Stewardship in Light of the King's Return
I. Introduction
I. Introduction
Previous messages about giving
Longest parable of the gospels.
Luke has more than the other synoptics (18 vs. 17 in Matt. and 13 in Mark)
II. Setting (19:11)
II. Setting (19:11)
A. Near to Jerusalem; Stopped a Zacchaeus’ house
A. Near to Jerusalem; Stopped a Zacchaeus’ house
B. Jericho was 18 miles; about a 6 hour walk away
B. Jericho was 18 miles; about a 6 hour walk away
C. Disciples had false expectations of the kingdom appearing immediately
C. Disciples had false expectations of the kingdom appearing immediately
III. Departure and rejection of the King (19:12–14)
III. Departure and rejection of the King (19:12–14)
A. Departure of the nobleman (19:12–13)
A. Departure of the nobleman (19:12–13)
1. Nobleman
1. Nobleman
2. Mina
2. Mina
a. 100 drachmas or 100 days’ wages
a. 100 drachmas or 100 days’ wages
b. a Greek silver coin
b. a Greek silver coin
c. as much as one can carry in one’s hand
c. as much as one can carry in one’s hand
d. one was the price of a sheep or 1/5th price of an ox
d. one was the price of a sheep or 1/5th price of an ox
e. under certain circumstances, a whole ox or a slave for four
e. under certain circumstances, a whole ox or a slave for four
3. A command to engage in business
3. A command to engage in business
B. Rejection by the citizens (19:14)
B. Rejection by the citizens (19:14)
IV. Check of stewardship of the servants (19:15–26)
IV. Check of stewardship of the servants (19:15–26)
A. The call to check stewardship (19:15)
A. The call to check stewardship (19:15)
B. First servant commended (19:16–17)
B. First servant commended (19:16–17)
C. Second servant commended (19:18–19)
C. Second servant commended (19:18–19)
D. Third servant rebuked (19:20–24)
D. Third servant rebuked (19:20–24)
1. Third servant’s fear (19:20–21)
1. Third servant’s fear (19:20–21)
2. The King’s reply (19:22–23)
2. The King’s reply (19:22–23)
3. The King’s judgment (19:24)
3. The King’s judgment (19:24)
E. The crowd’s reaction (19:25)
E. The crowd’s reaction (19:25)
F. The King’s response on accountability (19:26)
F. The King’s response on accountability (19:26)
18 Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”
V. Judgment on the citizen delegation (19:27)
V. Judgment on the citizen delegation (19:27)
VI. Final Applications
VI. Final Applications
Luke 9:51–24:53 d. Judgment on the Citizen Delegation (19:27)
The parable thus mentions different fates for three groups: (1) reward for faithful stewards, (2) rejection for those who associate with Jesus but do not really trust him, and (3) judgment for rebels who openly reject him.