sf197 - Itam Missions Mobilization Service (Mark 16 15)
Introduction (Video Starts)
Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Let the nations be glad! (Nations clip)
This morning as the sun hit the planet our brothers and sisters rose to praise the Son of the Living God.
In Germany, Russia, Indonesia – Venezuela, Honduras, Ecuador Mexico, and even our persecuted family in chains who are being tortured and dying for their faith - China, North Korea and Sudan.
Today we have stood and proclaimed that Jesus is King and we are not alone in our faith.
The whole family of God joins us as we give Jesus the praise and glory He deserves – let’s celebrate Him (clapping). Let us hold nothing back as we glorify Him today.
A celebration of grace, love, and joy! (Celebration clip)
Call for volunteers to participate
Call on volunteers to share what they did – involve the congregation
Recognize Pastor/Leader – sword & hat
(Pause Video)
1A. Who Me?
1B. Anyone who can make a kid smile!
From the land of X-Box to the city dump, kids respond to love!
2B. Every believer can demonstrate God’s love (Romans 5:8)
Simple acts produce profound results
But because people just like you are demonstrating love, God’s Word is being made flesh. He is still multiplying bread, bringing hope, and piercing light into dark places. He is doing it through us, His body. We are the visible and recognizable body of Jesus.
2A. Why Go? (Video Starts)
1B. Why Go? - Because the need is great!
How God sees our world?
What if we could color-code our world?
Ø Dark blue represents the area of the world that is predominately Christian.
Ø Green represents areas that have heard the gospel.
Ø Yellow represents areas that have a form of the gospel but are trusting in works.
Ø Red represents unreached people groups – “closed countries” (184,000/year martyred)
There are really no countries closed to God’s Spirit!
What does this mean in terms of people?
Ø Blue – 0.05% are Christian areas
Ø Green – 20% have heard the gospel
Ø Yellow and Red – 80% have never really heard the truth about eternal life.
80% have never heard the good news that Jesus Christ died for sinners – That Jesus Gives Hope!
This year 47 million children will be born into unreached people groups.
2B. Why Go? - Because we have failed
Church we have failed in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)
God’s desire is to turn the entire map – dark blue.
How many remember where you were when JFK was assassinated?
Ø Two hours the world knew President Kennedy was dead.
How many remember where you were on 9-11?
Ø The world watched on live TV.
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God died and rose again over 2000 years ago and still 80% have not heard! (Pause Video)
3B. Why Go? - Because you can make a difference.
An investment in eternity
Ø A 2% investment that will bring eternal dividends
Ø Seven days, only 2% of your days next year, I guarantee it will change the rest of your days.
Ø What could God do if we gave 2% of our days next year?
Many protest – what about here?
Ø The US represents only 5% of the world’s population.
The heart of the problem is a problem with the heart.
Ø Believers are to have the heart of Christ.
Ø Jesus has the whole world in His heart, so should we!
4B. Why Go? – Because we have God’s vision.
The problem – our focus (4-5 volunteers make a circle)
Ø What is wrong with the picture?
We focus on ourselves! Because we are focused inward we get mad about petty unimportant things.
We believe that church is about us, but its not!
Ø Jesus did not die on the cross to redeem us so that we could focus on ourselves.
Matthew 20:28 "…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
The solution – God’s vision
Matthew 9:36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them…
Ø There is more than one way to make a circle, turn around.
Ø Now we have the support of our church family and the vision of Christ.
What a difference perspective can make
Ø When he sees a mother holding her crying child whose stomach is eaten up with parasites and the she can’t do anything about it, maybe he will think twice about complaining about the food at the church fellowship.
Ø When she sees a homeless boy who has no shoes, no parents, no shirt and the hot concrete is his alarm clock to get up and sell gum just to buy his next meal; maybe she will think twice about complaining about how hot or cold it is in church.
Ø When he sees a child so sick that they are throwing up worms. Maybe he want complain when someone gets their seat in church, maybe next time they will offer it.
Ø Thank you …you may return to your seats.
I am not here to get you to go on a mission trip.
Ø Now, that might be a bi-product, but Jesus is just trying to get us to turn around and see what He sees, every moment of every day.
Ø Real hurt. Real pain. Real Need. And He hears us complain and sees our lives and attitudes…no wonder we make Him sick at His stomach.
Ø But that is changing. People are beginning to turn around and they are caring for others all over the world.
Ø You see Jesus was our substitute on the cross so we could be His substitute on the earth.
Ø Jesus did not save up primarily so we could escape earth and go to heaven.
Ø He saved us so He could escape heaven and come to earth all over again.
3A. Yes, You!
1B. What would happen if Jesus lived all over again?
What would He do and say? Where would He go?
Jesus can live all over again – that is our Journey!
Ø Not a bigger Sunday School
Ø Not two worship services
Ø Not bigger, newer builds
Ø But Jesus living His life through you and me – that’s why we are here!
Children will you join me up here?
Ø 34,000 children will die today due to hunger related diseases.
Ø How many of you would go to help these children?
So you will go to help your own.
Ø Jesus knew we would get like this…
Matthew 25:40 Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.
Ø Children I would go to help you. Please be seated.
Dead to self and allowing Jesus to live all over again
Ø People like you are doing just that!
Ø I wish I could load you all up and take you to Venezuela right now.
Ø But since we can’t literally go now let’s do the next best thing, let’s watch so folks just like you who have gone and share in their experience.
(Start Video – play “The Journey” clip and stop at end)
Team Leader/Pastor
Ask people to stand!
Remind them of the need, their ability, time (2%); God finances what He initiates.
Prayer of thanksgiving
Gather information
Introduction – Psalm 67:3-4a
This morning as the sun hit the planet our brothers and sisters rose to praise the Son of the Living God.
Anyone Can Demonstrate Love!
Romans 5:8
We are the visible and recognizable body of Jesus. (Start Video)
How God Sees our World…
Dark blue - predominately Christian.
Green - have heard the gospel.
Yellow - have a form of the gospel but are trusting in works.
Red - unreached people groups; “closed countries”
Ø 184,000/year martyred
Blue – 0.05%
Green – 20%
Yellow and Red – 80% - 47 million children/yr.
We have failed! – God’s desire total saturation!
JFK – 2 hours
9/11 – Live!
Jesus – 2000 years! (Pause Video)
What would Happen If You Gave 7 Days?
2% of your days!
US – 5% of the world’s population
Jesus’ heart – our heart!
It is a Matter of Vision – (5 vols)
Inward Focus = Problems/death (Matthew 20:28)
Turn around = outward focus (Matthew 9:36)
He was our substitute so we could become His substitute
What would Happen if Jesus Lived all over Again?
34,000 children will die of hunger related diseases (Matthew 25:40)
Lets go – (Start Video)
Testimony – Invitation - Mike