The Battle of Mont Jawbone: Judges 15
Q: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God” and “You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have” Corrie Ten Boom
FCF: Is Yahweh Sufficient?
Main Proposition: Yahweh is Sufficient
Body 1: Yahweh is sufficient to make a mockery out of His enemies: 1-8
Body 1: Yahweh is sufficient to make a mockery out of His enemies: 1-8
1. Explanation: Quiet night in Timnah, comedic revenge of Yahweh’s servant, Philistine Solution, Yahweh’s victor
2. Application: We may know that even if we appear to be losing the culture war that Yahweh is sufficient and will win the day in a glorious fashion.
Body 2: Yahweh is sufficient even though His people are weak: 9-13
Body 2: Yahweh is sufficient even though His people are weak: 9-13
1. Explanation: Philistine solution, the weakness of God’s people
2. Illustration: With in the Southern Baptist Denomination there is a tendency of decline in membership and attendance. Some people blame the rise of certain theologies within our denomination. However, it is more likely that many of God’s people are spiritually weak. They are content with being surrounded by lost people and make churches into private clubs where they can hide from the world and exert some power. Churches fail to disciple children or new converts, while also, failing to reach out to a dying world. The American church in many ways is lethargic and weak.
3. Application: Are we weak? Are we content with dwindling numbers? Are we content with no conversions? Are we content with the fact that many of us go through this Christian life without once sharing saving faith with a lost person?
Body 3: Yahweh is sufficient to provide for His servants: 14-20
Body 3: Yahweh is sufficient to provide for His servants: 14-20
1. Explanation: The Philistines perceived victory, God’s Spirit, The battle of Mont Jawbone, Samson’s need, Yahweh’s provision
2. Illustration: When I was 16, Pennsylvania, MC, Straight Bayou, and VBC
3. Application: Our God is sufficient to provide us with the big salvation and the small deliverances in daily life.
Yahweh was sufficient for his servant Samson and He was sufficient for Corrie Ten Boom. Yahweh is sufficient to provide us with Salvation in Jesus Christ, who gave His life that we may have eternal life when we trust in Him. If Yahweh is able to conquer our sins and death, then why do we doubt Him with our smaller needs? Let us come away from this passage in a manner of humility. Let the truths proclaimed today draw you close to the Lord. Seek Him for He is sufficient.