SF257 - The Pastor as a Fellowship Builder (1 Peter 5 1-3)
@LEVEL ONE = 1PE 5:1‑3
@LEVEL TWO = Three Groups That Build Fellowship
@LEVEL THREE = Deacons
@ILL TEXT = After hundreds of fruitless years, a model minister has been found to suit everyone. It is guaranteed that he will please all the people in any church.<R>He preaches only 20 minutes, but thoroughly expounds the Word.<R>He condemns sin, but never hurts anyone's feelings.<R>He works from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. doing every type work from preaching in the pulpit to janitor work.<R>He makes $100 a week, wears good clothes, buys good books regularly, has a nice family, drives a nice car, and gives $50 a week to the church.<R>He stands ready to give to any good cause, also.<R>His family is completely model in department, dress and attitude.<R>He is 26 years old and has been preaching for 30 years.<R>He is tall, short, thin, heavyset, handsome, has one brown eye and one blue eye, hair parted in the middle, left side dark and straight, right side blond and wavy.<R>He has a burning desire to work with teenagers and spend all his time with the older people.<R>He smiles all the time with a straight face because he has a sense of humor that keeps him seriously dedicated to his work.<R>He makes 15 calls a day on church members, spends all his time evangelizing the unchurched, and is never out of the office.
@LEVEL TWO = The NT emphasis is on function rather than status
@LEVEL TWO = 1B. Elder
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. "Presbuteros"
@LEVEL FOUR = Refers to one who either by wisdom or age has gained a place of respect and influence.
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. Comes from a Jewish Background.
@LEVEL FOUR = Used first in the Jerusalem church (ACT 11:30)
@LEVEL THREE = 3C. Emphasis is on wisdom and spiritual maturity
@LEVEL THREE = 4C. Implies leading by example
@SCRIPTURE = HEB 13:7<R>Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
@LEVEL TWO = 2B. Oversight ‑ Bishop
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. "Episkapos"
@LEVEL FOUR = To oversee, superintend, administer
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. Describes the administrative work of the Pastor
@LEVEL FOUR = The Pastor is to manage/oversee the work of the Lord in the local church.
@LEVEL THREE = 3C. The Pastor must lead the church no one else can.
@LEVEL TWO = 3B. Feed ‑ Pastor
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. "Poimen"
@LEVEL FOUR = To shepherd, nurture, feed and care for.
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. Describe the shepherd ministry of the Pastor
@LEVEL FOUR = Care for the sheep
@LEVEL FOUR = Feed the sheep
@LEVEL FOUR = Protect the sheep
@LEVEL TWO = 4B. Pastoral Staff
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. Elder is often used in the plural allowing for the plurality of elders.
@SCRIPTURE = ACT 20:17<R>And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church.
@LEVEL FOUR = This is the model for a pastoral staff team.
@LEVEL FOUR = Rule of thumb 1/150 in attendance
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. In order for the church to grow the pastoral staff team must share the load.
@LEVEL FOUR = Administratively
@LEVEL FOUR = Pastorally
@LEVEL FOUR = Evangelistically
@LEVEL THREE = 3C. Senior Pastor is responsible to lead the team.
@LEVEL TWO = 1B. Labor Among You (v.12)
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. Work Hard
@LEVEL FOUR = Being a pastor is hard work physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. Work Hard Among
@LEVEL FOUR = Need to be visible
@LEVEL FOUR = Need to be accountable
@LEVEL TWO = 2B. Are Over You
@SCRIPTURE = "Proistemi" ‑ Oversee, role of administrator used to describe three functions; oversight, leadership, and protection.
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. Pastoral Leadership should be proven
@SCRIPTURE = 1TI 3:4‑5<R>One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. Pastoral Leadership should be honored
@SCRIPTURE = 1TI 5:17<R>Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
@LEVEL THREE = 3C. Pastoral Leadership is accountable to God
@SCRIPTURE = HEB 13:17<R>Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account,
@ILL TEXT = Growing churches give their pastors the responsibility and freedom to oversee the mission of the church.
@LEVEL THREE = 4C. Pastoral Leadership is qualified
@SCRIPTURE = "in the Lord"
@LEVEL THREE = 5C. Pastoral Leadership is God's design for the church
@SCRIPTURE = HEB 13:15‑17<R>By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
@LEVEL THREE = 6C. Pastoral Leadership is not dictatorial control
@LEVEL THREE = 7C. Pastoral Leadership is shared ministry not shared authority.
@LEVEL TWO = 3B. Admonish ‑ Instruction
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. This ministry is given greater weight in the NT
@SCRIPTURE = ACT 6:2<R>Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. This is the equipping ministry of the church.
@SCRIPTURE = EPH 4:11‑13<R>And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
@ILL TEXT = George Gallup once illustrated this apparent hostility with a story of a mother and a son arguing at the breakfast table on Sunday morning about whether the son was going to church or not. Finally, the son said, "I can think of two good reasons why I shouldn't go to church. First of all, I don't like any of the people there very much, and secondly, none of the people there like me." The mother answered him right back, saying, "Well, I can think of two good reasons why you should go to church. First of all, you're forty‑five years old, and secondly, they pay you to be the pastor of the church!"
@LEVEL TWO = 1B. In Relationship To The People
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. Relationship to a person
@LEVEL FOUR = A Christian brother
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. Relationship to a position
@LEVEL FOUR = God established
@LEVEL FOUR = God appointed
@LEVEL FOUR = God anointed
@LEVEL TWO = 2B. In Relationship To God
@LEVEL THREE = 1C. They have an unique calling
@LEVEL THREE = 2C. They have an unique responsibility
@LEVEL THREE = 3C. They have an unique accountability
@LEVEL THREE = Pastors Are Called By God To:
@LEVEL FOUR = Lead His Church
@LEVEL FOUR = Feed His Sheep
@LEVEL FOUR = Protect His Flock
@LEVEL THREE = God's People Must Allow Their Pastor To Fulfill His Role By
@LEVEL FOUR = Following‑Feeding‑Submitting