Who is God? God the Father is Personal, Powerful, Passionate

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Sandy and Neto mention were in week two of our series called firm foundations were looking at some of the fundamental beliefs of our Christian faith and I have to confess I change course significantly from the time that I've conceived of this sermon series. My original plan was to do a kind of a Systematic Theology series and just look at fundamental truths of the Christian faith in a very systematic and a theological way. And as I was Building B series The sermons it's wonderful to get into the truth of God's word that way but I just had a sense that this is not what the body needs. This is just not with the body needs is a series is a Systematic Theology series. There are people hurting We are in a time of Crisis people's nerves are frayed. And so I've really retooled the thrust of the fundamental of the Firm Foundation series to be Systematic Theology, but with an eye to application so friends since this morning were talking about God the Father originally I was going to talk about the Trinity and defend the Trinity and try to explain the Trinity and I just bought I'm not sure that's what our church needs to hear fright now and so I know that there are some very theologically sophisticated people in our church and maybe the you're hoping that I'm going to be talking about the Eternal generation of the son from the father. I'm not going to talk about that. Maybe you're aware of the debate in Evangelical circles about the submission of God the son on whether it's temporal or Eternal. I'm not going to talk about that. Maybe you're aware of authors like Kevin Giles or Wayne grudem who don't see quite eye-to-eye on the fundamental nature of the Trinity. I'm not going to talk about any of that. I was I'm just not going to talk about any of that right now. I'm not even going to defend or explain the Trinity. I'm going to assume the Trinity. I want to in these next four weeks. I want to walk through the persons in the Trinity but with an eye to application and comfort. You know, we are in difficult times and we are not to be blown around with circumstances because we have an anchor that holds. And that anchor isn't well that isn't political parties and isn't the state of the nation. It is God himself. Our anchor is God and the more we understand about who he is the more we can get ourselves into that anchor and remain stable when other people find that impossible. So today we're going to look at God the father but we're going to look at God the father in such a way to say, who is he And how can I take comfort in that and how do I apply that to my life? And as Sandy was saying the first point of the sermon is God the father is personal. He is personal. Does this was actually quite a discovery for me in my first 10 years as a Christian? I became a Christian when I was about 13. But for the first ten years, I never thought of God as personal. I thought of God as

dispassionate he is wise he sits over the world. He works righteousness and brings justice, but he isn't really emotionally involved in his creation. You know when I was younger my favorite TV program was Star Trek the Original Series and I have to confess that I conceived of God the father as kind of like mr. Spock. Very logical always, right? Excellent Integrity, but it doesn't get too emotionally involved. I remember the day I was at MDC. I was laying on the couch. I was reading the Bible and I had started at the beginning and I was just working my way through the Bible and I came to Genesis 6:6 and the Lord regretted that he had made the Earth. And this part really puzzled me. In what way can God regret? I mean, he knows everything nothing surprises him. We were gret things cuz we you know, we invest money in a company and it goes so goes all I regret that we drive to so-and-so and we gets caught by a snowstorm or I regret that decision, but we regret things because we make decisions and then further facts are revealed and then we regret it in what way can God the Father regrets and I'm thinking thinking thinking like, that's me. Already know everything and I was just thinking with that and then I realized this is even more mysterious. He not only regretted but he was grieved and I remember thinking what is this mean that the father actually grieve. I mean outside time somehow, how can I experience emotions in the moment? Until that day. I have been a Christian for 10 years until that day. I had never ever thought of God the Father experiencing an emotion and if it were an emotion, I wouldn't have guessed grief.

