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Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:18-21


Title: 1 Peter 1:17-21 – The purchase price


Introduction:  The word redeemed implies the idea of a slave standing on the trader’s auction block being offered to the highest bidder. At last the price is paid by a compassionate new owner, who then gives the slave his unconditional freedom. But the freed slave, out of gratitude to his new owner, offers himself as a loving bond servant for life to his redeemer.

Man has been separated from God by sin and has become a slave of Satan. But man has been redeemed. Because Christ paid the ransom we owed to divine justice, we have been freed from the shackles of sin’s bondage and God’s eternal wrath. Out of gratitude for this deliverance, we cling to our new master and lovingly determine to serve Him forever. A realization of redemption causes the ransomed to sing repeatedly, “Redeemed—how I love to proclaim it, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb… ”  Tonight we are going to start our Praise and Prayer service off with that wonderful hymn in an effort to keep us focused all day one the wonderful gift of redemption. 


Central Idea:  Our holy living is motivated by understanding the cost of redemption.


Main Transition:  Last week we were challenged to live holy lives before God.  We understand that we are in the pursuit of holiness and in order to fully understand this pursuit we need to realize that it is not a one sided endeavor, rather our portion is small compared.  In light of that truth we must understand the purchase price of our redemption.  We do that by first looking at the actions of the redeemed, then we will examine the cost of our redemption a little closer, and finally we will be taken back as we realize the plan of our redemption.


I.  The actions of the redeemed (17)


A.    As obedient children (17)

1.  Peter again does not leave us with a challenge without giving us the necessary information to fulfill our calling. 

a.  Last week we were challenged to live holy lives, perpetually striving toward holiness because God is holy.   This is a heavy command, if you tried it this week you realize that striving toward holiness is not easy, its hard it’s grueling.

b.  But Peter gives us a reason to keep our minds focused and our actions pure.

2.      One little word snaps us back, “if.” Normally we would not spend anytime on this other then it ties us in with where we left Peter last week. 

a.       “If,” This doesn’t form a question, but rather a fulfilled condition we could say since, or in view of the fact that you address as Father the One who impartially judges.

b.      Peter is reminding us of our identity, which he started in verse 4 where we are introduce to our inheritance, that was built on by verse 14 where we are reminded that since we are children of God we should act like our Father. 

c.       The truth of our identity after we have trusted in Christ is clear, you are God’s child, He is your heavenly Father, as children act their parents, act like God.  This then builds back toward the character of God.


            B.  God as our Father and Judge (17b)

1.  God is an impartial Judge whether we believe in Him or not, He knows the heart of men, he knows the thoughts of men.

2.      The word that Peter chooses to use for judge refers to a different kind of judgeship,

Illustration:  Wuest says, “God’s impartiality is an honest appraisal of things…  God expects to find in the life of each saint that upon which He can put His approval, for the Holy Spirit produces good works in all the saints, more in those who are definitely subjected to His control.”

3.  Let’s now consider it in view of the context we have already studied, which of course is where Peter is coming from, if our works are judged impartially by God, and we being children of God are also judged should this then not led us perpetually strive toward holiness.

Illustration:  It truly brings joy to the heart of a father to have your children seek to please.  If little children understand this truth, should we not also?

B.     Live like you are redeemed (17c)

1.      Here at the end of the verse Peter comes back to you and I.

2.      We are to respond like the child who desires to please it’s father,

a.       Go about your activities keeping in mind where you belong,

b.      Peter says “fear”  This means a total distrusting of ones self, this is motivating us to be vigilant in avoiding ungodliness and temptation. 

Application:  If you “fear” God you will not allow yourself to become haughty and proud of yourself, because you realize that you are no longer fearing God, but loving self, this of course spells disaster for the one seeking holiness.

3.  Peter will not let the opportunity slip by to remind once again that we are at home here, we are far from heaven’s shore, but for our time here we are reminded of Paul’s exhortation, “run with endurance.”


Transition:  Peter has reiterated over again the reasons why we should seek holiness.  He has also bolded the argument that we are a special people called for a special purpose.  We must then live like we are redeemed.  Don’t ever let the world see a half baked Christian, live holy because of the cost of your redemption.


II.  The cost of your redemption (18-19)


            A.  Rescued from your former life (18)

                        1.  Now Peter compares and contrasts our former life and our new life.

2.  You were literally given what is called “the futile way of life.”  This is the life that is lived separated from the shed blood of Christ.

a.  It was past down to you through your father and his father and his father before him.

b.  This is the sin nature that is so directly opposed to the things of God, indeed this is what makes you an enemy of God.

3.  An interesting concept is added in here, you in order to be redeemed had to have been purchased.

Illustration:  We are all familiar with a sale barn, where the cattle are off loaded into pen waiting for their number to be called.  They then are moved from the pen into the arena where bidder take their chances to bid on them.  This was the same system used in Rome for slaves.  Masters would buy and sell people like we do cattle.  Sin causes us to enter that kind of sale, some in their refusal to allow Christ to pay for them never leave the slave auction.

