SF251- Life Changing Prayer (Acts 4 23-33)
Acts 4:23-33
"Prayer Changes Things.”
Prayer changes people and people change things.
This Prayer Meeting Was A Result Of
"Christians are like tea. Their real strength comes out when they get into hot water."
"Do not pray for easy lives," wrote Phillips Brooks. "Pray to be stronger men and women. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for power equal to your tasks."
This is the kind of prayer that changes lives
Powerful Praying
Notice the ingredients:
1B. Praise God as the creator (4:24)
"Lord" = Greek title for a ruler, One who is over all, possessing supreme authority.
There is no one or nothing greater than God.
2B. Praise God as the controller (4:25-28)
Nothing can frustrate the plan of God. (4:28)
Ø "No panic in heaven, only plans!" Corrie Ten Boone
No one can intimidate the people of God.
"The threats of the Sanhedrin seemed rather weak compared with that‑rather like a two‑year‑old with a plastic toy hammer threatening the village blacksmith." John Phillips
3B. Praise God as the conqueror (4:26)
Quote of Psalm 2 ‑ All about the conquering sovereign!
Sin Cannot Win
Faith Cannot Fail
The first time He came, He came in weakness, and God allowed men to do their worst to His Beloved. The next He will come for war, in all the power of His might. The first time His glory was veiled; the next time it will be displayed in dazzling splendor. The first time they shed His blood; the next He will shed theirs.
Late one night a little boy was reading a murder mystery. It had a terrible villain and a beautiful heroine. The villain was always plotting some horrible deed to perform against this heroine. The little boy was worried and distraught concerning the heroine. Finally, he could stand it no more. So he quickly turned and read the last chapter and discovered that the villain got it in the end and that the heroin was preserved. Then he went back to the book. Each time the villain would plot something evil to do the little boy would just laugh and say go ahead and plot, it will do you no good. You loose, I have read the last chapter. The same is true for the church ‑ let Satan plot all he wants. It is OK. We know who wins for we have read the last chapter.
"bond-servants" = Bond Slaves ‑ Commitment
The key to answered pray is total submission to God.
This includes God's purpose:
1B. To express the Word of God (4:29)
They did not pray for protection from persecution.
Ø They prayed for power to preach.
2B. To extend the work of God (4:30a)
We are the Body of Christ.
Ø God has no hands but our hands.
3B. To exalt the Son of God (4:30b)
“Name” = character/person
Ø Praying in Jesus' name is praying in the authority and for the glory of Christ.
"Prayer is the means of getting God's will done on earth, not man's will done in heaven." Warren Wiersbe
God promises to answer this kind of praying. Notice here:
1B. The Spirit was received (4:31)
This event teaches us:
We cannot operate on yesterday's experience.
We cannot separate the fullness of the Spirit from the witness of the servant.
Ø God fills us so we can witness.
They knew they were filled.
2B. Real unity was achieved (4:32)
Some churches are:
Ø Wired together by organization
Ø Frozen together by formalism
Ø Rusted together by tradition
We are to be:
Ø Fused together by the Spirit
3B. The gospel was believed (4:33)
Three Greats
Great power (4:33a)
Great grace (4:33b)
Great fear (5:11)
"Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God."
"Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all ‑ pray." R.A. Torrey
What Does This Mean?
Ø The time will come when for God to answer your prayer will mean more to you that anything in the world.
Ø Because you have loved ones who are lost you need learn how to Pray to Change Lives.
Ø Your life, your family, this church, your community, our country, our world will not witness the power of God they ought if we do not pray with power.
Acts 4:23-33
1A. THIS WAS A PRAYER OF __________________ (4:23-28)
1B. Praise God as the __________________ (4:24)
2B. Praise God as the ________________ (4:25-28)
Nothing can ______________________ the plan of God. (4:28)
No one can ________________ the people of God.
3B. Praise God as the __________________ (4:26)
2A. THIS WAS A PRAYER OF _________________ (4:29-30)
1B. To ________________ the Word of God (4:29)
2B. To ________________ the work of God (4:30a)
3B. To _________________ the Son of God (4:30b)
3A. THIS WAS A PRAYER OF __________________ (4:31-33)
1B. The Spirit was _____________________ (4:31)
We cannot __________ on yesterday's experience.
We cannot _________________ the fullness of the Spirit from the witness of the servant.
God fills us so we can _______________________.
They knew they were _______________________.
2B. Real __________________ was achieved (4:32)
3B. The gospel was _____________________ (4:33)
Great ______________________ (4:33a)
Great ______________________ (4:33b)
Great ______________________ (5:11)