Getting Real About the Comforter: The Promise
April 15, 2007
Opening Reading: Isaiah 44:3-6
Getting Real About the Comforter: The Promise
John 14:15-21
Proposition: The Holy Spirit is the Promise of the continuing work of salvation.
I. The Promise of Another
A. Who is this Counselor?
Paraclete - Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Advocate - Defense Attorney
Personal, Another - Source is Heaven and the Father - Holy Spirit
B. Not alone - not orphan
OT - Spirit would come and go on those who had special duties
Exodus - Tradesman and Artisan who designed the Tabernacle
Judges and Kings - The lives of the deliverers
II. The Promise of the Beginning of the End
A. Isaiah 33, Isaiah 44, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2 - Point to a “last days” pouring out of the Spirit of God.
B. According to Peter this is because of What Christ has accomplished
III. The Promise of Connection
A. You in Me, As I am in the Father
B. Ephesians 1:13-14
Ephesians 4 - Gift that accompanies the victory over sin
C. Received