4.  Because of sin you are or rather were on the sale bill, but if you have come to know Christ as your Savior you were not bought with little gold and silver coins that they used for the sale and purchase of slaves.

            B.  Bought with a price (18-19)

                        1.  Your price was the precious blood of God Himself. 

                        2.  This means that you are no longer roaming the pens of the slave barn.

a.  We understand that anyone and everyone who allows the purchase price to be paid on their behalf will be saved.  This is why God sent His Son.

b.  Those that refuse, build themselves up on self pride and arrogance sometimes even achieving fame and success.  But how much success can be achieved from smelly corrals of the slave barn?

C.     The perfect sacrifice (18-19)

1.      There is only one bid high enough to redeem you from the slave market. 

a.       In the Old Testament sacrifices were made of costly animals, but their blood only covered sin, it didn’t redeem anyone from it.

b.      But Christ sent from God was and is the perfect Lamb of God able to take away the sins of the world. 

Illustration:  When you go to an Auction you first have to register your number in order to be involved in the bidding process.  You can wave your hand but if you don’t have a number your bid is refused.  In the slave market of sin it works in a similar manner, but there is only one qualified bidder you already belong to sin and Satan, but to be redeemed Christ paid your price with His costly and precious blood, all you have to do is be willing to be bought.

2.  Christ provided the payment because He was the only spotless, without blemish Lamb of God, this is the key to our Salvation, without it we are not redeemed.  But praise God that this is the stuff that Saints are made of and because of which Hymns are song of.      


Transition:  If you are still stuck in the Slave Market get out, the price has been paid and the gate is open, just walk through it and trust in Jesus Christ to save you.  If you have been redeemed from the slave market of sin praise the Lord, because you do not just belong to Christ, but you are joint heir with Christ and indeed even a child of God with all the rights and privileges of that position.  But hang on there is more that we need to realize about our plan of redemption.


III.  The plan of your redemption (20-21)


A.    Salvation in eternity past (20)

1.      It is here in verse 20 that we realize that we serve an Awesome God.

2.      Long before the world we ever created, in the councils of the Triune God, a sacrificial Lamb was prepared. 

3.      Long before Satan ever looked at himself and said what a wonder I am I must be God, the true God had already established the only way of redemption for mankind, as of then not yet created.

4.      But the very same God invisible and Supreme who in the form of His Son humbled Himself, taking on the form of a Bond servant Paul tells us in Philippians 2 to die on the cross so that you and I today were the beneficiaries of Salvation.


            B.  Salvation in the present (21)

1.  It was for on your behalf and my behalf that Jesus Christ came to earth, making the invisible God visible to human eyesight

2.  It was for us that He died and rose again, so that you and I for our sake may be believers in God. 

Application:  I believe that we often loose sight of the truth of where we were and what it was that God did for our sakes.  We were lost in the Slave market of sin and death.  We could only serve Satan we had no other choice, that choice was sold by Adam for a bite of fruit off of a forbidden tree, However, all was not nor never has been lost, because long before that incident God had the perfect plan of redemption ready for your sake and for mine. 

3.  The world would have us believe that it is ignorance and foolishness to believe that there is a God, let alone a saving God.  They say that there is no heaven, or hell, God calls this blinded thinking ignorant and foolish.  Now Peter proves…

C.  Salvation in eternity future (21)

1.      Your faith and hope are not in some wooden idol, or some stone image, or some fleeting chance at fame and glory

2.      Your hope is founded on nothing less then Jesus’ blood and the complete victory over sin and death.  It is founded on nothing less than the complete power of God who foreordained the perfect Lamb, who preserves and protects our salvation and our inheritance of eternal life. 

3.      Beloved, there is nothing that can take Salvation from you, Romans 8:28 and following is clear, This passage is clear.

Application:  Your Salvation not only was foreordained in the past it has present consequences that we are enjoying right now, and it has an eternal future promise of hope and faith fully realized at the moment we get home.  This means that our salvation is not vain, but vibrant, its not archaic, but alive, and its not false, but living. 


Conclusion:  Peter is still speaking to those that have been scattered by persecution, but this message in particular is very real and powerful in the face of the modern assault on our faith.  You have heard that the only guarantees in life are death and taxes, but for believers, even more certain than the IRS is going to want their money is the truth that you will be in heaven one day.  The opposite is also guaranteed, if you never come to know Christ as Savior you will spend eternity in hell separated from God and enduring an agony beyond measure.  If you have never accepted the offer to walk out of the Slave market of sin before, do so today.  Trust in Christ as Savior. 

Believers, we live in a world that is set against us, but this does not mean that we cannot pursue holiness, not only that but we are required to pursue it, not because of our surroundings, but because of our salvation.  Of course all of this builds to the theme of this book, but what should also be the theme of our Christian lives in this world, while you are here stand ready and stand firm.

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