shall enjoy’ (2 Corinthians 4:17), and every vessel must be at that day filled—this is, have its heavenly load of it….He that is best bred, and that is most in
the bosom of God, and that so acts for him here; he is the man that will be
best able to enjoy most of God in the Kingdom of heaven.”
We work ‘with’ God,…We are not merely along for the ride…we participate in,
engage along with His grace, with The Father’s grace operating in us by the
Holy Spirit which bears weight on our eternal inheritance.
Put off, renounce that old self which belongs to your former manner of life and
is corrupt through deceitful desires. And put on…the second GREEK word to
complete the framework of this text. The GREEK word for Put on is Endyo (endu-o’) - say it with me also.. (endu-o’) nice. (Apatithamee) - put off
and now (endu-o’) meaning “put on”….in the sense of sinking into a garment, to
invest with clothing (literally or figuratively). This new life we put on in such a
way. Think of how what you wear in a way puts you in a mindset of what you
are about to do. Such as Nathan putting his flight suit on to get geared up to fly,
or myself changing into scrubs before I begin work. Whatever the attire that
suits the job at hand, you put it on - literally.
I imagine Nathan would feel
pretty out of place if he were wearing his P.J.’s while boarding a plane to pilot.
Now P.J.’s, at home,…when you are winding out your day. I’m not sure about
your house, but the Schreiber’s sink into those garments. Soft, comfy, cozy
P.J.s. There are even occasional days in the year in which P.J.’s are sported
the whole day. Those are fun,…Are we alone there?.. At any rate, the point is to
consider this figuratively. This new life in Christ that we are called to, clothed in
His righteousness by faith…we are to sink into that garment. Put it on as to the
mindset and outlook of who-you-are and how-you-are going to live each day.
If it helps, as you are dressing for the day, take the literal putting on of clothing
to remind you to “put on the new self created after the likeness of God in true
Righteousness and Holiness.”
Put off and Put on…conveying our active role in working with God’s work of
grace in us. The framework is set, now, let’s complete the build by applying the
finishing touches as to the means provided by God to do so. Where do we
find this? (verse 23). ON the coattails of speaking about the corruptness of
our former manner of life through deceitful desires….GOD, through the Apostle
Paul says “to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,”…. How exactly is this
done? Take another passage by Paul to the same effect (Romans 12:2) “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
“Transformed by the renewal of your mind…”. Renewal - Reform; Renovate; take
on a new mind set, altogether a new way of thinking. Where does this come
from? Could it be anything other than God’s Word? Let’s read some passages
from (Psalm 119) to solidify this from scripture. (verse 1) “Blessed are those
whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!” - (verse 19) “I am a
sojourner on the earth; hide not your commandments from me!” (verse 37)
“Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your
ways.” (verse 105). “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
path.” (verse 130). “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts
understanding to the simple.” (verse 144) “Your testimonies are righteous
forever; give me understanding that I-may-live.” (verse 175). “Let my soul live
and praise You, and let your rules help me.” And finally…the Word of God
quoted by JESUS “the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John
1:14) JESUS - quoting from the Torah when being tempted by the devil in the
wilderness. (Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4) “Man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
The renewing of your mind by the Word of God of which we then put into
practice. “Renewed in the spirit of our minds” - Renewed by taking God’s Word
in…reading it, listening to it taught, singing it together, meditating on it, hiding it
in our hearts. “Have this mind among yourselves which is yours in Christ
Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5).
Only by renewing the spirit of our minds by the intake of God’s Word are we
able to see through our own deceitful desires that would draw us back to the
old manner of life that we are commanded to put off. Don’t listen to the
deceiver, satan, that serpent…when he comes and tries to deceive you same as
he did so to Eve. His tactics haven’t changed. “It’s all grace man…take it easy
and enjoy the ride. You don’t need to renounce sin, NO effort is needed to
put forth to fight temptation. You’re good…Jesus has your back.” That
deception leads to hell. NO, you must put off (Apatithamee) put off your old
self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through
deceitful desires and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on
(endu-o’) put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true
righteousness and holiness.
Having arrived,…to tie off this package gift from God to us…I bring us to
(James 1:22-25). “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving
yourselves, (thinking you are a christian when in fact you are not). For if anyone
is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his
natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once
forgets what he was like, (no change whatsoever). But the one who looks into
the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, (remains steadfast in
obedience and bears fruit with repentance when they don’t,…pursuing holiness
in the fear of God) the one who perseveres in the ways of Christ being no hearer
who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”
Actively participating in God’s work of grace in them to the praise of His glory.
* Life without Jesus - darkness, futility in thinking, hardness of heart
* Meeting Jesus - Delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us
into His Kingdom. In your light seeing rightly, Outlook on life transformed.
* Working with Jesus - actively participating in God’s work of grace in the
salvation of our souls.
Meet with Jesus, walk and talk with him who came from heaven to earth, lived
as a man, lived a perfect sinless life fulfilling all righteousness and then laid
down His life on the cross,…dying in our place as payment for our sins and rose
to new life as our hope of glory. If you haven’t met Him, I invite you to do so this
morning. See me or one of the elders or deacons here after service and invite
us to continue the conversation about getting to know Jesus. If you have met
him, I invite you up as the Spirit leads to partake of the elements of communion
and remember his sacrifice given, purchasing your salvation through faith in
Benediction (Micah 6:8)