With my antenna up ice facade every place. I continued reading through the Bible in Genesis 6, of course is the flood in Genesis 8 is the flood is receding and Noah gets off the ark any offers a an aromatherapy offering to the Lord and in Genesis 8:21 we read and when the Lord smelled the pleasing Aroma, what is this mean? Can God the Father experience not only grief but pleasure. Seeing my doctor in my mister Spock world, I would say what God was angry with the world because they were acting unjustly and he had to punish the world because they were being righteous and God is right and God is right. Just not all fit in my view. And they were offering to the Lord and not as good that showing gratitude. That's a good thing. And so God knew that that was right that was in my view, but for him to actually experience brief and to experience pleasure that was not in my view and I began to realize that my view of the father was not very biblical. And it really fractured the way I understood scripture. Hear some 7840. How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness this part I get I get it the song was just saying that Israel rebelled and I know in Exodus where they're rebelling in the desert and why did you bring us out here to die in the desert? And where's the water? And where is the food? Yes, I get that. This part is a mystery to me. They rebelled and he breathed. I didn't know that I just didn't know that God the father was personal. Said she experiences grief.

But they rebelled and grieved his holy spirit this part. Here's the part I get but they rebelled therefore he turned to be their enemy and falled against this idea. They repelled they were being unrighteous and God the righteous judge the mister Spock of the universe had to bring judgment to bring Justice to this I get this part I didn't They rebelled and grieved his holy spirit. He not only God is the righteous judge. He does bring righteousness and rebuke that part. I knew the part that was news to me is that he's grieved. Does he brings Justice with a heavy heart? That he feels the sadness of having to discipline his children. I just didn't know that God is the father is personal it continues on to the New Testament and do not grieve the spirit of God, you know, we learn a lot about the Holy Spirit in the Bible, especially the New Testament. We're going to be talking about some of that next week, but there's many factual statements about the Holy Spirit. There's only two commands One is to be filled with the Holy Spirit which will look at next week. And the other is not to grieve the Holy Spirit, but that to me was a foreign thought you mean the holy spirit of God can experience grief. And not only Grease. When Jesus was being baptized. Those around heard the voice of the father saying this is my beloved Son. With whom I am well pleased. Can God the Father experience pleasure? I mean, it's just a mind-bender to me at least maybe not to you. But I was I just had this very faulty view of God the Father. I was surprised that he could experience brief, but even more surprised that he could experience pleasure. And I remember wondering I maybe that's just what Jesus I mean Jesus is God the son incarnate. He he he obeyed perfectly is matter of fact, Jesus himself says I always do the things that are pleasing to him. So maybe God the Father experiences pleasure in God the son, but maybe that's it. You know Sandy said in her comment that the God. Only shows pleasure in God the son. But in haces well on what basis does she say that maybe that's not true. No, but it is because the Bible says things not to Jesus and not about Jesus to us and 1st John 3:22 and whatever we and whatever we ask we receive from him because we keep his Commandments and do what pleases him. This isn't talking about God the son pleasing the father. This is talking about us pleasing the father. This was a thought to me. I knew that God evaluated what I did in terms of righteous and unrighteous. I did not know that God the Father looked at what I did and experienced pleasure or grief. God the father is personal. He really does in real-time experience grief. He really does in real time experience pleasure.

Hebrews 13:16 do not neglect to do good and share what you have for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

I didn't know that. I didn't know that the way we treat each other can please God the Father. I knew that how we treated one another that he would see as righteous are unrighteous as commendable or uncommendable. I knew at the final judgment that he would give a written account and it would be completely at this. I knew because he's the mr. Spock of the universe and he just the facts ma'am. Just let me know. I didn't know that he experienced emotion when he did that.

How we treat one another can bring pleasure. to the heart of God the Father Friends, we've been in covid for 10 months and I have not made any political comment and the I'm not going to start now. It's just not the place in the sermon and isn't the pulpit is not the place to do this. But I do want to highlight that covid-19.

People are afraid people are tired. People need love and support. This is the perfect time to share what you have and please. Sandy was courting a children's song that I haven't heard for a long time. Our God is so great. So strong and I want to share with you another children's song. Oh be careful little eyes what you see. Oh be careful little eyes what you see for. The father above is looking down in Louisville. Be careful little eyes what you see. May I give you a covid verse?

Oh, be careful little fingers what you type. Oh, be careful little fingers what you type.

