Hope of Glory

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“The Hope of Glory”

Romans 5:2; 8:28-30


The next link in the chain of assurance is the believer’s rejoicing “in hope of the glory of God”. Paul develops this theme in Romans 8. We find in verses 28 – 30 that everyone who has been redeemed by Jesus Christ – without exception – will be glorified. 8:28-30


Your Salvation Was a Sovereign Act of God

You are a Christian not because of something you did, but because of something God decided. Eph. 1:3-4. Ultimately, all sin will be overruled. God predetermined to make us His sons and daughters and planned that our salvation would lead to glorification. Our security, therefore, doesn’t depend on our ability to stay saved, but on God’s ability to keep His promise.

Ephesians 1:11 – God energizes all things according to His will, which includes your salvation. John 1:12-13 It is true we have to respond to the Gospel message to be born again. We have to receive Christ and believe in Him. However, we are regenerated by the will of God. Our response is secondary to God’s decision. How in the world could a person make a decision for God on his or her own? I Corinthians 2:14; II Corinthians 4:4


Romans 8:17 – We were made sons and daughters of God that we might be heirs.

Philippians 3:21 – Our glorified bodies will be like Christ’s. We will be like Christ spiritually. We will be perfect inwardly and outwardly!

I John 3:2; II Corinthians 3:18 – When you became a Christian, your spiritual eyes were opened and you started looking at the glory of the Lord. From there you are being progressively taken from one level of glory to the next; you are becoming more and more Christlike until the day you actually see Christ and become like Him. Truly God is forming you into the very image of His Son! Here is the big picture: God created us so that there would be a group of people who would give Him the glory He deserves. A rebellion had begun in the Garden of Eden, yet God set out to redeem humanity. By His marvelous sovereign wisdom, He called rebellious humanity back to a place of giving Him glory. His goal in salvation is to bring believers to glory – to create an eternally redeemed community of people who are Christlike – and let Christ stand as the preeminent One, receiving worship and praise.

Now you can more fully appreciate why you were saved – and why therefore your salvation is secure! It wasn’t just to keep you out of hell or to make you happy. The ultimate reason God is conforming you into Christ’s image is so you will be able to give glory to the One who is most glorious!




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