Imitators of God
And Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people.
SS 1-17-21
Tonight God’s word is taking us to the thought of being imitators
imitators meaning “to follow as a model”
This should sound familiar right,
Eph 5:1
Therefore be imitators of God,
Also let us be reminded of
Acts 11:26
“the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch”
Why were they called Christians?
Because they were identifying or being like Christ
God’s word is very clear that we are to live in such a way that those around us see Christ in us
So the questions becomes, “How do we know what we are to imitate.”
We know we are to imitate Christ, but how do we do that?
We look as pastor said Sunday, “The directions” if you will
Salt shaker vs. Salt container (Story of Harry & Trish Harmon)
As always we find the answer in God’s sufficient word
One of the great example of who to imitate in the Bible is Stephen. Obviously there are many we could look at but God has led us to the book of Acts 6.
The book of Acts
Luke the writer of acts directly tells us why he wrote his books
(Luke 1:3)
“It seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus”
Obviously not an exhaustive history but exactly what the HS has for us to know.
So Luke is giving us the History of the spread of the church following Christ’s ascension
The book of acts can be looked at in three divisions
Peter, Stephen and Paul
One of the 12 disciples, the outspoken one, he walked on the water for a little bit and denied Christ but was the first one to jump up and preach at pentecost
dominating figure through chapter 12
called to lead the spread of the gospel to the circumcised (Jewish People)
Stephen who we will study tonight (The in-be-tween guy)
transitional period betwen Peter and Paul
Stephen’s ministry was the catalyst that catapulted the church out of Jerusalem into the rest of the world
Saul was in hearty agreement with putting him to death. And on that day a great persecution began against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.
The first christian martyr
dominating figure after chapter 12
called to lead the spread of the gospel to the uncircumcised (Gentiles)
Gal 2:7
....Seeing that I (Paul) had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised (Gentiles), just as Peter had been to the circumcised (Jewish People)
Acts 6:8-15
Why was this happening to Stephen
Acts 6:1
“disciples were increasing in number”
The church was experiencing explosive growth so it needed to be organized
More people were needed to help do the work
v. 2 “so the word would not be neglected”
Biblical church organization always responds to needs and to what the Spirit is already doing. (mac)
The church should be aware of what Christ is doing, ministries that are meeting needs within a local church
At times the local church puts too much attention on programs rather than recognizing what the Lord is already doing and getting on board with Him
The church organizes to meet the needs of people not to just organize and say we have a particular program
In this case due the the increase of growth the church needed to organize. To find helpers
Out of the thousands of men in the Jerusalem church, Stephen was one of the seven chosen to serve
So he must have had some qualities that stood out, right!
Let’s look at three of the qualities Luke wrote about Stephen that we should imitate
1st Stephens Character
Acts 6:8
“And Stephen, full of grace and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the people.”
notice the word “Full” of Grace and Power
The greek word for full means,
“to be filled up”
with Grace and Power
Grace getting what we don’t deserve it
Mercy is not getting what we deserve
punishment of Sin
What do these two qualities , Grace and Power look like in a person?
Like Stephen
someone who is noticed because they look like Christ. Christlike people stand out!!!
This was how Stephen was described
So let’s ask, “How would WABC be described?”
Is the church seen as FULL of Grace and Power
When is the last time you have seen anything powerful? Not to be negative but let’s be honest.
If you believe the church is not described as “Full of Grace and Power” why is that? Is is Larry’s fault? Is it the staff’s fault? The deacons fault? It has to be someone’s fault right? We are quick to judge as christians aren’t we.
Here is the answer, “How would you be described?”
Aren’t you the church?
Could it be that people in the church are not living like Stephen so that no grace and no power is then seen?
God help us to live “full” of grace and power so that our reputation as a church would be one that is Christlike
#2 Stephens Courage
Acts 6:9-14
John 15:18
If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.
It’s not a question of if the world will attack us but when the world attacks our character do we have the right kind of courage to stand up against the attacks in the right way
Stephen was probably a member of the same synagogue as these people in v. 9 who were getting ready to drag him off. They were probably “friends”
v. 9 “Rose up and Argued”
meaning “not to quarrel but a formal debate”
The debate no doubt centered on the death, resurrection, and messiahship of Jesus, and the inability of the Mosaic law and temple ritual to save.
We aren’t given the specific but Whatever the precise issues of the debate were, Stephen won the debate
What happens when people cannot debate truth?
They change tactics. They resorted to attacking Stephen rather than Stephen’s position
Resorting to an ad hominem argument,
meaning (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
They were saying Stephen was speaking words of blasphemy so they dragged away
meaning “to seize with violence”
What did they say Stephen was saying wrongly?
v. 14
for we have heard him say that this Nazarene, Jesus, will destroy this place and alter the customs which Moses handed down to us.”
Bible Trivia, Did Jesus say He would destroy the temple?
v. 14 Jesus never claimed He would destroy the Jerusalem temple. He said to His adversaries, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19)
Satan is an expert and people are pretty good too at twisting words just enough
remember the Garden “Did God really say that”
(Mac) Throughout this ordeal, Stephen’s courage shines through. Despite the intense opposition he encountered, he never backed down or compromised. As his enemies complained, he incessantly reiterated the gospel message. Even while on trial for his life before the Sanhedrin, his courage did not waver. Acts 7:51–53
Let us imitate Stephen’s courage with boldness in a loving way. No matter the direction of the argument our focus is the gospel
Don’t get political
#3 Stephen’s Countenance
a person's face or facial expression.
Acts 6:15
What does a face like an angel remind you of?
transfiguration and Moses
Moses 10 commandments hid in the cleft of the rock. God allowed him to see as He went by (Ex. 34:27–35).
Far from being evil, Stephen radiated the holiness and glory of God.
God Himself answered their false charges by putting His glory on Stephen’s face—something experienced by no other person in history except Moses (Ex. 34:27–35). He thus showed His approval of Stephen’s teaching in exactly the same way He did that of Moses!!!!!!!!
How about that for approval!!!
God gave the Law to the people of God through Moses, (his face shown of the glory of God
and now like Moses, Stephens face shown of God’s glory as the gospel of Jesus Christ would go out to the entire world.
How dies this apply to us today? Will we have faces that shine as Stephens?
With God anything is possible.....
But what we do know from God’s word is
that we are to be imitators of Him.
To be more and more like Jesus.
and one of the example we have to do that is Stephen.
Lord help us to live like You.