For the father above is looking down in love. Oh, be careful little fingers what you type social media can be a disaster. A collection of drive-by shootings where we whack each other friends. Let me just tell you covid will end and some of us will feel shame. Because we let our passions get away from us and we said things that we ought not say and we impugn the motives of others that we ought not have them killed and when the passion of the moment is gone, we will look back on our activities and feel shame because when the body needed us most to be mature and loving and kind we did not answer the Bell instead. We enter the body and its hour of danger.

Covid will pass. And some will have been seen to have kept their heads. and kept their own frustrations in check And even with the difficulties blessed the body future Ministries are being built and destroyed right now because pred abilities are being built and destroyed right now. Oh be careful little fingers what you type. Be careful little fingers what you type for the father who Grieves and can feel pleasure for the father is love is looking down in love. Oh, be careful little fingers what you type do not neglect to do good. And to share what you have less the body and its hour of Crisis and need because these things are pleasing to God the Father a very personal God.

1st Thessalonians 2:4, but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. So we speak not to please man this part fit in my old view this part of the verse fits in my old view. I knew that we have been entrusted but with the gospel, I knew that we needed to speak and I knew that man wouldn't be pleased because the gospel says you're a sinner and you're going to hell in this is the only way out. You need to accept this free gift. No man wants to hear that. No human wants to hear that. I knew that we had been entrusted with the gospel. I knew that we had to speak. I knew that we could not make our Focus pleasing man, but here's the part that did not fit in my view of God the father but to please God who tests our hearts. No luck. That when we live gospel lives when we speak the truth it pleases not. I knew that he would reward it and I knew that he would come into it and I knew that he would think that's right. Just I did pleasure just didn't know it. This was an epiphany for me that God the father is personal.

When a man's ways please the Lord. He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him friends. Do you find this a mind-blowing thought did you know that a man's ways can please the Lord not be commended by the law not the evaluated in D and B on the positive side of The Ledger. That's true, but it actually pleases the Lord God. The father is a personal and he feels grease and he feels pleasure. Sandy red or maybe Neato red may the meditation made my meditation be pleasing to him. Did you know that the things that we are ruminating in our heard the things that are we are rolling over in our mind can be a source of pleasure to God the Father. This was just an epiphany to me. No, I was probably in my early twenties. I have to admit. It's lesson Epiphany now. I've had more time to ruminate on biblical thought but something else important has happened that I wanted to share with you. I had become a father. And not only a father or grandfather. I have found myself taking pleasure in my children. And recently as the grandchildren of started to come we're up to 5 and still counting sand and I have a goal with her head. We have ensured that with the kids and we hope we hit it, but I take pleasure in my grandchildren. I was talking to my daughter back of this week and she woke up and puts her to bed and her little daughter my granddaughter Tori had open this little suitcase you got for Christmas. It's a little suitcase of shaped like a ladybug and she it open Suitcase and she was putting things in it. And Becca said what are you doing? And she said I'm packing and she said where you going and Tori said I want to go visit Grandma and Grandpa. Not only did she tell me about that, but she videoed it and I wanted to show it to you right now.

Monday Night Raw

In fact the whole bunch of books this one. This is a funny one grandma.

attacked my grandchildren

Who are the bear?

packing list to go to Grand Grandpa's play with

Play dough to play with. I see that.

What is that please Us by the way, the story has an ending. So Becca explains. I I'm sorry. We just can't go visit Grandma and Grandpa right now. We're not allowed to visit Grandma and Grandpa right now. And you put all your favorite books in your favorite Lego in your suitcase. I will go visit them when we can but let's take these things out. You know what Tori said, I don't want to take about she packed up her bags and the bag is still there. Is by the front door and she's waiting for the day that she can come and visit Grandma and Grandpa. That gives me pleasure. I guess my pleasure. That may I just speak on a very practical level. Why does it give me prep pleasure. He doesn't do work for us when she comes she makes work. Sandy and I are well past the children years our house is not child protected beautifully decorated it was Sunday and I work together on that. She did the work and I watched but it was beautifully decorated then Tory came to visit and after the visit the last Forest. Why does this give us pleasure There's no practical reason that she doesn't have anything. I need it gives me pleasure cuz she wants to be with me.

