Luke 10:25-37 Part 2

Who am I to love?
What sort of person is loving and merciful?
Samaritans were the offspring of Jews who after the Northern Kingdom was taken captive, some remained in the land. The land was then taken over by Gentiles. These Jews who remained after the Northern captivity from which the Jews were taken captive never returned, the ones who remained in the land intermarried with the Gentiles for which they were despised and hated cause they sold their birthright, they polluted the pure strain of God’s chosen people. They were hated by the Jews. In fact, when Israel came back from Babylonian captivity, the Southern Kingdom later went into captivity, and after 70 years of captivity, they came back, Nehemiah came back, they wanted to rebuild the wall, remember that? The Samaritans showed up. You can read this in Ezra 4 through 6; Nehemiah 2 through 4. The Samaritans showed up and said, “We’ll help you. We’ll help you. We’ll reconnect with our Jewish roots. Now you’re back, Jerusalem will be rebuilt, we’ll have a temple again.” And they said, “Absolutely not. We want nothing to do with you.” The bitterness was so deep. And so, the Samaritans then turned to be their enemies, and you remember the story? All the time they’re trying to build the wall, who is trying to prevent them from doing it? The Samaritans, led by a man named Sanballat. So they were constantly in conflict. And, in fact, eventually the Samaritans built their own temple. They said, “Well, if we can’t be welcomed back, we’ll just build our own temple in a place called Mount Gerizim.” They built their own temple. And the Jews who hated them and hated their temple, in 128 B.C., a hundred and twenty-eight years before Jesus’ birth, went and destroyed the temple and killed some of the Samaritans.
And so here comes a Samaritan. What is going to be the Samaritan’s attitude toward this guy? If you’re going to worry about who qualifies to be your neighbor, he doesn’t qualify. Not only is he a stranger, but he’s an enemy and there’s a tremendous amount of racism between the two.