Leading Vs. Leading a Jesus Centered Life

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Being a student leader is meaningless and powerless without a Jesus-Centered Life.


Being A Leader Vs. Leading a Christ Centered Life

-Supplies, Bibles, Pen, Paper with Q/s
-Answer the questions for each section as directed

Being A Leader Page 1

What is a leader?
What qualities do leaders have?
What do leaders do?
-Go Through Answers/Then ask them to scrap their paper..Toss it in the garbage.
Before we can lead…we must center on Jesus and obedience to his way of Kingdom living.
Let’s Read Romans 12 together Once.
Then take 10 minutes and read through it a second time, noting observations/questions. Discuss those observations/questions answer to the best of your ability and facilitate discussion.
Read 3rd time and answer the questions on second hand out.

Leading a Christ-Centered Life

Principles from Romans 12
In view of God’s Mercy (v. 1) -Keep the gospel at the forefront of our lives. Everything we do is in response to it.
In response, Paul’s urge: offer your bodies(lives) as a living sacrifice which is true worship
True worship (sacrificial living) doesn’t follow the patterns of the flesh. Our mindset must change…our bodies will follow. This will keep you in God’s good pleasing will.

Jesus-Centered in our Gifting

4. Humility in our role as believers. (Leadership does not lord over Matt. 20 v. 3
5. You have a unique role to play in the body. To live a Jesus-Centered life means to use our unique gifts to advance his kingdom. (vv. 4-8)
Finger doesnt function like toe like knee like eye like ear v. 4
Those who belong to Jesus (in him) - Vine and Branches etc. -, and to one another, we have unity of purpose. v. 5
Numerous unique gifts (Heres a few but not all)
Prophesy in accordance with your faith-
Temptation is to do it in own strength/ in accordance with self
Prophesy - Doesn’t have to be preditive in nature. Many times it is less foretelling but forthtelling- to utter the heart and mind of God…driven by the Spirit.
Your faith- The words uttered are based on faith. The words will not contradict God’s character or scripture and must be weighed (1 Cor 14:29-32)
Temptation to be lazy in meeting needs
Meeting practical needs of others and the ministry
Tempting to not be obedient based on self/fear/limiting self
Taking the word and explaining/applying it
Tempting to discourage
A natural spirit led abiltiy to lift others up
Tempting to withhold
Giving without complaint or withholding
Temptation is to give up/discouragement but Paul encourages to lead diligently
Cheerfulness in sharing burdens

Jesus-Centered in Actions

vv. 9-21 - Reflects Sermon on the Mount
6. A Christian To Do List—It isn’t the traditional Read your Bible and Pray. Those are important disciplines but what are our actions? What should our “sacrifical bodies” be doing?
Sincere love v. 9
Hatred of Evil and a tight grasp on goodness v. 9
Sincerely love your bro/sis in Jesus v. 10
Don’t lack zeal, fervor (excitement) in serving the Lord (illustration BOILING OVER) v. 11
Exhibit Joy in hope (What hope is he talking about?) , Patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. -What is your perspective in life? -When driving…where do you look? Right infront of you (steering wheel), Windsheild wiper area?, Or somewhere ahead of the car..where your vehicile will go… In order to expereince joy, patient, faithfulness…we must look ahead at our hope vv. 12
Generousity to those in need, going to them (giving) or welcomign them (hospitality) This isn’t just..”ill pray for you” or a distant care, the question is... are you meeting practical needs? v. 13
Bless (To praise/To speak well of) those who harm you v. 14
Rejoice/Mourn with those (empathy for all). Don’t be dismissive of others emotions v. 15
Harmony is found in Humility v. 16 ( There is no better member than another)
Grace (NOt everythign must be eye for eye/ cause and effect) v. 17
Discernment (wisdom in our actions) Are we promoting Goodness v. 17
Be at peace with everyone ( It takes effort to live peaceably (blessed are the peacemakers) v. 18
We are not God…he is the judge. He will make all things right. “Do not take of the fruit of revenge) 19
Instructions on your enemies from the OT ( Prov. 25) v. 20
Genuine love for your enemies meets their needs
By doing good for your enemies it separates you/makes you reliant on God
Burning Coals- Symbol of Judgement thorughout scripture, we allow God to execute the judgement when we love our enemies. We don’t take revenge…God will. Leave it to him. (Got Q’s has good answer for 2 views)
CLOSING THEME: A living sacrifice overcomes evil with good. Let our goodness be a light to others. Let our goodness lead us deeper into a Jesus Centered LIfe.

Discussion Q’s Page 2

How can you “keep God’s mercy in view” as you live your life?
What is true worship?
What opportunities do you have in your life to “offer your body as a living sacrifice”?
What do you believe is your spiritual gifting?
Has there ever been a time you have served or taken actions for Jesus that has brought about joy/peace/sense of purpose? What did you do?
What is the most challenging “Jesus-Centered Action” in vs. 9-21 for you to take today?
Is there anything from Rom. 12, you want to apply in your student leadership journey?
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