Just the fact that she wanted to believe she's did Becca sent me this video and I haven't deleted it. It just means a lot to me. We have no practical value to the father.

Sandy was saying he made the world in 6 days which will talk about in just a few moments. What does he need with us doesn't need anything with us. Just the fact that we want to be with them please as his heart.

Friends God the father is personal. And the application to us is that we should live to please him. Did you notice in all the pleasures and all the griefs? We are the object. He's not upset that his favorite sports team lost. He's not upset that the stock market tanked. He's not upset that the weather he doesn't upset about what we get upset about. He's not upset about circumstances. He's except as upset or feeling pleasure about the condition of our heart. Let's live to please him. Let's just make it our goal to live to please our heavenly father because he is a personal. Who experiences pleasure or pain and he signs that Pleasure and Pain in the condition of our hearts?

God the father is not only personal but he is powerful. In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. We don't know anything about the universe, but what we do know is pretty amazing. It's enormous. It is absolutely enormous. We don't even know how big it is. We just don't know every time we think we know so it's the Earth or wait a minute. There's other planets in our solar system. Wait a minute. We're in the Milky Way galaxy, wait a minute. There's a universe is absolutely enormous and it all works because God made it and he's powerful and he's smart. He's really smart. He's like an engineer and he's an artist. He's really smart. It doesn't matter whether you have your telescope paid. I'm looking at you or it doesn't matter whether are you looking at through a microscope? It doesn't matter whether you're looking at an enormous volume of the creation or a tiny detail of the creation. It's complicated. And beautiful and it works because he is powerful God the father is powerful. I find it increasingly difficult to get upset about my tiny little problems when I know who God the father is I'm taking I meant if he created the universe in 6 days, he can probably handle this financial problem. What do you think? You can probably handle this relation problem? What do you think God the father is powerful. Job said I know you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted God is powerful and he's irresistible. God cannot be stopped. His will will be done. It will not be thwarted.

But as you know, sometimes it looks like it is sometimes it looks like God's will is in fact being thwarted? Can I just give you two examples where a honest Observer would say if he's in the story at the time in real time as the stories rolling out their points in the story where a honest Observer would say God's will is being thwarted God has revealed his will and the opposite is happening God's not that powerful. Let me give you two examples of that. God made tremendous Promises to the nation of Israel to establishing protect them some 47 2 and 3 for the Lord the most high is to be feared a great king over all the Earth. He subdued people of people's under us and Nations under our feet. It's God the Father who has put and we'll put the seed of Israel so that we can minister to them only one little problem. Is it happened? Where's the powerful God the Father the Babylonians are knocking on the door of Jerusalem. And the Jews are praying and God does well he died. Well, you did nothing. Then the walls were burned in the people were exiled. There's the will of God clearly expressed in the Bible being thwarted not accepting squirted. Even when God looks like he's losing his winning Isaiah tells us that all that was in the plan. When Babylonia came over to conquer Jerusalem, that wasn't an oops, what do I do now? And when God didn't stop them that wasn't lack of power. This was all part of the plan Isaiah. 5:26. God is seen as whistling to the other nations. My people are being disobedient. They need discipline dog whistle. The Babylonian showed up in Jerusalem because God called them there. And he didn't stop them because that was part of the plan. There will be a day where the nations are under Israel that day is not today today is the day for your discipline. Even when God looks off track. He's on track even when he looks like he's losing he's winning. Even when his plan is being forwarded. It's actually being accomplished. Let me give you one other exam example God not only made promises to the nation of Israel. He made promises to God the son. Psalm to why do the nation's rage and the people's plot in vain the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and his anointed here's a picture of the the nations of the world gathering together to oppose God and His Anointed The Son of God and they say let us burst their bonds apart and Cast Away their cords from us. What what's going to happen with that Orwell verse 4 through 6 in Heaven's laughs and holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them these rebellious nations in his wrath and terrify them in his Fury saying as for me I have set my king on Zion my Holy Hill. So here's a picture of the kingdoms of the world opposing the Sun the father says hahaha. I hold you in derision. I've made up my mind. My son will sit on the throne one little problem, and I've never happened. The word crucifixion mean anything to you?

