How You Can Tell Whether You Are Truly A Christian
I. Have You Enjoyed Fellowship With Christ and the Father?
II. Are You Sensitive to Sin?
III. Do You Obey God’s Word?
IV. Do You Reject This Evil World
V. Do You See a Decreasing Pattern of Sin in Your Life? I John 3:4-10
Unbroken patterns of sin are characteristic of the sinner or the lost. When you became a Christian, the pattern of sin was broken and a new pattern came into existence. Sin as a pattern of life is incompatible with salvation.
John began by noting that there are people who practice sin and lawlessness (v. 4). Then Christ appeared to take away sins (v. 5).
The believer is no longer a slave to sin, but has offered himself or herself as a servant to the Lord. Romans 6:14, 17-18. A true Christian may still sin, but sinning is not the same as practicing sin. Why is this the case? Because the true believer “abides in Him” (I John 3:6). Not only does Christ’s death take away our sin, but also His ongoing life in us breaks the sin pattern. A pattern of sin signals a union with the devil (v 8). Christ came to destroy the works of the devil by rescuing people who are in bondage to sin. That means those who’ve really been rescued will not continue in the state they have been rescued from.
vv. 9-10 – The believer has been born anew by the Holy Spirit. The seed He plants is a new nature, a new life principle, a new disposition. Just as a seed planted in the ground produces a distinct kind of life, God’s seed produces a righteous life in us that breaks the pattern of sin.
If you see victory over sin in your life, if you see righteous motives, righteous desires, righteous words and deeds, and if you’re not all you ought to be but certainly not what you used to be, then you have eternal life, so enjoy it!!!
VI. Do You Love Other Christians? I John 3:10-11
In this 10th verse John mentions two obvious facts. One, as we saw in the last lesson, is that “any one who does not practice righteousness is not of God.” The other is that neither is anyone “who does not love his brother.”
I John 2:9-11 – To say you’re in the light – or you’ve seen the light – is to claim to be a Christian. If so, your life would certainly show some of the life patterns of Christ. Loving fellow Christians is one very basic pattern. To be in fellowship with Christ is to experience and express love.
Loving fellow Christians comes naturally to the believer. I Thessalonians 4:9, 10
John 13:35 – It is basic to our Christian faith that we have the capacity to “fervently love one another from the heart”. And it is a love that goes beyond mere feeling to encompass dutiful responsibility, sacrificial service, and sensitive concern.
So here comes the test. Do you characteristically love other believers? Love is a test of divine life. I John 3:14-16. John defined love as making sacrifices for others, perhaps by even laying down our life. Do you have a desire to take the resources God has given you and apply them to the family of God? That’s evidence of love. Vv. 16-18
Note the result of such practical love: vv. 19-21 The assurance that you are a Christian – that your faith is the real thing – will come by your love.
The Apostle Peter, after denying Christ three times, had a worse time than any of us can imagine with a condemning heart. Jesus came personally to assure him. Three times in a row Jesus inquired gently about Peter’s devotion. In desperation, Peter replied, “Lord, you know all things; You know that I love You”. (John 21:17) We too can appeal to the love God sees in our hearts. It’s not perfect but, it’s there. And it will express itself through deeds of kindness and sacrifice to others. Jesus told Peter to reveal his love by taking care of His Church. Your love for fellow Christians is a benchmark of the Christian faith, and solid grounds for assurance. Refuse to let your heart condemn what God does not!!