sf149 - It's Friday ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = Jesus was nailed dead on a cross.
@LEVEL THREE = ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = Mary's crying her eyes out 'cause her baby Jesus is dead.
@LEVEL THREE = ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = The disciples are running in every direction like sheep without a shepherd.
@LEVEL THREE = ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = Pilate's strutting around, washing his hands 'cause he thinks he's got all the power and the victory.
@LEVEL THREE = ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = People are saying, "As things have been, so they shall always be. You can't change anything in this world."
@LEVEL THREE = ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = Satan's doing a little jig saying. "I control the whole world."
@LEVEL THREE = ...but Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = it's Friday
@LEVEL TWO = The temple veil ripped from top to bottom‑ the earth shook ‑ the rocks split and the tombs opened. The centurion screamed in fear; "Truly he was the Son of God!"
@LEVEL THREE = ...Sunday's Coming
@LEVEL ONE = It's Sunday
@LEVEL TWO = The angel, like dazzling lightning, rolled the stone away, exclaiming.
@LEVEL THREE = He is not here! He is risen!
@LEVEL ONE = It's Sunday ‑ It's Sunday ‑ It's Sunday