The nations of the earth dip conspire and I'm one is this big powerful got friends? It's all part of the plan. Even when it looks like the pan plan is being awarded. It's actually being accomplished when God the Father looks like he's losing he's actually winning when it looks like he's off Target. He's actually On Target when it looks like he's behind time. He's actually on time we read an acts 2:23, this Jesus delivered up. Look at these next words, according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God. Everything happen for a reason and it was only after the death and resurrection that we all put in and said the sun doesn't come to earth once he comes twice. And the first time is to win our salvation and the second time is to secure Justice buttons in securing our Salvation. He has to die. This was not off track. This was not the plan being sorted. This was the plan being executed. Friends God the father is personal live to please but he is powerful live in that trust live in that trust. Whatever your eyes are telling you what ever you think you see in the world around you God. The father is powerful. He is in control he is on time. He is on target. He has not forgotten you when it looks like he's losing his winning when it looks like he's being forwarded. He's accomplishing living that live in that trust. Whatever is going on around you in your world your father is powerful. And he is working things to all for the good of his will. And then finally God the father is passionate. I certainly didn't think of God. The father is personal and passionate was a leap for me. I did not have any mental construct in my heart or head to think of God as passionate. And yes, he is when he created Adam and Eve and gave them a perfect garden at their first opportunity. They sell at their first opportunity. They say you're not enough for us at the first opportunity. They said we don't think you have our best interests at heart at their first opportunity to say nuts to you and your stupid rules were going the way we want to a time to fall out of love. It was right then. How are you? Did you not see this Garden? Do you not see the body? So I gave you I have never met such a ungrateful such a terrible thing to lose his cool. If ever there was a time to fall out of love. If ever there was a time to break his commitment to the human race and walk away. This was that and yet what did he do?

In Genesis 3 15. He didn't leave he promised. I see the mess you've made I'm going to send my own son. I'm going to send a savior to clean it up so that you and I can be reconciled.

God is passionate and he's passionately in love with you. He has not forgotten you. Let me just finish by telling me three things about God's love one. Is it strong? Sandy Redd ornito read John 3:16 God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son. That's love. That's Lux. Do you notice the construction of that sentence for God so loved the world propositional statement and then verbs he gave this is not a theoretical love. This is not a philosophical love. This is a love that Spurs him into action costly Axe and painful action where he turns his back on his son on the cross in the sun says my God my God. Why have you forsaken me because at that moment Jesus was taking upon our sin and God is just and cannot look upon sin for a time. He turned his back on his own son because he loves us and wants deeply for us to be reconciled. The love is strong.

And the love of steadfast through thick and thin just a few weeks ago. We preached on Psalm 136. You remember stuff read the passage and 26 times in Psalm 26 times. We read his steadfast love endures forever. This is not a flash-in-the-pan. This is not an infatuation God The Father's Love For Us is strong. It is steadfast. It's a seeking love. It's a lot of this looking for something. Jesus said to the woman at the well, but the hour is coming and is now here when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and Truth for the father is seeking such people to worship Him. Friends, may I and my sermon? By encouraging you to seek after the father. He loves you. He loves you. He has done what he can do. He has given us a firm foundation of his word as Lori was playing for us on the piano. He has sent his son. He has done what he can do seek Him seek Him Christians seek him in his word seek Him in Fellowship of the body seek. You're listening to me and you haven't ever saw him. You've never come to the place where you have given your heart to Jesus seek Him seek him while he can be found. Reach out to me or our address is on our website. Send me an email. I will send you a little book called the story and it will explain to you how you can both seek find the Savior who is seeking you.

