Exodus II Outline Week 1
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1 In the third month from the very day the Israelites left the land of Egypt, they came to the Sinai Wilderness. 2 They traveled from Rephidim, came to the Sinai Wilderness, and camped in the wilderness. Israel camped there in front of the mountain.
Outline 2:
Outline 2:
Intro/Welcome — Why this matters
God is writing a Story and he is not done yet.
Adam to Exodus
Adam — Noah — Abraham — Isaac/Jacob — Joseph — Isreal — Exodus
Why? — God is telling/writing a story — The greatest story.
Their Story is Our Story
What walking with God looks like
Personal Relationship
Why songs are so important?
They reach a part of us that simply reporting cannot
There is an emotional response, and experiential element
It’s why we sing on Sundays
Would you trust someone who gave everything for you? (think about an illustration)
Would you love someone who loved you in this way?
Would you follow him? Obedience of Faith (Rom 1:5)
This is the story that God is writing in his people’s life
It is the song he writes for you life, it is poetic, it is artistic, it is dramatic
Beautiful picture of a soloist: captures you with her voice/song
but also of the choir the power of a multitude of voices
This is a picture of God’s church.
It is a symphony and Jesus is the Soloist
A Picture of our Lord and Savior
jude 5
Seeing who God is is our biggest problem.
We are a distracted, a blind people to the goodness and power of God
Our life becomes a Testimony to God — A Life Song
Sharing of a testimony
What song are you writing with your life?
Outline 1
Outline 1
There is a lot of singing in my house
I have three little girls, and I love to hear them sing
As a father, it is a beautiful thing.
They sing songs they have heard, sometimes they make them up on the spot.
Let me ask you, if you were to make up a song on the spot, what would it be about?
If a song was written about your life, what would it be about?
Today we are going to be looking at 3000 year old song.
It’s one of the earliest recorded songs in history
Likely the earliest written part of Exodus
What is called the Song of Moses recorded in Exodus 15:1-21
Recap: Exodus 1 — God Saves — God is Writing a Story
Adam — Noah — Abraham — Isaac/Jacob — Joseph — Isreal — Exodus
Why? — God is telling/writing a story — The greatest story.
30 Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. 31 Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, so the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.
God redeemed a people living in a pagan and godless nation.
The Result: We are God’s People
We are his People
We are in his Presence
God makes a people for himself — this has always been God’s plan
You are a person made for God
Everything that happens in your life is meant to draw you closer to him.
Our Response: Worship
Why songs are so important?
They reach a part of us that simply reporting cannot
There is an emotional response, and experiential element
It’s why we sing on Sundays
Would you trust someone who gave everything for you? (think about an illustration)
Would you love someone who loved you in this way?
Would you follow him? Obedience of Faith (Rom 1:5)
This is the story that God is writing in his people’s life
It is the song he writes for you life, it is poetic, it is artistic, it is dramatic
Beautiful picture of a soloist: captures you with her voice/song
but also of the choir the power of a multitude of voices
This is a picture of God’s church.
It is a symphony and Jesus is the Soloist
Our life becomes a Testimony to God — A Life Song
Sharing of a testimony
What song are you writing with your life?
Is it the song of your glory?
Is it the song of God’s glory?