Love is...


Love is … God

John begins with a term of endearment - beloved - meaning dearly loved and cherished; sometimes preferred above all others and treated with partiality;
As a child of God they were and we are loved by the beginning of love - the true essence of love - the true reflection of love;
In 1984 Tina Turner sang a song named “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”
Love is more than an emotion, love is more than an action, love is not frivolous - why;
Because Love is … God!
Because God is love and we, as born again believers, are His children so we should reflect Him and He is love.

Love is … Demonstrated

Have you ever heard the saying - monkey see monkey do or have you ever played the mirror game;
Both of these scenarios are a reflection of what is seen - what is demonstrated is repeated;
God has demonstrated His love for His beloved, even when we act unlovable;
In verse 9 John once again reminds the first audience and us today how God demonstrated His love.

Love is … Unconditional

God has an unconditional love for His special creation - you;
Look at Romans 5:8 - then consider this;

Strange that God should love impure, vain, vile, dust and ashes!

Propitiation properly signifies the removal of wrath by the offering of a gift;
God’s love is unconditional that He gave of Himself for you.
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