Because when we see the father as passionate we can live in his love these three things our revolutionary for life to live to please the father to live in the complete trust that he's on Target and on time and live in the love. Many Christian spend a good deal of their time to earn God's love. I'm going to go to church. I got to read my Bible. I'm going to those are all good things. Why are you doing it? So God will love me more friends. He can't love you and you don't have to learn God's love. You. Got it. You got it. You do come to the church so that God will love you more you come to the church cuz he already loves you.

You don't have to earn God's love you can't you don't have to prove yourself worthy of God's love you weren't just accept it and enjoy it that for whatever reason the father loves you with a passion. And that will never end.

I'd like to ask dr. Carter to close our time money Western Heights. Let's Prime.

Our Father in heaven We acknowledge that you are The Sovereign God you are the creator of all things including us. We love you. We praise you. We acknowledge your power your goodness your Holiness and we come before you this morning. Well aware of our worthiness and yet we are we come as your children in Jesus Christ because of the shed blood of Christ. Oh Lord, we pray that your name would be lifted high above the Earth. We pray father that nothing that we say or do would be dishonoring to your name either as individuals or as a church. We come before you as your people who wish to lift you up before the world and to make you known and we long for the day when all the nations will stream up to Jerusalem and all the Gentiles will look to you and to your people and we'll be inspired to want to follow the law of God because of the example they see because of the great things that you were doing among your people. And Lord we long for the day when your will would be done on this entire Earth. And we pray that insofar as we may be obstacles to that day come and we pray that you would break down our stubborn Pride. We pray that you would help us to acknowledge our sins in our faults and allow your Holy Spirit to fill us and move us to become the people that you've created us to be. Oh Lord, we long for the day when there would be Justice when there would be righteousness when there would be peace when all of those who have suffered and never been. In any way able to be rewarded or to be compensated for what they've suffered went went all the day when that day comes that all wrongs are righted and all people have the opportunity to know your Justice in your goodness Lord. We just long for that day and yet we know that it will also be a day of Anguish and sorrow and pain for so many who will have to suffer the punishment of their sins. And so Lord we pray that you would make us a gospel preaching people who allow the gospel to ring out from our pulpit and from our individual testimonies so that all come in contact with us, we'll hear about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to die on the cross that we might have a way of Salvation a way of Hope a way to escape the judgement. Edouard we pray now that you would look down upon us in our needs and Lord. We acknowledge our dependence upon you for every good and perfect gift for everything. We have everything we need for our daily bread for money for jobs for security for health and strength Lord. We are dependent upon you for all of these things and we pray that you would guide and direct us in such a way that we would be unable to work hard and to provide for our families Lord for those who are elderly we pray your protection and your presents for those who are lonely we pray that you would bring into their lives Joy through your people and through the ministry of your Holy Spirit for those who are sick we pray for healing for those who are in need of various things. Sometimes very basic things like jobs and people who are in need of of opportunities to use their gif. We pray that you would make ways for them make opportunities for them and Lord we pray that you would forgive us for the times when we fail forgive us for those things that we have done that we ought not to have done and forgive us for those things that we have not done but should have done. Oh Lord, we pray that you would by your Holy Spirit brings conviction into our minds episode examine ourselves so that we may come before you aware of our faults and lay them all at the foot of the cross knowing that in your grace. You are more ready to forgive that we are to ask forgiveness. And lead us not into temptation for Lord, you know how susceptible to Temptation we are. You know, how weak we are, you know how easy it is for us to go astray. And so we pray that you would not only protect us in the moment of temptation, but even lead us in our lives in such a way that we avoid the Temptation in the first place that we might live holy lives pleasing to you honoring to our Lord Jesus Christ and being good witnesses to you in this world that the world may know that Jesus Christ is Lord glory of God the Father. Or we pray. Oh Father in the name of Jesus Through the Holy Spirit on men.

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