Faith, Fear & Foolishness Recap
Faith, Fear & Foolishness • Sermon • Submitted
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· 13 viewsA wrap-up sermon of the messages we shared on the first three Sundays of 2021.
As we come to the end of January, I believe it is essential we lay a good foundation for the rest of the year. Pastor John and Pastor Jordan brought us excellent and solid teaching on three important themes for these times we live in:
We started this series with a strong statement. We, Christians, we are people of faith. Whether we feel like such a person or not, if we have made the decision to follow Jesus and have the Holy Spirit living in us, then our rule of life is and should be “we live by faith” (Ro. 1:17) and “we walk by faith and not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7).
Faith is then necessary for our daily walk. We need faith in our day-to-day decisions and actions.
We also learned that faith comes to us by hearing and knowing the Word of God (Ro. 10:17) and we have a long discussion around what faith and isn’t based on its definition on Hebrews 11:1.
We need more faith knowledge than sense knowledge. Our flesh will always look for arguments to try to stop us at every step of the way. We need to kill our flesh at the cross and live by faith.
Now true and biblical faith is relational and not an impersonal force. It is trusting God all the way of the journey, whether we get the things we pray for or not. Whatever the answer might be, the Christian that live by faith will trust the Lord.
Faith is then rooted in God’s Word, and it rests in two principles: trust and obedience.
Faith: Application
Faith: Application
How can we apply what we have learned about faith?
How’s your decision process looks like? Do you make decisions on the flesh or by faith?
How can you be more intentional in hearing God’s Word and, in doing so, grow your faith?
How is your level of trust? Do you find it easy to trust God? Why so?
What is the hardest thing that God has asked you to do?
The second message of the series was about the theme of fear, so relevant right now.
Pastor John listed the four major types of fear:
Fear of Failure
Fear of Loss
Fear of Rejection
Fear of the Unknown
First of all, we need to realize and believe that God did not give us a spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7).
We need to remember that we live by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7).
We need to be aware of the battle taking place around us in the realm of the unseen (Eph. 6:10). More than ever, we need to lift up the shield of faith to put off all the flaming darts of the enemy (Eph. 6:16).
Pastor Yasmin shared with us some great pointers here:
Fear is to Satan what Faith is to God. Faith does God’s work. Fear does Satan’s work.
Fear is to Satan what Faith is to God. Faith does God’s work. Fear does Satan’s work.
Faith is the currency of the kingdom of light. Fear is the currency of the kingdom of darkness.
The enemy uses fear to control us, to get us to do something foolish that we will regret later.
Some key verses here were:
Job 3:25 (“The thing that I feared is come upon me.” - Fear opens doors of darkness)
2 Tim. 1:7 (“God has not give us a spirit of fear” - Fear does not come from God)
1 John 4:18 (“Perfect love casts our fear” - Fear is a bully)
We need to make sure to keep fear in line. Fear should not control our emotions, our thoughts, our actions and decisions. Remember, we live by faith and not by sight.
Simply put, fear is the opposite of faith.
Simply put, fear is the opposite of faith.
Now, fear is also natural. It is part of the package that came with the original sin of Adam and Eve.
So, what do we do? We need to apply Hebrews 13:6 and say, “The Lord is my Helper; I will not fear ; what can man do to me?”
The enemy will always try to create fear (2 Cor. 2:11) to control you and take you away from God’s purposes with your life. He will try to rob the Word of God from you (Luke 8:12) because the Word of God builds your faith.
Even though we feel fear, we don’t live in fear. It is not where we put our tent. We live by faith, and we dwell in God’s presence.
When we are fighting fear in our lives, we need to remember the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. What to do when fear knocks on our door?
Seek the Lord
Confess your inadequacy
Worship the Lord, and he will give you victory
Fear: Application
Fear: Application
Of the four types of fears listed before, which is the one that the enemy more often will try to use on you?
What do you think would be the long-term result of living in fear?
How can you defeat fear in your life?
How would you help someone who is under the grip of fear?