sf229 - Paul's Perspective On Tongues (1 Corinthians 14 1-19)
1 Corinthians 14:1-19
After presenting love as the “more excellent way” above all ministries and gifts, Paul directly and forcefully confronts the Corinthians in regard to their sin against love in misunderstanding and misusing the gift of tongues. Believers there had so abused the gift that they rivaled Babel in confusion of speaking, and the apostle devotes an entire chapter to the problem, which was so representative of their sinfulness.
The terms lalein, glossie, and glossais (to speak in a tongue/in tongues) that Paul uses so frequently in chapter 14 were commonly used in his day to describe pagan ecstatic speech.
In the church at Corinth much of the tongues-speaking had taken on the form and flavor of those pagan ecstasies.
Interpretive key
It is an interpretive key to this chapter to note that in verses 2 and 4 tongue is singular (cf. vv. 13, 14, 19, 27), whereas in verse 5 Paul uses the plural tongues (cf. vv. 6, 18, 22, 23, 39). Apparently the apostle used the singular form to indicate the counterfeited gift and the plural to indicate the true. Recognizing that distinction may be the reason the King James translators supplied unknown before the singular. The only exception is in v. 27, where the singular is used to refer to a single man speaking a single genuine language.
In the text before us Paul gives us his thinking concerning tongues and prophecy. Paul’s preference in the matter, Paul’s position on the matter; Paul’s practice in the matter
1A. Paul’s Preference in the Matter (14:1-5)
1B. Prophecy is to be preferred (14:1-5)
Because of the value of prophecy (14:1, 5)
Ø What should be done – Pursue love
Pursue (dioko); to chase after with intensity.
Ø What should be desired – Spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy…I wish…
Desire (zeloo); to eagerly seek
Greater (megas); greater importance/value
Because of the vagueness of tongues (14:2)
Ø This type of tongues speaks not men but to a god
There is not definite article in the Greek
Ø They are not understood
Ø They speak mysteries to themselves
2B. Prophecy is to be practiced (14:3-4)
Because prophecy focuses on service (14:3, 4b)
Ø Prophecy is constructive
Edification (oikodome); to build up
Ø Prophecy is convicting
Exhortation (paraklesis); to encourage
Ø Prophecy is consoling
Comfort (paramumuthia); to give hope
Because tongues focus on self (14:4a)
2A. Paul’s Position on the Matter (14:6-12)
1B. His position stated (14:6)
Any message is useless if it cannot be comprehended. The private use of any gift is excluded, it is useless if it is not edifying to the church.
2B. His point illustrated (14:7-8)
Musical example (14:7)
Ø In order to make sense music must have order, purpose, and rhythm.
Military example (14:8)
Ø In order to mean anything a bugle must play a discernible tune not just random notes.
3B. His principle applied (14:9-12)
Random ramblings have no meaning or use. (14:9)
To have meaning language must be understood by the speaker and hearer. (14:10-11)
The reason to seek any gift, including tongues, is for the building up of the church. (14:12)
3A. Paul’s Practice in the Matter (14:13-19)
1B. Being understood is more important than being “spiritual” (14:13-17)
To speak (or pray) in a language that no one understands is fruitless, it helps neither the speaker of the audience. (14:13-14)
Ø Tongue here is singular referring to the counterfeit gift
In order to be profitable our prayers and songs must make sense. (14:15-17)
Ø Edification cannot exist without the mind.
Ø Spirituality involves more than the mind, but never excludes the mind.
2B. Clear communication is more important than exercising the gift of tongues (14:18-19)
Paul acknowledges the reality of the gift of tongues. (14:18)
Ø Here tongues are plural indicating the genuine gift.
Paul establishes the priority of clearly communicating the gospel.
Ø Here tongue is singular
Five words: Repent and believe the gospel.
1 Corinthians 14:1-19
1A. Paul’s __________________ in the Matter (14:1-5)
1B. ____________________ is to be preferred (14:1-5)
Because of the ______________ of prophecy (14:1, 5)
Ø What should be done – Pursue love
Ø What should be desired – Spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy…I wish…
Because of the vagueness of tongues (14:2)
Ø This type of tongues speaks not men but to a god
There is not definite article in the Greek
Ø They are not understood
Ø They speak mysteries to themselves
2B. Prophecy is to be ____________________ (14:3-4)
Because prophecy focuses on service (14:3, 4b)
Ø Prophecy is constructive
Edification (oikodome); to build up
Ø Prophecy is convicting
Exhortation (paraklesis); to encourage
Ø Prophecy is consoling
Comfort (paramumuthia); to give hope
Because tongues focus on self (14:4a)
2A. Paul’s ________________ on the Matter (14:6-12)
1B. His position stated (14:6)
2B. His ____________________ illustrated (14:7-8)
Musical example (14:7)
__________________________ example (14:8)
3B. His principle _____________________ (14:9-12)
Random ramblings have no meaning or use. (14:9)
To have meaning language must be _______________ by the speaker and hearer. (14:10-11)
The reason to seek any gift, including tongues, is for the building up of the church. (14:12)
3A. Paul’s ________________ in the Matter (14:13-19)
1B. Being understood is more important than being “spiritual” (14:13-17)
To speak (or pray) in a language that no one understands is fruitless, it helps neither the speaker of the audience. (14:13-14)
Ø Tongue here is singular referring to the counterfeit gift
In order to be profitable our prayers and songs must make ______________________________. (14:15-17)
Ø Edification cannot exist without the mind.
Ø Spirituality involves more than the mind, but never excludes the mind.
2B. Clear communication is more important than exercising the gift of tongues (14:18-19)
Paul acknowledges the ____________________ of the gift of tongues. (14:18)
Ø Here tongues are plural indicating the genuine gift.
Paul establishes the ____________________ of clearly communicating the gospel.
Ø Here tongue is singular
Five words: Repent and believe the gospel.